Description of the tomato variety Micron NK, method of cultivation and characteristics

For those people who do not have their own plot or simply want to eat fresh tomatoes in the middle of winter, Mikron NK is the most suitable variety. It is grown on the windowsill in separate containers.

What is the variety

Growing tomatoes on a windowsill It’s not difficult, you just need to take seriously the choice of a plant that can produce a harvest in cramped conditions.

Characteristics of the type:

  • The height of the bush is 10-13 cm.
  • Tomatoes come in 2 colors, yellow and red.
  • Fruit ripening period is 100-110 days.
  • Resistant to cold and not dependent on daylight hours.


It is better to grow Micron NK tomatoes at home using seedlings. It is advisable to prepare the soil with the following composition:

  • 1 kg of black soil.
  • 200 gr. sand (fine is best).
  • 100 gr. peat
  • Compost 1kg.

For 1-2 hours before sowing, treat the soil with boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate.

Micron NK tomatoes care
The seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The first day is covered with polyethylene, then opened and placed in a sunny window. A maximum of 5 days will pass before the first shoots appear. The air temperature should be +22-25 ⁰C during the day, and +15-17 ⁰C at night.

When the first leaves appear, the temperature is reduced to +20 ⁰С. It is advisable to ventilate the room. Not forgetting about humidity, waterlogging threatens the development of “Blackleg”.

In general, growing Micron NK tomatoes is no different from other tomato varieties; they must be picked at phase 2 of the true leaf. Does not require pinching or gartering.

Rules of care

Agricultural requirements that are recommended to be met so that tomatoes can grow and produce an excellent harvest:

indoor tomatoes

  • Proper watering. Regular and timely watering will ensure that the plant will form ovaries, grow well and the fruits will ripen smoothly. If there is not enough water, the ovary falls off, and excess moisture leads to the development of diseases. It is best to water 2 times a week. There should be a little water, preferably so that it does not get on the plant. While the tomatoes are blooming, watering is stopped; after the ovaries begin to fill, it is resumed. It is best to use boiled water for tomatoes. Of course, after cooling it first.
  • Light. It is best that the window sill on which the pots are placed is on the south side. At the same time, periodically, once every 2 days, the containers are turned by 180⁰.This is done to ensure that the plant does not become deformed and grows evenly. Micron NK does not depend on lighting, so installation of additional lamps is not required.
  • Feeding. They begin with the period of growing seedlings. After picking, in the 3rd week, the first feeding is carried out. In this case, special fertilizer compositions, mineral or organic, are introduced. This procedure is carried out on the 2nd day after watering.
  • Pollination. Sometimes help with pollination is needed. Just shake the plant lightly.

tomato micron nc

Opinions of those who tried to plant Micron NK tomatoes

The tomato varieties grown on window sills are very diverse. Each gardener has his own opinion on this matter, which one is the best. Here's what they say about this species.

  • Vanilla. I planted different varieties of tomatoes. Mikron NK is considered the best in this category. The fruits are very small, aromatic, but slightly sour. I like to decorate holiday table dishes with them. All the guests are surprised and ask if they can eat them. They look very nice on windows as decorations.
  • Irina. I tried to grow it but it didn’t work out, the tomatoes didn’t produce a harvest. In my opinion, they were very hot and dark.

Mikron NK is great not only for enjoying your own harvest in the middle of winter, but also for decorating your home space.
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