Description of the tomato variety Champion f1 and its characteristics

“Champion F1” is a hybrid of Ukrainian selection, bred in the mid-90s of the last century and recommended for open ground. The “Weight Champion” tomato should not be confused with the “F1 Champion” tomato, as this variety has completely different qualities.

“Champion F1” has become one of those ground tomatoes that has been loved and widely cultivated for a long time by both gardeners and farmers for its excellent commercial characteristics.

Characteristics and description of the variety: the tomato variety “Champion F1” is mid-early. The vegetative period lasts 95-105 days, depending on the region of cultivation. The bushes of “Champion F1” are medium-sized, reaching 1.2-1.5 m. The leaves are of normal shape, light green. The stem is strong and sinewy.

Pruning and tying must be carried out throughout the life of the plant so that the fruits grow larger. The yield reaches 5-6 kg per plant.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse

Fruit characteristics

Description: “Champion F1” tomatoes produce fruits that are round, slightly flattened at the top and bottom. The color of the fruit is bright, rich red. The hybrid has excellent product and taste characteristics:

  1. The fruits on the bushes are the same, large, mass reach 300-400 grams.
  2. Beautiful, bright red color.
  3. Dense, moderately juicy pulp, sugary at the edges.
  4. Good taste.
  5. Bright tomato aroma of ground tomatoes.
  6. During transportation, it holds its shape well, does not wrinkle or burst.
  7. A ripe fruit retains its commercial quality for up to 1 week, and brown tomatoes can be stored and ripen without losing their taste for 1-1.5 months.

These tomatoes are great for barrel pickling, making juice, purees, pastes, etc.

Growing tomatoes

Tomatoes are a unique product in which, after heat treatment, the amount of vitamins in juice and tomato paste exceeds their content in fresh vegetables.

Growing Tips for Beginners

“Champion F1” is practically not susceptible to tomato diseases. However, it can develop blossom end rot or bacterial black spot.

Soil liming is used against blossom end rot. It is carried out in the fall after harvesting. In order to prevent diseases and treat black bacterial spot, the bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

Name Features of cultivation
Sowing For sowing, the seeds should first be kept in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 1 hour.


Seeds for seedlings are sown 55-60 days before planting at a permanent growing site.Planting pattern 50 x 40 cm, 3-4 bushes per 1 square. m.
The soil


“Champion F1” loves slightly acidic soil with a high calcium content, so in the fall the soil should be limed on the site.
Crop rotation


You cannot plant tomatoes after tomatoes or potatoes. The best predecessors for them are cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, parsley, and dill.
Top dressing


Tomatoes of this variety are very sensitive to the potassium content in the soil, so you should carefully consider the composition of the soil on the site and apply potassium fertilizers according to the scheme three times during the entire growing period. Also, due to the fact that Champion tomatoes have many large fruits, they need to be fertilized with organic fertilizers.

Mulching the soil also stimulates productivity well, prevents the soil from drying out and prevents the growth of weeds under the bushes.

Collecting seeds


The seeds of these tomatoes are not collected, since the hybrids do not retain their qualities in the second generation.

tomato sprout
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