Description of the Tea Rose tomato and characteristics of the variety

The “Tea Rose” tomato was bred by Russian breeders and has a number of advantages.

Characteristics of the variety: mid-early, indeterminate, large-fruited, resistant to many tomato diseases. Created specifically for greenhouse cultivation, but in regions with a stable warm climate it is also grown in open ground. Tomatoes of this variety can be grown all year round in heated greenhouses.

tea rose tomato seeds

A bush of this variety grows up to 1.8-2 m high, so it definitely requires gartering to a vertical or horizontal support. The stem is liana-shaped and flexible.The formation of the stem of this tomato is carried out as the plant grows into 1-2 trunks. Since the fruits are quite large, it is necessary to tie the trunk to a support.

The leaves of the seedlings are light, and when the plant gains growth, they become dark green, slightly elongated. For 1 sq. m plant 4-5 plants. The plant is tall, so planting is done using the 50 x 50 cm technology. The period from seed germination to fruiting of the plant is 110-115 days.

The resistance of the Tea Rose variety to tomato diseases is high.

Fruit characteristics

Description of the fruits of the “Tea Rose” variety of tomatoes: large, perfectly round, smooth, fleshy, sugary tomatoes at the break. The color of a ripe tomato is soft pink with a pearlescent sheen. The skin of these tomatoes is tender but dense. Tea Rose tomatoes do not crack.

It has a good delicate taste and pleasant aroma. They are consumed fresh and in salads. Small fruits can be preserved in their entirety, and large ones in slices or in the form of juice, puree, or sauce. Reviews of this variety are positive, noting the good presentation, as well as some decorativeness of the variety.

appearance of tea rose tomato

The size of the fruits on the bush is not the same and ranges from 120 to 300 grams (individual fruits up to 400 grams), the yield of the Tea Rose tomato is about 15 kg per 1 sq. m. The variety is transportable and stores well.

Fertilizer and feeding

During the formation of seedlings, before picking, fertilize with liquid fertilizers for plant growth, twice with an interval of 7 days.

  • When transplanting to a permanent place, water or dip the root system in a solution of Fitosporin, which prevents infection with fungal infections and feeds the plant with microelements.

Fitosporin solution

Features of winter growing tomatoes to get a good harvest

Tea Rose tomatoes are light-loving and heat-loving, so in winter it is especially important to maintain light and temperature conditions in the greenhouse. The optimal soil temperature for tomatoes is 18-22 OC. You can add additional light for 4-5 hours, extending the daylight hours in sunny weather. But, since it is usually cloudy in autumn and winter, the greenhouses are artificially illuminated around the clock, or by turning off the lights for 6-8 hours a day.

Growing tomatoes includes watering, loosening, and fertilizing the bushes.

Features of watering

  • You need to water the tomatoes with warm water at about 18-20 degrees and at least 15 degrees.
  • It is better if watering is drip. If watering is not drip, then the water consumption, depending on the age of the plant, is from 5 to 10 liters per root every 8-12 days.
  • Watering must be alternated with loosening the soil under the tomato bushes. This will protect the planting from the development of fungal diseases and ensure optimal aeration of the plant.

watering tomatoes in the garden

Tomatoes of the “Tea Rose” variety require humidity in the range of 65-70% for normal pollination and fruit set. High air humidity, in addition to the development of fungus, leads to pollen gluing and pollination of tomatoes does not occur. Low humidity leads to the fact that pollen scatters and does not fall on the pistil, in which case pollination also does not occur.

Tomatoes of the “Tea Rose” variety are fertilized throughout the entire growing period.

It is important that fertilizing of tomatoes is carried out in a timely manner and does not exceed the norm, otherwise the tomatoes can be ruined.
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