Tomato Alpatieva 905 is an unpretentious and popular variety of tomatoes, which is excellent for both canning and fresh consumption.
The standard variety Alpatieva belongs to the early ripening determinate varieties. His main merit is his unpretentiousness. Even people who have never gardened in their lives can successfully grow this variety. Even novice gardeners can enjoy fresh tomatoes from their garden without much effort.
Characteristics of this variety
This variety of tomatoes is a low bush (no higher than 50 cm), very compact and does not require pinching or staking. 4-5 such bushes fit on one square meter. The foliage of the bushes is strong, the stems are erect. The leaves are medium-sized, rich green in color, corrugated. Simple inflorescences, neat and small, form on the branches. 3-6 inflorescences are formed on the central stem, the first inflorescence is formed above the 7-8 leaf, the next ones - every 1-2 leaves.
The fruits have a regular round shape, slightly flattened. Bright scarlet color. The size of the fruit varies from 60 to 100 grams. Each vegetable contains 4 nests. The surface of the vegetable is smooth. The taste cannot be called excellent, but it can be called satisfactory. If you want to please yourself with a fresh tomato salad, but at the same time you are very picky about taste, then such tomatoes are unlikely to surprise you with anything.
But they are quite suitable for canning. The tomatoes are compact and uniform in size, resistant to cracking and look great in jars, unlike other varieties that are more tasty and fleshy, but also larger and unsuitable for winter storage.
The main value of this variety is industrial. This variety is very productive. During the fruiting season, it is possible to collect 2-2.5 kg of ripe tomatoes from one bush. Harvesting begins 100-110 days after planting the seeds.
The declared characteristics of this variety indicate the possibility of its cultivation in open soil, both in the central zone of our country, and in the Ural Territory and even in Eastern Siberia.
It is important to know! Tomatoes have very beneficial properties for the human body, but unlike other vegetables, in tomatoes these properties are much stronger when boiled. Therefore, among the many juices, the only tomato juice is recommended to be taken in digested form, and not freshly squeezed.
The advantages of this variety of tomatoes
The advantages of Alpatiev tomatoes are obvious:
- Simultaneous ripening of fruits. In the first 14 days, up to 30% of the total crop ripens. This is very convenient for winter canning.
- Tomatoes can withstand sudden temperature changes well.
- Drought resistance and unpretentiousness in cultivation and care.
- The possibility of growing this variety from your own seeds. This variety is not a hybrid, which allows you to save on purchasing seeds. To collect your seeds, you need to leave a few vegetables on the bush until they are completely ripe (until soft). Then the fruits are ground through a sieve, the seeds are washed, dried and left in a secluded place until next spring.
The Alpatieva 905 a tomato variety contains special sugars that open up and give the tomatoes an original taste when salted.
The description of this variety indicates the high resistance of the plant to various pests and diseases.
Features of cultivation
This variety of tomatoes does not require any special conditions or manipulations when growing them. The plant can be planted both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Further care involves timely but not frequent watering, weed removal, fertilizing and loosening the soil.
If you decide to start growing Alpatiev tomatoes, then without much effort you will provide yourself and your loved ones with delicious canned tomatoes for the whole winter.