Description of the tomato variety Velvet Season, its characteristics and yield

For Siberia, breeders have created tomatoes that are grown in open ground conditions. Varieties such as the Velvet Season tomato are successfully cultivated in harsh weather conditions. Even in this climatic zone it is possible not only to grow, but also to obtain high yields.

Breeders are looking for new opportunities to create tomato varieties with decent performance for this type of vegetable. Their work made it possible for vegetable growers to obtain their harvest in areas of risky farming.

The main direction of creating such varieties is aimed at breeding early and low-growing species.Some of the tomatoes they bred are suitable for both the north and the south of the country.

Descriptive characteristics of the variety

Velvet Season tomatoes are mid-early tomatoes. It is distinguished by low bushes (determinant variety) and is suitable for growing both in open beds and under film covers. The height of mature bushes is approximately 50–70 cm.

The characteristics and description of the variety include information about the fruits. They are fleshy and rich red in color. Their shape is round with a slightly elongated bottom. One tomato can weigh 300g, but most weigh 100g.

The pulp has increased sugar content, and when you bite you feel its density and tenderness. Thanks to their elastic structure, they can be stored for a long time. When grown, these plants are resistant to peel cracking.

This variety of tomatoes is intended:

  • for fresh use,
  • for salting.

tomatoes velvet season

Canned well whole. The dense skin is resistant to cracking after pouring hot water over them during preservation.

When squeezing the juice out of these tomatoes, a puree-like mass is obtained, so Velvet Season tomatoes are practically not used for this purpose.

Questions about planting tomatoes

Weather conditions have minimal impact on obtaining an excellent harvest. As a rule, velvet tomatoes have a stable yield. If agrotechnological requirements are observed, as well as with regular feeding, up to 5–7 kg of vegetables of this variety can be obtained from 1 m2.

tomatoes on a branch

Planting seeds of this variety begins 50–60 days before the optimum temperature occurs, allowing seedlings to be planted in open ground. Seed cultivation is carried out indoors with a temperature of about 23–25 ⁰С.Tomatoes are planted in open beds after the soil has warmed to 15 degrees.

To ensure quick and friendly seedlings, you can pre-treat the seed material with ready-made products to stimulate their growth.

The variety is resistant to typical diseases that can affect these vegetables. Early ripening of fruits protects them from late blight.


For most amateur gardeners, tomatoes of the Siberian selection Velvet Season have become favorites for growing in their personal plots in a sharply continental climate. But there are also those who did not like some of the features of the variety.

reviews about the variety

Olga, 37 years old: “I planted Velvet Season tomatoes for the first time 7 years ago. I bought the seeds packaged in bags. I liked the variety from the beginning of cultivation. Friendly, strong shoots. After transplanting into the ground there were no problems with survival. The yield was good."

Alexander, 58 years old: “It turned out that some Velvet Season tomato bushes had grown higher than the description stated, and as they grew we had to try to tie them to pegs. All the bushes bore excellent fruit. The fruits grew large and tasty. They have an almost round shape and increased fleshiness. The higher the fruits were set on the bushes, the larger they turned out. Very suitable for making salads. I liked their resistance to diseases.”
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