Characteristics and description of the Sunrise tomato variety, its yield

Every year, hybrids of various varieties of agricultural crops are gaining more and more popularity. Tomato Sunrise F1 is a first generation hybrid and carries all the best qualities of its parents.

Description of the Sunrise tomato variety

Sunrise tomatoes were bred by Dutch breeders and have gained wide popularity among gardeners and gardeners. The hybrid is characterized by high yield and unpretentiousness in cultivation.

The variety belongs to determinant varieties (characterized by low-growing bushes). The bushes grow a little more than 60 cm in height. The branches of the plant are not spreading.As the variety grows, it requires pinching.

The variety is early ripening; no more than 75 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to harvest. From one bush you can collect more than 5 kg of ripe fruits. If you follow all the rules of agricultural technology, the yield of the hybrid can be increased.

The main advantage of the Sunrise variety is its compactness. In a small area you can plant a large number of bushes, which will not affect the quality of the harvest. Owners of small plots should give preference to this variety.

sunrise tomato seeds

You can grow tomatoes both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Ripe fruits can be consumed either fresh or prepared from them into sauces, tomato pastes, juices and canned whole.

Those gardeners and gardeners who planted the hybrid on their site were generally satisfied with the results.

Characteristics of the Sunrise F1 hybrid

Before choosing any crop to plant on your site, you need to study the description of the variety. Only after this will it be possible to buy seeds and grow seedlings.

Description of the Sunrise F1 tomato and its characteristic features:

  • High yield;
  • One bush can produce a harvest of up to 4-5 kg;
  • A low-growing and compact bush, it stops growing upward after the first ovaries are formed on 4-5 clusters;
  • Not susceptible to such common diseases of nightshade crops as gray leaf spot, verticillium, and Alternaria stem cancer;
  • Early ripening, the variety is one of the first to ripen;
  • Unripe tomatoes are light green in color;
  • Greenhouse tomatoes ripen even faster, only 60-65 days;
  • Ripe fruits are bright red in color, the flesh is juicy, with a slight sourness;
  • Tomatoes are round in shape, slightly flattened on the stalk side;
  • The skin is dense and does not crack;
  • The average weight of ripe tomatoes is about 200 g, the maximum weight of the fruit can reach up to 250 g;
  • Universal use of fruits in cooking;
  • It does not require special care;
  • The bushes do not need to be tied to a support;
  • Suitable for growing in open ground and in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • A distinctive characteristic of the hybrid is its resistance to long-term transportation. That is why the variety is well suited for sale on the market.

sunrise tomato bushes

Advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid of Dutch selection

Like any variety, Sunrise F1 tomatoes have both advantages and disadvantages. However, reviews about such a hybrid as the Sunrise F1 tomato are mostly positive.


  • High-yielding variety;
  • Does not require a garter;
  • Good resistance to most diseases that most often affect nightshade crops;
  • Precocity;
  • Compactness of bushes;
  • If you grow bushes in greenhouse conditions, you can harvest the crop all year round;
  • The fruits lend themselves well to transportation.

Sunrise tomatoes in a box

The only drawback, according to some gardeners, is that the fruits have average taste and are more suitable for preservation.

Features of growing in open ground

Mature bushes do not require special care. Throughout the season, you need to apply mineral and organic fertilizers, water the bushes once a week, periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds. Particular attention should be paid to the stage of planting seeds and growing seedlings.

How to properly grow Sunrise tomato seedlings:

  • Seeds need to be planted 50-55 days before transplanting seedlings into open ground;
  • Peat, turf soil and sawdust should be poured into the boxes (in a ratio of 8/2/1);
  • You need to make grooves in the soil to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm and plant the seeds, lightly sprinkle them with soil, then water them;
  • The boxes should be covered with glass or cling film. Periodically, you need to let the soil “breathe” so that it does not become moldy;
  • After the first full leaves appear on the seedlings, they need to be planted in small peat pots;
  • It is better to plant seedlings in open ground at the end of May, when the nights are warm;
  • The beds for seedlings should be prepared in advance. The soil must be dug up, weeds removed and bushes planted at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other (if the area is small, then the distance can be reduced);
  • At night, it is advisable to cover the tomato bushes with a warm cloth until they get used to the new conditions.

Sunrise tomatoes in open ground

In order to grow a rich harvest, you must follow some recommendations for planting and caring for seedlings.

  • It is advisable to grow the Tomato Sunrise hybrid in places where zucchini, parsley, dill, cilantro, onions or legumes used to grow;
  • It is not recommended to choose areas where physalis or potatoes grew for planting tomato seedlings;
  • To distinguish high-quality seeds from low-quality ones, you can soak them for several minutes in a 5% solution of table salt. Those seeds that float to the surface can be thrown out, and those that settle to the bottom can be planted in the ground;
  • Seedlings must be hardened off before being planted in open ground. To do this, boxes with young seedlings need to be taken outside for 1-2 hours. The time spent outdoors must constantly be increased.
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