Description of the Kmitsits tomato variety, care features and yield

Summer residents grow the Kmitsits tomato for winter harvesting. The original pear-shaped fruits look great in jars and taste good. The variety does not require much care, is productive, and may be of interest to farmers. Polish selection, grown under temporary shelters in temperate climates, and in open ground in the southern regions.


Kmitsits tomatoes are plants of the determinate type. The bushes are spreading, medium-leaved, reaching a height of 70 cm. The leaves are potato-type, medium-sized. The stepsons do not need to be removed; if desired, the tomato variety Kmitsits can be grown in 3–4 stems. Support is needed.

The variety is mid-early, the period of fruit ripening begins in 67–78 days. It is recommended to plant no more than 4 bushes per square meter, adhering to a planting pattern of 40x50 cm. The description of the Kmitsits variety will be incomplete if the characteristics of the fruit are not listed; they are shown in the table.

tomato Kmits

Characteristic Description
form oblong, pear-shaped
color bright red
weight 60–70 g
keeping quality good
transportability good
taste classic, tomato
skin durable, does not crack

The fruits can be used to prepare everyday dishes with heat treatment, cut into salads, and processed. Beautiful pear-shaped fruits are pickled, salted, dried, and used to make juices, ketchups, and tomato paste.

potato type

Reviews about the productivity of the Kmitsits tomato are positive. Summer residents are among the first to harvest tomatoes of this variety. Fruiting continues from July to September. 4–6.5 kg of pear-shaped fruits are collected per square meter. The advantage of the variety is its resistance to late blight.


Ekaterina: “I prefer to plant cream, so the Kmitsits tomato is one of my favorite varieties. Bush care is minimal. I don’t get carried away with fertilizing: once in June I water it with herbal infusion, and in early and mid-August I spray it with milk and iodine. The bushes remain healthy all summer and bear fruit well. I tie the branches to the support. Without fixation, the bushes fall apart. I pickle the tomatoes and freeze them for the winter.”

Polish variety

Ilona: “An excellent variety, the seeds have good germination, the seedlings grow strong. The bushes didn’t hurt, caring for them was easy, I didn’t remove any stepchildren. The tomatoes are ripe on the bush, the yield is not bad, but I didn’t weigh the tomatoes, so I can’t say exactly how much I took per square meter.”

Olga: “Not a bad variety, not a favorite, but one of my top three favorites.It has a good combination of taste, yield and early ripeness. I picked the first ripe tomatoes on July 1, the fruits range from small 35 g to medium 75 g. The pulp is fleshy, there are few seeds, the taste is real, tomato. Bushes up to 80 cm high.”

yield reviews

Planting and care

Kmita is grown through seedlings. Seeds are sown in March. Seedlings at the age of 55 days are ready for planting in open ground. To prevent diseases, seeds should be soaked for 15–20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate before sowing.

When choosing a place to plant, adhere to the rules of crop rotation. Where tomatoes grew last season, you should not make holes; beds where zucchini, carrots or onions grew last summer are more suitable.

seeds produce

Add complex fertilizers to the soil for digging according to the norm. Drive stakes with a height of 1 to 1.4 m into the holes in the center. After transplanting into the ground, the Kmitsits tomato bushes need to be fed with mullein infusion or ammonium nitrate after 2 weeks.. The next 2 feedings during flowering and fruiting are carried out with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. All summer care for Kmitsits tomatoes comes down to weekly watering and loosening the soil.

The successful plum-shaped tomato variety Kmitsits will not let you down and will delight you with a good harvest even in a stormy summer. The fruits will please everyone, fresh or pickled.

disease prevention
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