Description of the tomato variety Iskorka, features of cultivation and care

Among the large number of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, some species have been known to farmers for decades. One of these varieties approved for cultivation in the Ural and Siberian climates, the Iskorka tomato, was bred back in 1985. The article contains a detailed description of the plant, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as basic rules for caring for tomatoes.

Main characteristics of vegetable crops

The tomato is characterized by high yield, excellent transportability and keeping quality. The variety is intended for cultivation in open ground.The bushes are plants of the ordinary type, determinate, small, no more than 55 cm in height. Branching and foliage cover are moderate; the bush must be pinched and tied up.

tomato Sparkle

The leaves of the plant are medium in size, green in color, have a dissected and slightly corrugated shape. Inflorescences begin to form above the 5th or 6th leaf, and then through the leaf. The inflorescence of the intermediate type is formed by flowers in the amount of 8–10 pieces.

The fruits of the Iskorka variety with a smooth surface have an elongated oval shape and good pulp density with regularly located nests (3-4 per fruit). An unripe tomato has a light green color; when ripe, the color of the fruit turns red without a spot near the stalk. The weight of a tomato varies from 80 to 110 g. A positive characteristic of tomato fruits is that they do not crack, which ensures their good transportability.

medium size

The variety is a mid-early variety; its growing season lasts up to 110 days. Harvest occurs in July-August. From 1 sq. m., on average, they harvest from 4 to 7 kg of fresh tomatoes, which ripen well in the summer. Reviews from vegetable lovers about its taste are always the most positive. The fruits are suitable for sale, fresh consumption and canning.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Iskorka variety

The advantages of tomato include the following characteristics:

corrugated form

  • tomatoes are well adapted to infrequent harvesting;
  • Iskorka is loved for its excellent taste and preservation;
  • high yields make it possible to grow vegetables both in dachas for personal needs and in large farms for sale and processing.

The main disadvantage of the Iskorka tomato is its susceptibility to the pathogens of macrosporiosis and late blight.Taking this into account, plant care must necessarily include regular seed dressing, rejection of diseased seedlings and treatment of bushes with fungicidal agents.

suitable for sale

Features of growing tomatoes Iskorka

Before sowing, seeds must be prepared as follows:

  • select the largest and most complete seeds manually or using a sieve;
  • warm up for at least 48 hours at a temperature of 30 °C;
  • then warm up for about 72 hours at a temperature of 50 ° C;
  • if desired, the seeds are soaked in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.

macrosporiosis and late blight

Universal soil is suitable for growing seedlings; before sowing the seeds, it must be thoroughly moistened. Do not plant the seeds too thickly, otherwise the plants will be weak. If seedlings are grown in containers, they are covered with film.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the containers are placed in a lighted and cool place before planting in the ground. At the end of March and beginning of April, strong young plants are planted in prepared beds to a depth of 1.5 cm. Soil temperature is a very important condition for the growth of vegetables. It must be at least 20 °C.

seeds are soaked

The Iskorka variety prefers light soil with a slightly acidic reaction. The sprouts are planted according to a 60x30 cm pattern, adding about 10 g of superphosphate to the hole. Plants should be watered abundantly after sunset using warm water.

When healthy bushes begin to form, they should be tied to stakes. At the same time, the pinching procedure begins, which will speed up the harvest.

grow vegetables
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