Description of the tomato variety Vladimir F1, its characteristics and cultivation

Tomatoes are considered one of the most popular vegetable crops intended for growing in the garden. Tomato Vladimir F1 is characterized by high yield and is suitable for cultivation in any type of soil.

Characteristics of the tomato variety Vladimir

The variety Vladimir F1 belongs to the first generation hybrids. The tomato is a mid-early indeterminate hybrid for cultivation in any soil. The ripening time for vegetables after planting seeds in the soil is 100–105 days.

Tomato Vladimir

The adult plant is small in size, with medium foliage.It is necessary to tie it to a vertical support and remove side shoots. The leaves are dark green in color and have a shape characteristic of all varieties of tomatoes. Inflorescence of simple type. The first inflorescence begins to form under the 9th leaf. Subsequent ones - every 3 leaves. You can get the maximum yield if you form the bush into 2 main stems.

The variety is grown mainly in the southern regions. For planting in central, and especially northern latitudes, in most cases it is desirable to use a greenhouse. Advantages include resistance to tobacco mosaic, fusarium wilt and powdery mildew.

characteristics and cultivation

Description of tomato fruits Vladimir

Tomatoes of the Vladimir variety are large-fruited varieties with a bright red tint of skin and pulp. The shape of the fruit is round. Sometimes tomatoes grow irregularly shaped.

The skin is dense and durable. Thanks to this, ripe fruits are suitable for whole pickling. During the canning process, vegetables do not crack and the pulp remains dense. Ripe fruits are used to prepare various pickles, for example, lecho, sauces, ketchups or tomato juices. Tomatoes are also used to prepare vegetable salads.

Garter needed

Advantages and disadvantages of growing

The tomato hybrid Vladimir F1 has no serious shortcomings that affect productivity.

Advantages of the hybrid Vladimir:

  • High yield throughout the entire fruiting period.
  • Rapid emergence of seedlings.
  • The taste of ripe vegetables.
  • Universal use in cooking.
  • Thick skin.
  • Resistant to most tomato diseases.
  • It is possible to cultivate seedlings in open and closed ground.
  • Harvested vegetables can withstand long-term transportation and are suitable for sale.

emergence of seedlings

Caring for the hybrid is minimal.Particular attention is paid to watering and fertilizing during the crop growing season. The beds need to be watered rarely. If it rains often, then watering should be abandoned. Once a week, before watering, the soil is weeded and all weeds are removed. It is not necessary to weed adult bushes.

To increase productivity, the beds are watered several times a season with mineral and organic fertilizers. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are used as fertilizing. Suitable organic fertilizers include manure, chicken manure, mullein and wood ash. Depending on the condition of the bushes, the amount of fertilizing applied is increased or decreased.

collected vegetables

Reviews about tomato Vladimir

Reviews about the sport of tomato Vladimir from summer residents.

Karina, 37 years old:

“The best tomato that grew on the site. Vegetables began to ripen at the end of July. The fruits are large and taste sweet. They go well in salads and for meals. Bush care is minimal. The bushes were not watered all summer. They only applied fertilizers for yield. It is necessary to tie up the bushes due to the severity of the fruits. The branches are breaking."

who grew up

Konstantin, 65 years old:

“I ordered the seeds on the Internet. The bag contained a small amount of seeds. Shoots appeared quickly. The seedlings grew well and after transplanting they quickly took to their new location. Mature bushes are tall and leafy. Tomatoes on each branch are formed in clusters. Ripe vegetables have a pleasant, sweetish taste. The Vladimir tomato is undemanding, but the yield remains high. The first harvest began in August.”

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