The Siberian early ripening tomato has been known to vegetable growers for a long time and has proven itself to have the best parameters. To harvest a good harvest, you need to take into account some features of the variety and its care.
General information
The Siberian early ripening tomato variety belongs to the determinant group, since at a certain point growth stops and does not require pinching the top. On average, the height of a bush is 50 cm, but it can grow up to 90 cm. Tomatoes can be grown both in open beds and in a greenhouse. Ideal for growing in the short, not too warm summers of Siberia.
Features of the plant:
- the stem is strong, with a lot of foliage;
- medium-sized leaves have a dark green color;
- 6 tomatoes are formed on one brush;
- the roots do not go too deep into the ground, but have many branches;
- the fruits begin to ripen early, approximately 110 days after planting the seeds;
- resists many diseases well.
Tomatoes of the Siberian early ripening variety are remembered for the following characteristics:
- the weight of one fruit is about 70 g;
- the surface has a bright red color;
- round shape with slight ribbing;
- small content inside the seeds;
- dense fleshy pulp contains enough juice;
- The thick skin prevents cracking, the vegetable is well stored and easily transported.
The yield is high, the berries begin to ripen at the same time, which is convenient when preparing dishes for the winter. When grown in greenhouse conditions, up to 1 kg of fruit can be collected from one bush. A tomato grown in open ground will give a slightly smaller yield, about 600 grams.
Advantages of the variety
Characteristics and description of the Siberian early ripening tomato variety includes the following positive properties:
- a large number of fruits are formed over a long period of time;
- withstands cold weather and continues to develop in such conditions;
- can be eaten in any form;
- shows unpretentiousness to soil properties and lack of care;
- the fruits ripen quickly and simultaneously;
- resistance to certain diseases.
Despite the fact that the early variety is highly resistant to some diseases, there is still a risk. Reviews from many vegetable growers contain information that the variety suffers from late blight, fusarium, and is susceptible to gray rot.
The tomato variety is often attacked by pests.Real harm can be caused by insects such as mole crickets, aphids, and wireworms. To prevent the problem or quickly expel pests, special chemicals or folk recipes are used.
Experienced vegetable growers who have planted tomatoes more than once leave positive reviews.
Ivan, 47 years old: “I planted an early-ripening Siberian tomato in my garden for several years in a row. The plant allows you to reap a good harvest, which ripens smoothly in any year, even with bad weather conditions. It does not require special care. The fruit tastes sweet with pronounced sourness. Great for a region where summers are short and cool.”
Caring for the plant
Seeds for seedlings begin to be planted in late March. It is recommended to first disinfect them, harden them and germinate them.
Make holes 1 cm deep in a container with soil, where the seeds are placed. Then the box is covered with film and moved to a warm, dry place. As soon as all the sprouts have sprouted, remove the film and continue care on a well-lit windowsill.
As soon as two leaves unfold, carry out the picking procedure into separate cups. Picking is carried out only on strong and large seedlings. They are transplanted under the open sky on the 20th of May. It is useful to add superphosphate to the holes intended for seedlings.
The interval between the pits should be approximately 50 cm. The distance between the rows should be at least 30 cm.
Another feature is that you need to form three stems. The procedure allows you to increase the amount of harvested crop. Since the stem does not grow very high, there is no need to install an additional holding structure.
Step-sonning is considered another integral procedure.If you do not cut off the side branches, the plant grows and the amount of fruit formation is significantly reduced.
It is recommended to water Siberian tomatoes with settled water early in the morning or in the evening. Avoid getting moisture on the green part of the plant. After watering or rain, you need to loosen the soil. Be sure to get rid of weeds and apply fertilizers on time.
Two weeks after planting in a permanent place, when the plant has taken root and adapted, it is recommended to mulch the soil. Straw, chopped green grass, and peat can be used as an additional layer. The mulch layer should be at least 5 cm.
Possible problems
Growing Siberian tomatoes is not difficult, but if you do not follow the rules of care, problems will arise leading to loss of harvest.
You need to water as needed. The scheme usually includes one watering every 5-6 days. If the moisture in the soil increases, rotting and fungal disease appear. If the problem has already appeared, wood ash can come to the rescue, simply sprinkle it on the soil or make a liquid solution.
If you plant seeds early, the risk of seedlings being stretched increases. Then the number of fruits decreases and susceptibility to pathogens increases. For seedlings, it is necessary to ensure the required level of humidity and air temperature, and there must be sufficient light.
The bushes of the variety are small, but sometimes they can break due to the placement of large fruits on the branches. Therefore, you need to take care and install the support in time.