The Beauty tomato pleases gardeners with raspberry fruits. Tomatoes ripen early. This unpretentious plant produces an abundance of berries in greenhouses and open ground.
Features of Beauty
Often the characteristics and descriptions of a variety promise baskets of fruits of excellent taste. Tomatoes grow with ordinary properties. Gardeners are disappointed.
SeDek agronomists have created an unusual hybrid. Pink-raspberry fruits give you the opportunity to enjoy the sweetness of tomatoes. A significant harvest can be eaten fresh or processed.
Beauty Features:
- ripens early (100 days from germination to the first fruits);
- growth-limited (determinant) hybrid;
- grows up to 80 cm (in unheated greenhouses reaches 100 cm);
- leaf color - dark green, size - medium;
- the initial ovary is formed above the 6th leaf, then the brushes are formed through 2 leaves;
- the brush consists of 7 berries;
- productivity in open beds is 4.7 kg/m², in unheated greenhouses - 12.7 kg/m²;
- the hybrid easily tolerates heat and lack of moisture;
- not affected by TMV or Alternaria.
Beauty was developed as a salad tomato. But gardeners believe that the surplus is suitable for making juices, pastes, ketchups, and lecho.
The tomato is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. Experts recommend planting the hybrid in small gardens, garden plots, and farms.
How Beauty wins hearts
Growing raspberry tomatoes is a favorite pastime of summer residents. The fruits are decorative and have an unusual taste.
Characteristics of tomatoes:
- average weight - 75–100 g (some berries grow up to 200 g);
- spherical shape, slightly flattened;
- ripe pink-raspberry tomato;
- somewhat ribbed at the stalk;
- the fruit is juicy, fleshy;
- taste sweet;
- dense, not rough skin.
Gardeners note the transportability of tomatoes. The skin does not crack and marketability is maintained.
How to grow Beauty correctly
Breeders have created an unpretentious hybrid. Early ripening takes it away from late blight. But obtaining tomato abundance requires compliance with the growing rules:
- start preparing seedlings in the second decade of March;
- until germination, maintain a temperature of 23–25 ⁰С;
- Place the seedlings in a cool, well-lit place;
- lower the temperature to 18 ⁰C;
- two real leaves - a signal to pick into separate cups;
- do not overfill;
- regularly ventilate, harden;
- fill the beds with mature organic matter in the fall;
- in the spring, add a complete mineral complex (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus);
- moderate pinching is required.
The beauty does not like waterlogged soil. When growing outdoors during prolonged rains, it is recommended to cover the plantings with film (leaving the ends free) or lutrasil.
What did the summer residents decide?
Reviews about the Beauty F1 tomato are positive. Gardeners appreciated the taste, color, and yield. We were pleased with the ripening period and the unpretentiousness of the bushes. Anyone who has planted it knows: tomatoes ripen easily in the warmth. The resulting harvest remains marketable during transportation.
Summer residents noted: in the absence of pinching, the fruits become smaller. In damp summers, without shelter, they crack.
There is a “double” of the hybrid: the Krasotka variety from the manufacturer Alena Lux. It is of medium maturity, indeterminate. The shape is plum-shaped, the color is raspberry-pink, the weight is up to 150 g.
Another copy is the Lorraine Beauty. The fruits, weighing 0.5 kg, resemble a dahlia flower.
The tomato variety Krasotka F1 received a permanent “registration” in summer cottages.