Description of the tomato variety Business Lady, its characteristics and care

Growing a Business Lady tomato on a plot is no more difficult than any other variety. There are no difficulties in growing it. The main thing is to follow the agrotechnical techniques known to all summer residents. In return, the tomato will thank you with a rich harvest.

Basic ideas about the species

Studying the characteristics of a variety helps a novice gardener avoid mistakes when growing. Compliance with recommendations will definitely be rewarded.


  • Indeterminate bush.
  • Height 1.8 m.
  • The brush consists of 5-6 tomatoes.
  • Ripens in 110–120 days.

Business lady


  • Round shape.
  • Weighing 140–150 g.
  • Color: red.
  • Density: high.
  • Taste: sweet, with characteristic sourness.
  • It can be stored for a very long time, up to 2 months.
  • Transports perfectly.

tomato varieties

How to plant and care for a plant?

It is not difficult to grow tomatoes on a plot; it is important to create suitable conditions. They use the seedling growing method. Seeds are sown approximately 60 days in advance. Deadlines are calculated individually. The climate characteristics of the region of residence are taken into account.

Be sure to pick the seedlings at phase 2 of the true leaf. Planted in separate containers, it becomes stronger and more resilient. It tolerates transplantation more easily.

transports perfectly

Before planting in a permanent place, the seedlings are hardened off. To do this, it is taken outside for 10 days. Start with 10–20 minutes and end with 8 hours. You can feed with drugs that stimulate plant growth.

Plant 3 tomato bushes of this variety per 1 m2. Since they are very tall, they must be tied to supports. Pruning is mandatory, otherwise the fruits will be small. Summer residents recommend forming 2–3 stems.

the landing itself

It is better to water in the evening; for this purpose, water is collected in containers and heated during the day. This type of watering is more acceptable for plants. Don’t forget about weeding, hilling and fertilizing.

How is the vegetable used? Productivity

Large-fruited tomatoes are not a disadvantage, but an advantage. These tomatoes are used for tomato juice, paste, ketchup and various sauces. Some housewives have gotten the hang of cooking them cut into slices. Used fresh for salads.

use vegetable

The yield of the variety, according to the description, reaches 4.5 kg per plant. Such indicators can only be achieved if all agricultural technology requirements are met.

Positive and negative characteristics

Positive and negative properties are the criterion for the final choice of a summer resident. The presence of a large number of bad qualities will quickly send the variety to the bottom of the ranking.


  • Large harvest volume.
  • The fruits are stored for a very long time.
  • Withstands transportation and does not crack
  • Almost universal.

negative characteristics


  • Tomatoes require tying to supports and pinching.

Whatever the reviews about Business Lady tomatoes, you should still try to grow them yourself. This is the only way to get a complete picture of them.

What do summer residents say about the Business Lady?

You can get more information from the summer residents themselves; in their reviews they share not only their impressions, but also give specific advice:

garters to supports

  • Tamara: I bought seeds of the Business Lady variety on the Internet, the price was inexpensive, the characteristics fully satisfied my needs. A neighbor purchased the same seeds, but at a price several times more expensive. She boasted that her harvest would be better. As a result, not a single seed sprouted. Whereas Tamara’s turned out to be qualifying bushes. There were even enough tomatoes for the neighbor.
  • Oleg: Initially, a large number of bushes were planted. They were afraid that there wouldn't be enough. The harvest was so large that the fruits were not needed. So that they do not disappear, they put them in a dark room, the harvest lasted for 2 months.

Large-fruited tomatoes Summer residents grow it mainly to eat fresh. But some housewives have gotten the hang of preserving them for the winter in cut form.

satisfied requests
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