Description of the Bochata tomato variety, characteristics and cultivation

A relatively new variety, the Bochata tomato, has already earned the preference of summer residents. It is grown for its yield and versatility of fruit use. It appeared in 2016.

Basic ideas about the plant

The characteristics of the variety are the key points when selecting species for cultivation on the site. A detailed description will help any gardener. He can easily grow a good harvest.


  • Bush: semi-determinate.
  • Height: 90-110 cm.
  • There are 4-5 tomatoes in one brush.
  • Ripens within 115-125 days.


  • Shape: prism-oval, barrel-shaped.
  • Weight: 300 gr.
  • Color: red.
  • Taste: excellent.
  • Density: high.
  • Transportability: at the highest level, the presentation is preserved.
  • Keeps for a long time.

How to plant and care for the species

The variety is suitable for greenhouses and open ground. It has no special cultivation characteristics. Planted by seedlings. Seeds are sown 55-60 days before planting at a permanent growing location.

Tomato seeds

Seedlings require attention. Caring for it is laying a solid foundation for the future harvest. It is necessary to carry out diving and plant them in separate pots. The plant forms a powerful stem and is then more easily accepted in its permanent place. Temperature and lighting are also regulated and maintained at optimal levels.

The first 5 days the temperature is 15-16 ⁰С, after – 20-22 ⁰С.

To increase future yields, you should feed your tomatoes. To do this, water with solutions that stimulate growth.

Plant seedlings only after the threat of night frosts has passed. At 1 m2 place 4-6 plants. Form into 2-3 stems. Water with warm water in the evening when the sun sets. Weed, loosen and hill up as necessary.

Harvest volume and application. Characteristic for the type of disease

To get a good harvest, you need to follow agricultural practices. The yield of 1 plant is 2.5-3.5 kg.

Application is universal. Tomatoes are suitable for canning in their entirety and are used for processing. Juices and tomato paste are made from them.

Three tomatoes

Use fresh in salads, appetizers, soups. Their excellent taste has made them a favorite of many vegetable growers.

Tomato is not resistant to diseases. Requires constant attention to appearance for the presence of the first signs of disease development. It is necessary to process the seed material, then adult plants.

Positive and negative sides

To make it easier for summer residents to understand the value of the variety, its characteristics are divided into positive and negative.

Tomato seeds


  • good yield;
  • the fruits are not subject to cracking and retain their presentation for a long time;
  • universal use of tomatoes for food.


  • susceptibility to disease;
  • formation requirement.

Large tomatoes

What gardeners say about the Bochata variety

If you read reviews from vegetable growers, you can find a lot of useful information regarding growing, shaping, and feeding plants.

  • Sveta. The variety conquered with its yield, sweet taste and density of fruits. Formed into 3 stems. I advise you to leave more stepsons, the tomato will pull out. These tomatoes were the first on the planting list.
  • Nadia. The planting attempt failed and the seedlings died for unknown reasons. Next year I will try to plant again.

The unusual shape of the fruit has made the variety very popular among summer residents. Their excellent taste appeals to everyone who tries the vegetable.
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