Each tomato variety has its own purpose. Thus, many summer residents choose the Lagidny tomato for preserving whole fruits. The specifics of growing this vegetable crop are not difficult; to get a successful harvest, it will be enough to know a few nuances of agrotechnical work.
Features of the variety
The Lagidny tomato variety was obtained by Kyiv breeders at the horticultural experimental station of the Ukrainian Research Institute. Since 1993, the variety has been approved for cultivation in the Far Eastern regions, the Central Black Earth region and the Middle Volga region. The tomato is recommended for growing in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.
Variety characteristics:
- Lagidny tomato is an early ripening crop.The growing season from seed germination to full ripening of the fruit is 110–120 days.
- The plant is high-yielding. Number of fruits per 1 sq. m. is more than 9 kg.
- The bush is non-standard, determinate, 50–60 cm high.
- The leaves are simple, medium in size, dark green in color.
- The first raceme is once branched, with 4–5 fruits, tied above the 6th leaf, followed by a periodicity of 1–2 leaves.
- The root system coming from the stem is well developed.
A special feature of the variety is the quality of the fruits, which can be consumed both fresh and processed.
Description of fruits
The Lagidny variety has gained particular popularity in fruit and vegetable growing for the taste of its fruits, which are endowed with a high sugar content. The appearance and strength of the skin allow you not only to get a tasty, beautiful summer salad, but also whole-fruit canned tomatoes. The fruits are also used in the preparation of sauces, pastes and other winter dishes.
Description of the tomato at the transportability stage:
- weight – 50–90 grams;
- shape – plum-shaped;
- color – bright red;
- pulp – fleshy;
- taste qualities are high.
According to reviews from gardeners, the fruits of the Lagidny variety tolerate transportation well, maintaining their appearance during long-distance transportation.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Like all fruit crops, the Lagidny tomato has its pros and cons when growing. Therefore, before purchasing seeds, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages in advance.
Advantages of the variety:
- friendly ripening of tomatoes;
- fruit resistance to cracking;
- good yield even in unfavorable years;
- high transportability qualities;
- ease of care.
The variety is also endowed with good immunity to bacterial spot.
Disadvantages of the variety:
- poor resistance to late blight;
- susceptibility to septoria;
- frequent damage by macrosporiosis.
In addition, for good yield, tomato requires fertile soil and timely agricultural technology.
Agricultural technology
The Lagidny variety can be grown by seedlings in open ground or by sowing seeds in greenhouses. The main component of agricultural technology is the processing of seed material.
Important. Before planting seeds, it is recommended to treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate and then rinse with warm water. In this case, it will be possible to increase the germination of planting material and neutralize it from fungal infections.
After germination of seedlings, the following agricultural techniques are carried out:
- At the stage of formation of 2 true leaves, picking is carried out.
- Plants are planted according to the scheme - 30x70 cm.
- During the period from seed germination to the appearance of the first inflorescences, fertilizing with complex fertilizers is applied 3 times.
- All side shoots of the bush are removed before the first cluster appears.
- It is recommended to regularly shoot tomatoes, forming a plant with one stem.
- Despite its short stature, the bush is tied to a support or trellis.
Watering, weeding, loosening and disease prevention are carried out in a standard way as needed.
The best predecessors for Lagidny tomatoes are: carrots, cucumbers, onions and legumes. According to the recommendations of experienced specialists, for good pollination it is necessary to attract insects. To do this, the plant will need to be sprayed with a sugar solution prepared from: 1 liter of water, 100 grams of sugar and 2 grams of boric acid.
By following these simple expert tips and the above agricultural techniques, even a beginner in fruit and vegetable growing will receive a decent yield of tasty tomatoes for whole-fruit canning.