Description of the Apollo tomato variety, its characteristics and yield

Thanks to the hard work of breeders, orange, pink, and purple tomatoes are grown in various regions; many gardeners plant the Apollo tomato, the fruits of which have an original shape and ripen in damp and cool weather both in the greenhouse and in the garden.

Bright, sweetish fruits serve as decoration for any table and are valued for their beneficial properties. They saturate the human body with vitamins and minerals, act as antioxidants, and prevent the formation of tumors.

tomato Apollo

Features of the variety

Summer residents who grow the Apollo F1 hybrid give it only positive characteristics, since the tomato is not susceptible to disease and normally tolerates weather surprises. Numerous reviews indicate that the variety is valued:

  • for high productivity;
  • for a pleasant sweetish taste;
  • for resistance to cracking.

The indeterminate plant grows up to one and a half meters in height. Up to 12 elongated tomatoes are formed on one brush, about 50 on a bush. The first fruit ripens on the 108th day after germination, and weighs from 110 to 200 g. A harvest of 14 kg is harvested per square meter of area.

sweetish fruits

Tomatoes have:

  • elliptical shape with a spout;
  • in red;
  • dense pulp.

There is a green spot near the stalk. Although the Apollo variety belongs to F1 hybrids, seeds can be collected from ripe fruits. They make strong seedlings.

indeterminate plant

How to form a bush?

Apollo has clear advantages over low-growing varieties. The crop does not take up much space in the greenhouse because it grows upward. New buds are constantly forming on the brushes. Fresh fruits are harvested in open ground until September.

The seedlings are sent to the garden bed 55 days after sowing for seedlings. These tomatoes begin to bloom when only 8 leaves appear. For tomatoes to produce good yield:

clear advantages

  1. The bushes are tied to a support.
  2. Remove side branches.
  3. Stepchildren cut off.

If this is not done, the plant thickens, air circulation deteriorates, which leads to the appearance of powdery mildew and gray rot. The lower leaves need to be torn off. When growing the Apollo variety in open ground, pinch the top of the bush in August. Then the set fruits have time to ripen before the cold weather.

low-growing varieties

Cultivation care

Hybrids, like other varietal tomatoes, are preferably planted after dill, cucumbers, cauliflower, zucchini, and parsley. Per square meter you need to place 3 bushes at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Particular attention must be paid to watering. Heat-loving tomatoes love the sun, but they also need moisture. With its deficiency, the fruits do not set well, but an excess is also harmful to the crop. In cool and wet summers, it is better not to water the plant; in hot and dry weather, this should be done three times a week. To make tomatoes happy with the harvest:

the plant thickens

  1. Do not add large amounts of minerals.
  2. It is better to fertilize the ground near the bushes with a mixture of ash and crushed egg shells.
  3. Several times a season you need to feed the plant with a solution of manure and chicken droppings, infusing such products in water.
  4. It is advisable to alternate the application of organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. To stimulate the appearance of ovaries, tomatoes are sprayed with boric acid, and 2 g of this substance is dissolved in water.

After each watering, the soil near the crop must be loosened.

After reading the description of the tomato, many summer residents began to grow the Apollo variety in unfavorable climate conditions and were not disappointed in their choice. With proper care, the bushes do not get sick in the damp summer, and the tomatoes have time to ripen before the onset of autumn fogs.

adding organic matter
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