The selective variety of tomatoes, beloved by summer residents, bred by Ural craftsmen and giving good yields, is called “Tomato Pickling Miracle”, and is popularly called “lazy”.
You can preserve beets, bell (sweet) peppers, eggplants, zucchini, even apples with tomatoes or pasta. A summer cottage, a vegetable garden, a piece of land lovingly cultivated and planted with vegetable crops, from sowing to harvesting, requires a lot of attention and labor. I would like to grow, simultaneously with other crops, a variety of vegetables that does not require constant care, but brings a rich harvest. Such an unpretentious species exists.
general characteristics
The pickling miracle is a simple, low-growing bush, no taller than half a meter, early ripening, with fruit ripening from three to three and a half months. It tolerates fluctuations in ambient temperatures well and is resistant to diseases and pests.
But still, you shouldn’t let the maturation of the bush take its course. Before sowing, the seeds must be kept in a disinfectant solution, then washed, dried and treated with growth stimulants. To repel the “invincible” Colorado potato beetle, bushes must be sprayed with special (safe for humans) poisons. The Salting Miracle copes with the rest of the harmful lovers of tomato leaves on its own.
Description of the variety:
- Fruit tomatoes "Lazy"» have a small plum-like dense shape, rich red color. Two to three centimeters long and eighty to one hundred grams of weight per tomato from the first ripening, the rest of the offspring is smaller.
- The bush bears fruit densely; from just one you can collect a bucket of up to twenty liters.
- The pickling miracle, with its size and taste (without a sweetish aftertaste), is ideal for twisting whole fruits.
- The dense pulp of the fruit and durable skin retain its integrity well during transportation and pickling.
- The name of the tomato speaks for itself.
Features of cultivation
The characteristic of proper cultivation of seedlings of the Pickling Miracle is that the shoots are well accepted in open soils and greenhouses at a temperature of eighteen degrees Celsius, and grow equally quickly. Therefore, in areas with cold climate conditions, the Salting Miracle is a very acceptable option. But do not forget that seeds should be sown for seedlings no more than two months in advance.
After reading numerous reviews, you can find out that due to their small growth size, tomato seedlings can densely plant a plot of land one meter by meter, about six to eight bushes.
The best option for planting Pickling Miracle tomatoes is in a long row with a distance between bushes of twenty to twenty-five centimeters. Tomato bushes, which do not require supports for gartering, easily bend to one side during the growth process, maintaining a given position, creating a free approach to them for processing, watering and harvesting.
The land for planting tomatoes is covered, mulched with peat, manure or, in extreme cases, in the absence of peat or manure, with sawdust or cardboard.
Manure and peat not only fertilize the soil well for seedlings, but also perfectly protect against weeds. To protect against weeds, you can plant mustard seeds along with seedlings. Over time, sawdust mixes with the soil and rots, forming an excellent fertilizer for the soil.
In dry summers or in greenhouses, tomato bushes are watered two or three times a week with warm water, but do not water them like cucumbers, but moisten the soil. This leads to drying of the leaves and increased fruit growth. The largest harvest is produced by the Pickling Miracle bushes, grown with one shoot per five clusters: all other clusters and excess shoots must be cut off.
The peculiarities of growing seedlings and preparing them for planting the Zasolochnaya Chudo variety do not differ much from other varieties, and this type of bushes does not require special care for growing bushes until the fruit ripens.
Saving energy and time, to the delight of summer residents and gardeners, possessing notes of taste that are unique to it, tomatoes of the Salting Miracle variety will ideally decorate the table both raw and cooked, pickled, or canned.True tomato connoisseurs claim that the best taste of the Salted Miracle tomato comes only in a canned state.