Tomato “Turbojet” is a variety whose name speaks for itself. There is no better characteristic for a given variety than its name. As you might guess, this variety is an early ripening variety. “Turbojet” differs from many other varieties in its very high ripening speed. From the moment the first sprouts appear in your home to the formation of the first fruits, 70 to 75 days pass. Designed for open ground.
Many people note that “Turbojet” is perfect for gardeners who do not like to wait for planted plants to ripen, as well as spend too much time and effort. High yield is also a feature of this variety.The “turbojet” tomato is absolutely unpretentious and does well in any climate throughout the Russian Federation. The latter is especially pleasing to gardeners who live in regions where sunny weather does not often please with its appearance and warmth.
The taste will also not leave anyone indifferent. Tomato "Turbojet" is well suited for all types of dishes:
- Fresh vegetable salads;
- Dishes that need to be thermally processed to achieve the desired result;
- All possible types of canning.
It is not recommended to store tomatoes of this variety for a long time. In order not to lose ripe fruits and not throw away the rotten result of your labors, it is necessary to immediately process what cannot be consumed fresh. The farmer-entrepreneur will not like this characteristic very much.
A brief description of the tomato variety “Turbojet” is a hyper-early, unpretentious tomato that will also delight you with its rich harvest and delicious taste. On the Internet you can find very different, but at the same time positive reviews about this tomato.
The "Turbojet" bush is quite low. The maximum height of the bush reaches forty centimeters. The stems are thick and strong. The leaves are large and dark green in color. The fruits have a flat-round shape and a bright red color. Medium-sized berries weighing no more than 200 grams. The skin is smooth. The flesh is dense and also meaty. There are a large number of seeds in the pulp.
How to grow
As mentioned above, this variety is distinguished by its low growth. This allows you to grow it both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Due to the small size of the plant, it can be grown at home.
This variety does not require gartering, since the stems and branches of the bush are quite strong and can easily support the weight of the fruit, despite the high yield of the variety.
The variety is unpretentious to the conditions in which it grows. During the development process, breeders took into account the fact that the “Turbojet” tomato will grow in central Russia. But if your site is located in server latitudes, then it is strongly recommended to grow it in greenhouse conditions.
It should also be noted that this variety is very resistant to all possible diseases and ailments. This tomato is not afraid of either fungal or viral diseases. Due to the high ripening speed of this variety, it is not afraid of even the most terrible disease of all tomatoes - late blight. But, despite all the strength of immunity that the “Turbojet” variety of tomato has, it still needs to be treated with specialized drugs in order to prevent all possible diseases.
The ideal time to start sowing is mid-March. The depth at which sowing is carried out is approximately one and a half to two centimeters. The optimal temperature for ripening is considered to be from twenty to twenty-five degrees. In the event that you cannot maintain the required temperature, then you can place it next to the battery, which will give the desired effect.
By the time the sprouted bushes are planted in the ground, fifty to sixty days should have passed. Despite the fact that the “Turbojet” variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, it should be grown in greenhouse conditions. One of the main conditions for a rich harvest is maintaining a high temperature.
It should also be taken into account that these tomatoes are not indifferent to moisture.Gardeners who have already grown “Turbojet” tomatoes on their plots are advised to water the bushes every day, either early in the morning or late in the evening after sunset. It is necessary to weed and loosen the soil after each watering.
It should be planted to a depth of approximately ten centimeters. The optimal distance between seedlings is half a meter.