Description of the tomato variety Country Favorite, its characteristics and yield

Summer residents are often confused among the variety of tomato varieties and hybrids. And in this regard, the following questions are asked. Which variety to choose: determinate or indeterminate? Bee-pollinated or parthenocarpic? Which of these varieties give the most yield? Now we will try to answer these questions and review the Country Favorite tomato.

Characteristics of the variety Dachny Favorite

Description of the variety: early ripening, determinate. The bush reaches a size of 60 centimeters and stops growing.The tomato produces simple inflorescences and large green leaves. The plant requires shaping and staking. The fruits are large - the weight of one tomato reaches 300 grams, red, slightly ribbed, flat-round in shape. The pulp is medium dense, juicy, up to 6 chambers with seeds are formed in the tomato.

The taste of tomatoes is sweetish with sourness. The yield is average: up to 8 kilograms of crops are harvested in greenhouses.

Positive characteristics

The variety is popular among summer residents, so it has received many positive reviews about the qualities of the Dacha Favorite tomato. Gardeners note:

sweetish with sourness

  • resistance to many diseases;
  • high taste characteristics;
  • excellent commercial quality of fruits;
  • ease of plant care.

Which is better: determinant or indeterminate?

In order to understand which tomato is best, you need to know the meaning of these words:

popular among summer residents

  1. Determinate is a stem with limited growth, it grows to a certain height and the last point of growth ends in the ovary. Such bushes are usually planted in open areas where there is nowhere to tie the bushes.
  2. Indeterminate is a stem with unlimited growth; in this case, lateral shoots are not formed, and branches with tomatoes appear instead of leaves. The characteristic is this: if the growth of this stem is not stopped, it will bear fruit until frost. Typically, such tomatoes are grown in greenhouses; these varieties are the most popular in industry.
  3. There is another low-growing species - standard, it does not require gartering, pinching or pruning of leaves. It grows in both open and closed areas. But due to the small growth, the yield is low.

with limited growth

What do bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic mean?

Tomato bushes pollinated by bees are planted in areas where insects have access to the plants.If the bushes are planted in a greenhouse, it should be opened during the day for insects to access.

Parthenocarpic hybrids do not require pollination; the ovaries are formed from female flowers, which in these plants predominate over male flowers. It is recommended to plant these tomatoes in closed ground where there is no access to insects.


So, we’ve sorted out the terminology, now let’s look at the reviews of summer residents who constantly grow tomatoes on their plots.

Reviews from gardeners

Tatyana Vladimirovna writes: I plant both, so the harvest ripens throughout the season. Early ripening low-growing ones begin the marathon, and tall-growing ones bear fruit until late autumn. But this is in a greenhouse.

all season

Galina Arkadyevna writes: I always plant indeterminate varieties in open beds; they take up as much space as low-growing ones, and the harvest ripens until late autumn.

The analysis showed that there are no best tomatoes for gardeners. Everyone chooses the right tomato for their garden. Low-growing ones produce less yield and bear fruit for a shorter period. Tall ones bear fruit until frost; to stop the growth of such a plant, you only need to pinch the top.

open beds
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