Description of the Flag tomato variety, its characteristics and yield

The early tomato Flagok is adapted to unfavorable climate conditions, since Siberian breeders were involved in breeding the variety. Thanks to their work, dacha owners have the opportunity to grow sweet and tasty tomatoes that decorate any table, are suitable for salads, sauces, and are suitable for canning and pickling.

Tomato fruits are considered one of the healthiest products grown on different continents. Fresh tomatoes are rich not only in nutrients, but also in antioxidants, microelements, and vitamins that prevent the development of many diseases.

early Checkbox

Characteristics of tomato

The checkbox refers to determinate varieties of tomatoes. In a greenhouse, the bush reaches 1.5 m in height; in open soil it grows only up to a meter. The shoots stop growing in clusters, of which up to 5 are formed. Each bears about 8 fruits, characterized by:

  • rounded shape;
  • thick and smooth skin;
  • rich red color;
  • sweet taste.

Siberian breeders

Each tomato is decorated with a small spout on top and weighs about 150 g. Tomatoes do not crack and do not lose their presentation during transportation, which is one of the important characteristics for farmers. From 1 sq. meter of land ripens up to 6 kg of fruit. The first tomato is picked 85–90 days after planting in the garden.

The advantages of the Flaghok variety include:

  • friendly return of fruits;
  • early maturation;
  • high productivity.

The stem stops growing when 5 brushes appear, so the amount of work required to form bushes is reduced.

Preparing seedlings

Seeds of the Flagok variety should be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin-M for 15–20 minutes before planting in the ground. After this, place it in a growth stimulator. Sowing of seedlings is carried out 50 days or 2 months before growing in the garden. The container is covered with film and placed in a warm place.

When the leaves, roots and stems appear, the bushes are moved into separate cups, soil is added and after 3 days they are moved to a place where sunlight reaches. Tomatoes are fed and watered. Tomato seeds are produced by the company "Gardens of Siberia" and are sold in colorful bags.

How is the soil prepared?

Before preparing the bed, the ground must be treated with a solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 1.5 liters per 10 liters of water.

The soil is fed with 3 buckets of organic matter in the form of peat, manure, sawdust.All substances are taken in equal proportions, mixed with 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and ash.

Place for a bed where tomatoes will grow Flag, should be located on the sunny side, away from strong winds. Tomatoes are not grown in areas where groundwater approaches the surface. The best predecessors for culture are:

  • beans and legumes;
  • carrots and beets;
  • greens and herbs.

Seedlings of early varieties are sent to the garden bed when they are at least 20 cm high and have 7 leaves. In Russia this is done starting May 15. Three bushes are placed per square meter, leaving 50 cm between rows.

Holes for tomatoes are dug using a spade and watered. The root of the seedling along with the soil is deepened into the ground, covered with soil, compost, and compacted well. The bed is covered with film for several days. When the tomato bushes take root, the stem is hilled up to 12 centimeters, which improves root development and enriches the soil with oxygen.

Tomato care

Form a tomato bush The checkbox is easy. It is necessary to tie the stems to the trellis and remove excess shoots. Determinate varieties require intensive feeding with mineral fertilizers, since brushes form quite often. Tomato care includes:

  • hydration;
  • hilling;
  • weeding;
  • protection from diseases and pests.

Residents of many regions of the country prefer the early Flazhok variety. The description of the main characteristics of the tomato attracted both summer residents and farmers, because everyone wants to quickly harvest sweet and aromatic tomatoes.
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