Tomato Octopus f1 is an unusual, amazing variety that is rarely found in garden beds. Reviews from those who planted these tomatoes are mostly positive. Many people note that the plants are not difficult to care for, and the yield is high. A distinctive characteristic is the presence of a strong stem in the form of a vine or branched tree.
Advantages of an unusual cultivated plant
The Octopus tomato can reach a large height (the height can be up to 4 m) and resembles an ordinary tree with spreading tassels. South America is considered the birthplace of this unusual variety. The variety appeared in Russia recently.
Tomato Octopus f1 has many advantages. The most common positive properties include the following:
- grows quickly and gains strength;
- the root system is stable and occupies a large area;
- the variety is resistant to temperature changes, tolerates cold and heat;
- one tree can bring a high harvest (up to 15 thousand tomatoes can be harvested);
- the tomato bush is resistant to pests and diseases;
- tolerates moisture;
- can bear fruit for several years in a row.
Description of the fruits of the Sprut tomato according to those who have already harvested the crop: the fruits are not very large in size (about 100-150 g), have a round shape, and a bright red color. The pulp is sweet, juicy, fleshy. Tomatoes last a long time. They can be preserved for the winter, and also used for making salads and juices.
Problems you may encounter
Despite the resistance of Sprut tomatoes to pests, insects can pose a real threat. They spread the infection from one fetus to another. For control, special sprays with insecticides are used. These funds can also be used for preventive purposes. The most common pest is the caterpillar.
Aphids also pose a threat to the plant. Cold water sprayed on the leaves of the bush will help get rid of it. You can plant dill nearby, the smell of which repels insects.
Another problem is the rotting of the plant. Wet weather and improper watering contribute to the spread of rot. Brown spots form on the stem, which gradually spread to the leaves and fruits. A special solution will help absorb excess moisture and protect it from rotting.
A common disease that affects the plant is late blight. The fungal infection mainly affects only tomatoes. Dark brown spots form on the stems and leaves.
Secrets of getting good results
In order for the Octopus f1 tomato tree to gain strength and produce a harvest in the garden plot, it needs to be properly cared for. Growing rules must be followed. The ideal location is a warm, spacious greenhouse. In such conditions, the tree grows tall and bears fruit for several seasons.
How to grow a tomato in a greenhouse environment? Conditions required to obtain a tomato tree Octopus f1:
- The greenhouse should be large and well heated.
- Since tree growth lasts about 1.5 years, the greenhouse must be heated all year round.
- During the first months, the stem is formed, so there is no need to wait for a harvest.
- In order for the crown to cling to something, a metal or wooden structure is constructed.
- Watering the f1 Sprut variety should be regular.
- It is recommended to spray the bushes with special preparations against diseases.
- To grow a healthy bush, it is necessary to feed it with mineral fertilizers.
Seedlings begin to be transplanted into the greenhouse in early February. The temperature in the greenhouse should be about 22 degrees, there must be enough light. When the seedlings grow a little, it is necessary to dive. Important nuances of growing Octopus in a greenhouse:
- You should not use seeds collected from bushes for planting.
- Sowing should begin at the end of January (in order for the seeds to germinate faster, they need to be germinated by placing them in a napkin soaked in water).
- The sprouted sprouts are transplanted into a prepared container filled with soil.
- After the seedlings exceed 25 cm, further care continues in the greenhouse.
- The distance between the bushes should be large (about 1.5 meters).
- The crown needs to be provided with strong support.
- Requires abundant, regular watering.
- It is necessary to use fertilizers for feeding.
- The soil should be loosened from time to time.
To grow tomato Octopus f1 in open ground, you need to prepare seedlings. For seedlings, seeds from the store will be useful. If you collect the seeds, the subsequent harvest will be of poor quality.
The technology of planting in open ground involves observing important cultivation points to obtain a high-quality harvest. Features of moving seedlings into open ground:
- Before planting, the soil is loosened and fertilized (soil with a mixture of clay and sand is best suited).
- For cultivation, select a plot of land that is well lit.
- The sprout is placed in holes about 20 cm deep, it must be protected from the wind and receive enough light.
- The root is pinched, thereby increasing branching.
- Once a month it is necessary to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers.
- As soon as one cluster of fruits ripens, all leaves must be removed from it.
- It is recommended to water the plant with iodine solution at least three times per season (one bottle of iodine is diluted in 10 liters of water and watered at the base of the plant).
It is best to move seedlings into open ground in early June, when Octopus tomatoes will have a stem larger than 20 cm in size and several leaves on it.
Octopus tomatoes can be propagated using the vegetative method. A cutting is taken from a healthy bush and planted in the soil of the greenhouse. If the cutting was taken in winter, then it is planted in a pot and cared for temporarily at home. At the beginning of spring, they are transplanted into the ground and continue to be cared for.
Harvesting begins when the fruits just begin to turn red.Then they are placed in a well-lit place where the tomatoes will ripen for another two weeks. For further storage of grown tomatoes, they need to be moved to a warm, dry room.
Varieties of Octopus
There is a wide variety of Sprut tomatoes. You can get not only red or yellow fruits, but black, green and even white. The Sprut Cream variety is considered interesting. If sufficient access to light, heat and moisture is provided, the plant can reach a height of three meters. Tomatoes are named plum because of their shape, which resembles a plum.
Characteristics of the variety:
- Octopus Cream f1 resembles a bunch of grapes with about 10 tomatoes on it.
- The fruits have an oblong shape, sweet taste and red color.
- The root is powerful, the leaves are large.
- The variety is resistant to many diseases.
- Tomato Octopus Cream can be stored for a long time (does not spoil for up to 1.5 months).
How to grow cream? The variety can be grown in open ground and in a greenhouse. To harvest a lot of crops, fertilizing is necessary. To prevent diseases, it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse, loosen the soil and spray it with a solution of iodine or potassium permanganate.
Another subspecies is the Cherry tomato. Octopus Cherry tomatoes have many positive qualities:
- cultivation can be carried out both in open ground and in a greenhouse;
- fruits are canned or added to salads;
- they sing quickly;
- bear fruit for a long time;
- in good conditions can reach 2 meters in height;
- The fruits are dense on the outside and fleshy on the inside.
Red tomatoes are round in shape. The weight of each fruit does not exceed 20 grams. There are 15-20 pieces on each long branched tassel of the plant.
Numerous reviews from summer residents who have grown tomatoes note high yields, tasty fruits and the ability to store tomatoes for a long time.