The best varieties of tomatoes for the Vologda region

Hot, long summers with cold springs are characteristics of the continental climate of the Volgograd region. Not all tomatoes are adapted to such conditions. Despite the long growing season (up to 160 days in the north and up to 175 days in the south), the area receives insufficient rainfall. In summer, most of them evaporate from the surface due to dry hot air.

Non-hybrid open ground crops

Some of the best representatives of the category are varieties from the experimental station named after N.I. Vavilov in Krasnoblotsk:

  • Volgogradsky 323.

tomato seeds Volgogradsky 323

Early ripening, ripens 100–1110 days after emergence. The bushes are low and branched. The foliage is good, the plant height is about 20 cm. Inflorescences are formed every 1–2 leaves. There are 6 small fruits on the bunch, the weight of one is 60–70 g. The color of the ripe harvest is orange-red, the main purpose is tomato products. Recommended for growing in open ground.

  • Volgogradsky 5/95

Late-ripening, ripening occurs 115–120 days after emergence. The bushes are indeterminate, standard. Plant height is up to 1 m, crown density is average. From 3 to 5 pieces are tied on a flower brush. Average weight is 100 g. Ripe color is deep red, yellowish near the stalk. Tomatoes are flat-round, slightly ribbed. The first inflorescence is above the 6–8 leaves, then every 2–3. For growing in open ground. The purpose is universal.

tomato Volgogradsky 5/95

  • Volgograd pink.

Early ripening, bush height no more than 60 cm. Fruit clusters contain 5–6 pieces. tomatoes. Fruits weighing up to 130 g, rich pink color. The taste is excellent, the flesh is not watery, sweet. Tolerates heat and low temperatures well.

Volgograd pink tomato variety

  • Volgogradets.

Medium early, limited growth type, semi-spreading with medium branching. From germination to the start of harvesting, 105–115 days pass. The first flower brush is over 8–9 leaves, subsequent ones after 1–2. Small tomatoes 60–80 g. Red when ripe. Resistant to major diseases. Shows high keeping quality and transportability.

tomato variety Volgogradets

High results from Volgograd breeders

The work is aimed at improving the qualities that allow decent yields to be obtained in the Lower Volga region. Bred by selection and stepwise hybridization. In terms of ripening, medium early:

  • Gift;

Determinate bushes up to 80 cm in height. The first flower brush after 5–6 leaves. The berries are large (up to 159 g), juicy, fleshy. Ripe ones are red in color with excellent taste. Planted on country houses and small farms.

tomato variety Gift

  • Newbie;

The bushes are standard, formed into one stem. The height of the plant is no more than 85 cm. From germination to the start of harvest, 115–125 days pass. Ripe tomatoes are orange-red, oval. There are from 3 to 5 pieces on the brushes. It is distinguished by friendly shoots and simultaneous ripening. Two varieties of it are registered: pink and deluxe. According to reviews, the taste is good, suitable for preparations, fresh salads, and tomato juice.

tomato newbie

  • Gift of the Volga region.

Determinate, medium-branched, no more than 75 cm high. The crown is sparse, the first flowering occurs after 6–7 leaves. Mature orange-red, round. Weight is about 80 g. The crop is of universal use, is well stored, and can withstand long-term transportation.

tomato Gift of the Volga

Hybrid tomato varieties

Unlike standards, they are highly resistant to environmental conditions, easily adaptable, and less susceptible to viruses. New properties are obtained by crossing selected parent individuals. The best hybrid varieties for planting in the Volgograd region:

  • Veloz f1;

Included in the state register for the Lower Volga region for cultivation without shelter. Medium early in terms of ripening. The bushes are determinate, the inflorescences are simple. The fruits are “cream” shaped, fleshy, dense. Good for whole canning. Advantages of the hybrid: resistance to high and low temperatures, excess moisture, soil salinity. In terms of productivity, it exceeds the standards of Novichok, Dar of the Volga.

tomato variety Veloz f1

  • Mamako f1 – early ripening;

A completely new hybrid. In the state register since 2017.Recommended for open ground plantings. Culture is determinant. When ripe, the berries are red and have excellent taste. They have a cuboid shape, an average weight of about 100 g. The hybrid is immune to Fusarium wilt and rot, TMV, and yellow leaf curl. The harvested crop is well stored and is not prone to cracking.

tomato Mamako f1

  • H 6416 f1 – hybrid of intermediate ripening periods;

Plants of limited growth, open ground. The shape of the berries is obovate, red. The main purpose is for conservation and processing. Great taste when marinated. Average weight 60 g.

tomato H 6416 f1

  • Namib.

Low-growing plants are planted outside greenhouse shelters and greenhouses. Resistant to major diseases: vertilosis, fusarium. The fruits are ovoid, weight from 85 to 130 g. The taste of fresh tomatoes is excellent, the sugar content in the fruit is 3%.

tomato Namib

"Tomato" variety

The list of tomato varieties for the Volgograd region is quite wide. Interesting tomatoes: Kuban, Astrakhansky, Astrakhansky 5/25, Bakhtemir, Borets, Raspberry Globe, Vostovniy, Advance, Alex, Nikos. All plants are determinant; in the conditions of the Lower Volga region they are not recommended for greenhouses.

They are grown under film covers and in greenhouses in order to obtain a very early harvest or in the northern parts of the region.

Based on reviews, you can find unusual varieties of tomatoes:

  • Aladdin's lamp (orange pear-shaped);
  • Lorraine beauty (ribbed fruit), Japanese creeping (pink tomatoes for greenhouse conditions and greenhouse);
  • Dragon's tooth (curved dense tomatoes);
  • Figs pink, Red figs (especially sweet);
  • Black Ethiopian (juicy, sweet black tomatoes).

tomato in the greenhouse

In greenhouse conditions, tomatoes of the Ural multifruit variety are recommended for winter and spring rotation. Semi-determinate type that does not require complex care.Small, flat-round fruits (60 g) are good for pickling. whole canning. Rarely affected by major nightshade diseases, it forms ovaries in low light conditions. The latter quality is also noted in Best of All 318.

To grow crops in winter greenhouses or greenhouses, pay attention to Vnukovsky, De Barao (stem up to 4 m), Yubileiny Ushakova. Hybrids Raisa, Anabel, President.

tomato harvest

Everyone chooses for themselves which varieties to plant on their plot in a given area. Success depends not only on the quality of the material, but also on the labor invested.
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