Description of the Shakira tomato variety and its characteristics

Among the numerous varieties of tomatoes, varieties of Dutch selection, for example, the Shakira F1 tomato, are especially popular. They produce excellent harvests in central Russia and southern Russia, as well as in Moldova and Ukraine. Among these varieties, there are about 20 tomatoes that are the most popular and are valued for their high yield, protection from disease, and active development.

Let's take a closer look at the description of the variety and characteristics.


Shakira tomatoes belong to the mid-early, indeterminate varieties. These are plants that can have a height of up to 1.5 meters, and grow up to 2 meters if the crown is not pinched.To ensure the stability of the stem, it is recommended to tie them to a trellis or stakes. They develop best in greenhouses, but can also be grown in open ground.

The fruits are fleshy, sweet and sour in taste, flat-round in shape, covered with a dense skin that does not crack, and ripen in 110-115 days.
One of the most significant characteristics for gardeners is that the variety has good protection against common tomato diseases.

Shakira variety

Tomatoes of the Shakira F1 variety do not get sick:

  • tobacco mosaic virus;
  • fusarium;
  • cladosporiosis.

In rare cases, they become ill with late blight, which is most common among tomatoes.


Plants grow up to 1.5 meters high, with large, bright green leaves and a well-developed root system. The fruits of the variety are formed on a cluster; each can contain 5-6 tomatoes. They are quite large in size, weighing between 250-300 grams.

tomato diseases

Tomatoes are red when ripe. Excellent for preparing salads, canning and eating fresh.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings are sown in the first ten days of March. To do this, prepare containers with soil intended for growing tomato and pepper seedlings. Soil is poured, about 10-12 cm high, and grooves are drawn.

Seeds of the Shakira F1 variety can not be soaked and treated with potassium permanganate, but carefully laid out on the grooves every 2 cm, covered with soil one to one and a half centimeters. Lightly water with melt water, cover with film, and place in a warm place for germination. After 5-7 days, shoots will begin to appear.

Shakira tomato

The film must be removed and the box with seedlings placed on the windowsill, closer to the light. After 2 true leaves appear, it is recommended to pick the plants.Tomatoes should be planted in separate pots. If there is not enough light, it is advisable to illuminate it with a lamp.

When more favorable conditions arrive (around the beginning of May), the seedlings are planted in greenhouses. After planting, it is recommended to water and loosen the soil well. If the seedlings are developed and tall, then it is recommended to immediately attach a trellis near each plant.

tomatoes in the ground

Useful tips

During plant growth, it is recommended to hill them to form an additional root system. The first time is approximately on the 10th day of disembarkation, and the second time is on the 18-20th day.

In order for tomatoes to produce a good harvest, it is recommended to form 2 stems from them. It is imperative to monitor the growth of stepchildren, which must be periodically removed.

During the entire growing season, it is recommended to remove weeds, loosen and water the plants. Watering is most active when the first and then the second flower clusters grow and bloom.

Don’t forget to feed it 2 times a month with complex fertilizers.

Shakira tomato varieties have only positive reviews. Everyone who grew it was satisfied, noting the high yield, excellent taste, and resistance to disease. Tomatoes do not require special care; the fruits are large and hang beautifully on the cluster.
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