Yellow tomatoes are available in fewer varieties than red ones. The Orange tomato, which is a mid-season variety, is especially popular and has a lot of advantages and positive reviews from gardeners.
Benefits of yellow tomatoes
The usual red tomato fruits are known for their beneficial properties, but the yellow ones taste sweeter and have more pulp. The advantages of Orange tomatoes include their low calorie content. You can quickly get enough of them without compromising your weight. They are useful for diabetics, overweight people, and elderly people.
By consuming orange fruits, a person will feel like:
- the functioning of the digestive tract has improved;
- the functions of the nervous system were normalized;
- nails have become stronger, their fragility has disappeared;
- The facial skin tightened and became elastic.
The yellow color in tomatoes is due to the presence of vitamin A in them, just like carrots. Carbohydrates in their composition will give more energy to the body, and proteins and fats normalize cell functions and improve their construction.
Main characteristics of the variety
The tomato variety has been known since 2000 and is classified as a salad species. The vegetable plant is a determinant; the bush reaches a height of one and a half meters. Fruit ripening period is from 95 to 110 days from the time of germination.
Characteristics and descriptions of the Orange tomato variety include:
- As a determinate variety, the tomato produces its first flower clusters after the appearance of the ninth or tenth leaf. The next ones are formed every three sheets.
- Each cluster contains up to three to five orange tomatoes weighing up to three hundred grams each.
- Tomatoes are round in shape with small ribs and have a rich yellow-orange color.
- The pulp is juicy with a delicate sweetish taste and a small amount of seeds.
- The yield per square meter ranges from five to ten kilograms.
The tasty fruits of the variety are used in salads, in baby food and diet food, and for canning in general.
Vegetables can be grown in open ground or under film.
Agrotechnical features
Although the Orange tomato variety is intended for cultivation in the southern regions, it is cultivated everywhere. It tolerates temperate climate conditions well, because it is usually grown by seedlings.Before sowing, seeds are treated with a growth stimulant and disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. The seed material is hardened, then the seedlings will be strong. Sixty days after the first shoots appear, the seedlings are ready for open ground.
Before planting the seedlings, they are hardened off by taking them out onto the balcony or veranda.
The optimal time for planting in the greenhouse will be the end of April - beginning of May, for the garden - mid-May. If the threat of spring frosts has not passed, then it is necessary to cover the planted bushes with film.
Among the basic techniques for caring for tomatoes:
- moderate watering two to three times a week;
- fertilizing with mineral and organic substances every ten to twelve days;
- bush garter;
- pinching with leaving two stems;
- loosening the soil after rains and watering;
- weeding tomato beds.
Since the variety is susceptible to diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. After planting the seedlings, two weeks later the bushes are sprayed with a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture. Repeat the procedure twice with an interval of ten days.
How to prepare Bordeaux mixture
Anyone who has planted tomatoes knows that Bordeaux mixture has two components: a solution of copper sulfate and slaked lime. A one percent antifungal mixture is prepared from one hundred grams of copper sulfate and 120 grams of milk of lime. Dissolve each ingredient in one liter of hot water separately. Then add up to five liters to each container, and the parts are mixed, after filtering.
The correct solution would be to pour the copper solution into the lime solution. At the same time, the liquid is stirred. To prevent the solution from burning the leaves of the vegetable, check that its concentration is correct - lower an iron nail into it.A red coating on an object means there is more copper sulfate than it should be. And so they add lime until the sediment disappears.
Use the prepared liquid immediately, treating the tomatoes generously in dry weather. For ten square meters of planting, two liters of solution is enough.
The effectiveness of the liquid is high; it stays on the leaves and stems of the plant for a long time. And the Pear Orange variety will be protected from pathogenic fungi and viruses.
What vegetable growers say about tomatoes
Reviews of the orange tomato say that it is beneficial, tasty, and children love it for the sweetness of the fruit and its unusual nature. They recommend trying to grow a similar variety, but whose fruits are like a pear. They are lighter in weight, but they contain more sugar and dry matter. They are great for marinating and salting whole. This orange exoticism will cheer you up in the harsh winter.