Characteristics and description of the Canopus tomato variety, yield

The name of the famous variety is consonant with the name of the star of the southern hemisphere, a bright giant that illuminates the night sky with a fabulous brilliance. Like its “cosmic namesake,” the Canopus tomato is a guiding star in the “garden universe” of experienced summer residents. Even novice gardeners can cope with growing this unpretentious tomato variety!

People who have already been lucky enough to plant hybrid tomato seeds note not only its excellent taste characteristics, but also its ease of care. Canopus tomatoes need minimal amounts of mineral fertilizers, regular watering with warm water and sunlight.

General characteristics, description of the variety

As a rule, the growth of neat stems of Canopus tomatoes is 40-60 cm, the medium leaves are deep green, and the inflorescence is simple. The very first inflorescence is laid above the 6-9 leaves, the next ones - after 2-3 leaves.

The fruits resemble a cylinder shape, the tomatoes themselves are juicy and large. The shade of the fruits of this variety is a contrasting red, standing out brightly against the background of the overall greenery of the leaves. The weight of already ripe tomatoes varies from 105 to 400 g.

weed with tomato

Benefits of Canopus tomatoes

Those who have already planted plasma seeds of a variety popular among gardeners focus on the following advantages:

  • large size of the fruit;
  • juiciness of already ripe tomatoes;
  • high taste compatibility with other products;
  • possibility of conservation, processing;
  • simple care procedures;
  • resistance to long-term absence of water;
  • normal perception of adverse weather conditions.

canopus seeds

In addition, the description of the Canopus tomato contains another clear advantage of the variety - endurance, resistance to diseases, including:

  1. Late blight, which annually destroys millions of hectares of crops. Universal symptoms are the appearance of gray-brown spots on the leaves that look like mold. The fruits and stems of the plant are also susceptible to the disease.
  2. Tobacco mosaic virus is a rod-shaped RNA virus that stains fruits and leaves with yellowish spots. The bizarre patterns of the disastrous mosaic provoke deprivation of their presentation, the previously red tomatoes become spotted, and the taste deteriorates.
  3. Bacterial spotting, destroying vegetation with rusty spots, unaesthetic spots on the greenish layers of leaves, rounded borders of an appetizing fruit.

Canopus tomatoes are resistant to these diseases; the rich yield of the variety will not be threatened due to the bacterial attack of parasitic diseases.

cross section of the fruit

With proper care, the harvest will surprise you with the abundance of red fruits, their colorful visual characteristics, and taste qualities worthy of the best dishes of elite restaurants.

Care tips: how to plant and grow Canopus tomatoes

Undemanding tomatoes still need basic care from summer residents, the manifestation of which will not take a lot of time and physical resources. Neighbors and “urban” household members will be amazed by the harvest of ripe fruits if you follow some tips:

  1. You should not dig a deep hole for seeds; it is better to plant future tomatoes in a shallow (3-5 mm) funnel.
  2. You can cover the soil with thick paper or newspapers. The paper cover should be sprayed with a spray bottle; such simple manipulations will ensure uniform watering and excellent air access.
  3. Canopus tomatoes take microfertilizers very warmly; among the variety of chemical fertilizers, give preference to ready-made mixtures.
  4. The soil can be covered with a thin layer of organic fertilizer, such as bird droppings.
  5. Organic fertilizing will not only have a positive effect on the growth of the variety’s stems, but will also attract earthworms, which will actively loosen the soil.
  6. Worms are a universal way to give future tomatoes enough air, but you should adhere to the thin boundaries of the norm, because primitive animals are food for moles.
  7. Tie graceful stems to stakes, focusing on the process of bush formation.
  8. Those who want to get an early harvest of bright fruits can resort to the pinching procedure.For open ground, such an operation is not necessary.

tied bushes

Tomatoes should be watered once a week, try to control the flow of moisture, because a large amount of liquid can radically ruin the future harvest. The water should be barely warm; you can dilute the solution with fertilizer.

Real reviews from amateur summer residents

Numerous reviews left on forums for those who like to dig in beds are positive. Summer residents note the unpretentiousness of the variety, large-scale productivity with proper care. Below are some reactions to the process of growing tomatoes and the appetizing quality of ripe fruits:

  • I am very grateful to my neighbor, who has been growing Canopus tomatoes for a long time and shared her “magic seeds” last spring. The whole family planted it in March, the tomatoes sprouted by September, very juicy and meaty! I advise all housewives; the fruits are excellent for canning.

unripe canopus

Canopus tomatoes are a “variety for the lazy”; I hardly fertilized it and just watered it once a week, but the result is simply excellent! We collected about 4 kg of harvest from one bush, all the tomatoes were just the right choice - large, red, appetizing!
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