The average ripening period of a tomato, most suitable for any type of canning. The Palmyra tomato is used for everything, including freezing and drying.
Basic ideas about the variety
Detailed characteristics of the variety are studied by beginners for a reason. This information helps to correctly place the plant on the site and avoid mistakes when growing.
- Indeterminate,
- 1.9-2 m tall.
- 5-8 tomatoes per brush.
- Ripens within 105-110 days.
- Orange color.Elongated shape.
- Weight 90 g, length 8-10 cm.
- The pulp is dense.
- Great taste.
- Keeps for a long time.
- Tolerates transportation well.
How to plant and care for a plant
The tomato is suitable for growing in any environment, open ground, greenhouse, film shelters. The time for sowing seeds is calculated independently. It depends on the growing region. 2 months before planting in a permanent place, the seed is sown in the prepared soil.
Be sure to pick, it makes the seedlings stronger. Placement into separate containers is carried out during the formation phase of 2 real sheets.
Maintaining temperature and lighting helps tomatoes strengthen their root system.
Timely fertilizing is necessary to create a reliable start for plants. By complying with all growing requirements, you get high-quality tomato seedlings that are ready for upcoming stressful situations.
Seedlings are considered ready for transplanting when 6-7 true leaves are finally formed. 3-4 of them are planted. at 1 m2. Tomatoes require shaping and tying to supports. Not all stepsons are removed, leaving the main stem and 2 shoots.
Many gardeners recommend using drip irrigation, and those who do not have this option water in the usual way. It is better to do this with warm water, after the sun begins to set.
Tomatoes need feeding, do this at least 2 times:
- During the flowering period.
- During the ripening period.
Characteristic diseases
Tomatoes of the Palmyra variety are immune to most diseases. But you shouldn’t relax, you need to carefully monitor the appearance of the bush.
If there are any deviations, be sure to take action. Tomatoes are processed with special chemical solutions or using traditional methods.
Application of fruits and harvest volume
As the description shows, this type of vegetable is universal. It is suitable for:
- Use fresh in salads, soups and other dishes.
- All types of canning for the winter.
- Processing into juices, ketchups and sauces.
- Drying, drying and freezing.
The tomato variety is called “hard worker” by gardeners for its high yield. From 1 plant you can get up to 5 kg of vegetables. Of course, subject to compliance with all rules and requirements.
Positive and negative characteristics
Positive characteristics raise the rating of the variety. This is another reason for choosing this species.
- Stable and high yield
- Immunity to diseases.
- Good product preservation during long-term transportation.
- Versatility of use.
- The requirement for care needs to be formed and tied up.
What summer residents say about Palmyra tomatoes
Various reviews about the variety mostly characterize the plant positively. By sharing their experiences and impressions, gardeners help beginners make their choice.
- Elena. I liked everything and recommend growing it in a greenhouse. Calls it a “hard worker”, since the ovaries are formed without a gap.
- Svetlana. I planted the variety in a greenhouse and formed it into 2 stems. The taste is excellent and they last a long time.
The high density of Palmyra tomatoes allows them to be grown for sale or storage.