Description of the tomato variety Etude NK, its characteristics and yield

Culture is indispensable in any summer cottage. Growing a tomato is a simple process that even a beginner can do. It is enough to select varieties and follow all the rules for planting and care. Study of a tomato, which is a hybrid. Accordingly, it is unpretentious and has immunity.

Description of the variety

To avoid mistakes when growing, the summer resident studies the detailed characteristics of the species. This helps to find a suitable place for plants and to properly care for the crop.


  • Indeterminate.
  • Number of tomatoes per bunch: 3-5 pcs.
  • Ripens in 100-110 days.


  • Round shape.
  • Of red color.
  • Weight: 180-200 g.
  • The taste is excellent.
  • There are many cameras.
  • Density is average.
  • Stores for 3-4 weeks. If you create the necessary conditions for storage, the period increases.
  • Handles transportation.

tomatoes in the ground

Studying the characteristics of the tomato variety Etude NK will help the summer resident understand whether it is suitable for cultivation on the plot, according to the family’s needs.


The seedling method of planting tomatoes is optimal, as it gives results 2-3 weeks earlier. Seeds are sown 2 months in advance. Each summer resident chooses the specific days for planting himself. Since regional climate features are different from each other.

It is necessary to take care of small plants; healthy seedlings are the key to a bountiful harvest.

  • Lighting. Artificial or natural for 14-16 hours. Then the plants do not stretch and grow straight without bending the stem.
  • The temperature for the first 5 days is +15-17 ⁰С. Then increase to +22 ⁰С.
  • Regular watering in moderation, without flooding or allowing it to dry out.
  • Feeding. Use growth stimulants or complex fertilizers.

In the phase of appearance of 2 true leaves, the seedlings are picked and planted in separate containers. This is how plants gain strength, forming a powerful stem and root system.

Before transferring to open ground, Etude NK tomatoes are hardened. To do this, they are taken outside for a short time. The first day for 10-15 minutes, then within 10 days this time is increased to 8-10 hours.

ovary tomatoes

No more than 3 plants per 1 m2 are planted in a permanent place2.

Features of care

The main thing is to tie it to the supports and form the bush. 2-3 stems are left, the remaining stepsons are removed.

It is necessary to pull out weeds, especially in the initial stages, it prevents tomatoes from receiving useful minerals and substances from the soil. Moreover, weeds often contain pests that are no less dangerous for tomatoes.

tomato sketch

Loosening the beds with tomatoes will provide oxygen access to the roots and help retain moisture in the soil.

Summer residents advise alternating fertilizing, using organic matter and complex mixtures. Additional soil fertilization is especially necessary for plants:

  • During flowering.
  • Fruit set.
  • Active fruiting.

Caring for tomatoes Etude NK is not difficult, even a beginner can do it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other tomatoes, Etude has a number of positive qualities, thanks to which it is in demand among summer residents.


  • High yield volume.
  • Unpretentiousness.
  • Immunity to diseases.
  • Wide range of fruit uses.


  • Demanding requirements for plant formation.
  • Self-collected seeds do not retain the parental genes.

advantages of the variety

The summer resident will be able to appreciate all the positive and negative qualities when he grows the variety himself on his own plot.

Pests and diseases

Hybrid Etude NK has stable immunity to the following diseases:

  • Tobacco mosaic virus.
  • Verticillium.
  • Fusarium.
  • Cladosporiosis.

The value of such varieties is that the summer resident will not have to process the plants to fight diseases, therefore, more time will be spent caring for other crops.

Preventive treatments are required against pest attacks.

Harvest and storage

The yield of Etude NK is high; in greenhouse conditions with a long ripening period they produce 30-33 kg per 1 m2 in open ground 18 -22 kg per 1 m2. Harvesting takes place throughout the fruiting period.The peculiarity of the variety is that tomatoes can remain on the bush, in a ripe state, for up to 7-10 days.

It is stored without observing all standards for 3-4 weeks; if appropriate conditions are created, the period increases.

etude variety tomatoes

Reviews from gardeners

Planting a hybrid is not difficult; you need to know the features of its cultivation. To do this, a novice summer resident is looking for information; reviews from those who have already grown plants on their site are especially appreciated.

Anastasia: “A friend’s hybrid was recommended. At first I didn’t want to, but then I decided and planted several bushes. The result was amazing, the yield was excellent, the taste was excellent. All family members really like it fresh. When canning, I use it to prepare filling. Juices and tomato paste are good.”

A tall plant is suitable for those vegetable growers who are ready to carry out the formation of the plant and fulfill all the necessary requirements.
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