Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Volgogradsky 5/95, its yield

The Volgograd tomato is the most popular variety among beginning gardeners. Tomatoes of this variety are undemanding in care and have excellent taste. The yield is quite decent. The variety was developed by Russian breeders back in the 70s of the last century, but it is still planted on private plots.

Brief description of the variety

Several types of the Volgogradsky variety have been bred: Volgogradsky 323, Volgogradsky 5/95, Volgogradsky pink. All are very productive, but there are some differences in characteristics.

Volgograd tomatoes are quite resistant to diseases typical of tomatoes.The plant has compact bushes, about 70 cm high. Sometimes bushes can grow up to 1 meter. After the fifth or sixth leaf, the first ovary is formed.

According to the description and photo of the Volgogradsky 5/95 tomato, it is clear that the fruit has a flat-round shape, with slightly pronounced ribbing. As tomatoes ripen, they take on a scarlet hue. On average, the weight of the fruit can be 90 - 150 g. Tomatoes are well transported. This variety is determinate. The plants are unpretentious to grow. The bushes are quite resistant to diseases to which tomatoes are susceptible.


Gardeners are happy to grow tomato variety Volgogradsky 5/95. The positive characteristics are as follows:

tomato seedlings

  • when grown in open ground or a greenhouse, tomatoes of this variety tolerate temperature fluctuations well;
  • the slight foliage of the stems allows the sun's rays to reach the fruits unhindered;
  • almost regardless of care, Volgogradsky 595 tomatoes have good yield and almost simultaneous fruit ripening;
  • fruits are well transported;

The positive characteristic lies in the way they are used. Tomatoes are suitable for preparing salads from fresh vegetables, suitable for canning and other processing.


Tomatoes easily adapt to greenhouse conditions and when grown in open-air beds. The variety requires minimal care at almost all stages of the growing season. It is most optimal to plant a tomato bush in beds where the following crops previously grew:

Volgograd variety tomatoes

  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • cauliflower;
  • cucumbers;
  • broccoli;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • beans.

The beds have been prepared since the fall.During digging, humus (about 1 bucket per square meter) and mineral fertilizers are added. In early spring, after loosening the soil, the beds are fertilized with ammonium nitrate. Tomato seedlings are planted when the plant is no more than 15–17 cm in height and has 9–10 leaves.

Planting is carried out after the soil has warmed to at least +14 degrees, when the threat of return of frost has passed.

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Volgogradsky 5/95, its yield

Caring for planted tomato seedlings is as follows:

  • watering is carried out in the evening, only with warm water;
  • excess moisture is dangerous for plants, as is its lack;
  • between waterings, it is recommended to shallowly loosen the top layer of soil to improve air permeability;
  • pinching is carried out to form a bush;
  • It is necessary to feed the seedlings twice with complex fertilizers or mullein.

The soil next to the plants should be cleared of growing weeds. Preventive measures are carried out periodically to prevent infection by insect pests.

Reviews from vegetable growers about Volgogradsky 5/95 tomatoes are only positive. Their unpretentiousness to growing conditions and good yield make this tomato variety the most popular among others. It is grown both for personal consumption and for sales purposes. Gardeners who have been growing this variety for many years are advised to remove the shoots in a timely manner in order to obtain maximum yield.
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