Yellow Cherry tomatoes have been successfully renowned among gardeners for many years. To get a great harvest of delicious tomatoes, you can plant three or four bushes of these cherry tomatoes.
How the variety was created
In 1973, the first Cherry tomatoes appeared. These small tomatoes, invented by Israeli scientists, quickly gained popularity due to their taste and ease of care. Even then, tomatoes ripened not one at a time, as happens with other varieties of tomatoes, but in clusters at once.
Scientists planned to create a tomato variety that would ripen slowly in hot climates.Among the varieties of Cherry there are varieties of pink, orange, black, yellow, brown, green and even brown tomatoes.
It is worth noting that the fruits do not always look like cherries. Tomatoes can be elongated, teardrop-shaped, round or flattened. Tomatoes vary in shape: pumpkin, pear, berries, zucchini. Different types of these tomatoes have a variety of flavors, but not all fruits are sweet.
In Europe, Cherry varieties are grown on balconies and garden plots for decoration. Reviews from many gardeners are filled with emotions about the beauty of these tomato varieties. The main advantage of small tomatoes is that even when fully ripe, the tomatoes continue to stay on the bush.
general information
Varieties of small tomatoes belong to the early-ripening family, because after sowing the seeds, approximately 92–96 days should pass before the fruits ripen. Indeterminate semi-spreading bushes grow up to 1.5 meters in height.
They differ from other tomato varieties in that they have average branching and foliage. Their cultivation should be accompanied by timely staking and pinching of bushes.
The most excellent results are obtained when the plant is grown in two or three stems. The Yellow Cherry tomato forms loose inflorescences of an intermediate type. The first inflorescence appears, as a rule, already above the eighth or ninth leaf, and all the rest - every three leaves. It is worth noting that this variety is not a hybrid; it does not have F1 hybrids of the same name.
Fruit characteristics
Tomatoes of this variety are smooth and round. Tomatoes weigh from 15 to 20 grams; at the ripe stage, the fruits are yellow cherries.On average, one bush can yield about one kilogram of fruit.
If you read the reviews, it’s quite rare, but it happens that the harvest from a bush is three kilograms of tomatoes or more. The fruits of the variety are ideal for whole-fruit canning, table decoration and fresh consumption.
The characteristics of tomatoes are made in a positive way, because tomatoes really look beautiful and appetizing, which is fully proven by their description and reviews of many summer residents.
The taste of each tomato depends on where it grows - if the tomatoes grew in the shade, then instead of sweetness a slight sourness may appear. In general, Cherry tomatoes are designed for growing in open ground, but you can also plant tomatoes in a greenhouse.
Yellow cherries have the only and most important drawback - high susceptibility to certain types of pathogens:
- late blight;
- tobacco mosaic;
- fusarium;
- cladosporiosis.
Golden cherry has a number of important advantages:
- high productivity;
- possibility of canning with brushes;
- early ripening fruits;
- excellent taste.
Tomato diseases
Cladosporiosis is most often found in greenhouses. It is characterized by the appearance of yellow spots on the outside of the leaf and a fungal coating on the inside.
This disease is eliminated when the optimal level of air humidity is reached - 60% at a temperature of 25 - 30 degrees. Growing tomatoes in such conditions will result in the death of infected leaves, which should be carefully removed with a plastic bag.
Fusarium is characterized by the fact that the Cherry cherry tomato acquires pale green or yellow foliage, the veins begin to lighten, and the leaf roots become deformed, after which they curl and die.
It is almost impossible to cure the disease, so it is better to dig up and burn all infected bushes so that other healthy plants do not become infected.
Tomato tobacco mosaic virus is manifested by the formation of yellow specks on the leaves, which later become a dark green or light green mosaic. This disease affects the cultivation of tomatoes - the leaves become deformed, the tomatoes grow smaller and ripen unevenly. The disease should be combated by disinfecting boxes with seedlings and garden tools using the usual 5% potassium permanganate.
If brown spots appear on the lower leaves, treat all infected tomato bushes with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate solution. Late blight disease does not go away without a trace - it is better, to definitely get rid of the problem, to treat all tomato bushes again after about two weeks.
Conditions for planting and caring for tomatoes
For planting, seedlings 70–80 days old are required. Cultivation should be done in a sunny place. Even if you plan to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, it must be installed in a sunny place. When planting these varieties of tomatoes, they must be processed in the following way: the main and main stem and only one stepson are left on the plant. When the bush reaches the height of the peg to which it was tied when planting, you will need to pinch its top so that the plant does not grow further.
After all the tomatoes have been collected, it is best to carefully collect the remaining Cherries and not take them, as usual, to the compost pit, but burn them. In this way, the development and transmission of possible pests and diseases can be avoided.