Description of the tomato variety Ob Domes and its characteristics

The Obskie Domes tomato is an early-ripening variety, a hybrid, the fruits of which are dome-shaped. Externally, tomatoes look like persimmons. The color of the fruit is raspberry-pink, quite bright. The tomato adapts well to poor climate and is quite suitable for growing in the northern regions of the country.

Description of the tomato variety

Ob domes are a low plant, the height of which at its maximum can reach 60 centimeters. Due to these dimensions, processing the bush ceases to be any difficulty. If you practice growing Ob domes in a greenhouse, you can get a bush up to 70 centimeters high.

This variety, as the description on the packaging states, belongs to hybrids with a fairly early ripening period. The period from the moment of sowing seeds for seedlings to harvesting the first ripened fruits is no more than 100 days. An exception may be situations when the summer is very cold and the amount of sunlight is less than usual.

The most optimal result can be obtained if you grow Ob domes in 3 to 5 stems. Since the mass of fruits is quite large, the plant needs staking even if it is small in height. According to the advice of experienced vegetable growers, stepsons should be removed, but it is not recommended to do this above the ovary of the first cluster.

Due to the fact that the size of such a tomato is small, up to 6 bushes can “fit” on one square meter. If tomatoes are grown in open beds, up to 5 kilograms of selected Obskie Dome tomatoes can be obtained from one plant. If the bushes grow in a greenhouse, we can talk about even greater yields - up to 6 kilograms per specimen.

plant height

The mid-early hybrid variety is determinant. Shows resistance to most diseases that affect plants of the nightshade family. Tomato is grown by experienced summer residents everywhere, since it has gained the reputation of a variety that gives a guaranteed harvest.

Sowing of seedlings should be done two months before the expected date of planting the seeds in the ground. The approximate planting pattern is 400*500 millimeters.

The plant is not tall, but additional height can be obtained through stepsons: it is recommended to grow Ob domes into several stems, the number of which can reach up to five.

The optimal temperature at which maximum germination of Ob dome seeds is stated is 23 – 25 °C. The variety reacts very sensitively to watering and fertilizing. The application of complex fertilizers is a good support for the Obskie Domes tomato.

watering tomatoes

In order for the seeds to germinate as quickly as possible, they are first placed in growth stimulants, which have a beneficial effect on the germination and health of the seeds.

Fruit characteristics

Tomato fruits of the Obskie Domes variety are medium in size. Their weight ranges from 200 to 260 grams. Color - bright red or raspberry pink. The pulp of this variety of tomatoes is fleshy, sweet, and the skin is very dense. The fruits are perfect for canning, preparing preparations in the form of sauces and pastes, and become an excellent basis for salads and first courses.

Some vegetable growers who leave positive reviews about tomatoes note that in appearance Ob Dome tomatoes resemble persimmons.

Origin of the variety

The Ob Dome tomatoes were bred by Siberian plant breeders. The legal entity responsible for the development is the agrotechnical company Siberian Garden. This variety is the focus of all the best discoveries of Russian selective science.

Pros and cons of the variety

The Ob Domes tomato has many advantages:

  • small plant height, which greatly simplifies processing;
  • resistance to climatic conditions, which can be quite harsh;
  • versatility of fruit use - pickling, canning, salad preparations, fresh consumption;
  • ability to tolerate long-term transportation well;
  • high yield: up to 6 kilograms of tomatoes from one greenhouse bush and up to 5 kilograms when grown in open ground.

The characteristics of the variety do not indicate any significant shortcomings.The only factor that experienced agricultural technicians pay the attention of vegetable growers to is the need to carry out the process of pinching and tying up the plant.

Features of cultivation

The Obskie Domes variety is very unpretentious to growing conditions. Tolerates temperature changes and light frosts well. In harsh climatic conditions it can be grown in a greenhouse; in the middle zone it grows well in open ground.

Ob dome tomatoes

In order to get a good harvest of beautiful, bright tomatoes in the summer, you need to sow the seeds for seedlings at the end of March. This should be done in pre-prepared and heated soil, which is a well-mixed and moistened mixture of garden soil, river sand, wood ash and peat.

When the first shoots appear, it is a good idea to apply complex fertilizer. The high responsiveness of the hybrid to feeding will be felt immediately.

By watering the plants with warm water, after some time it will be possible to note the appearance of the first two leaves and make a pick. If a summer resident aims to collect the highest possible harvest and extend the fruiting period, the seeds should first be soaked in a growth stimulator.

Disease Control

Diseases characteristic of tomatoes can have very different origins and distribution histories. The success of pest control lies in knowing the causes of their occurrence.

The leaves and fruits of tomatoes can be affected by fungal diseases. If this happens, the leaves begin to wither, the trunk is exposed, and when you press on the fruit, you can notice the remaining brown spots. As an effective control measure, agricultural technology recommends the use of the drug "Strobi". The method for preparing the solution is as follows: add two grams of the drug to a bucket of water and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting composition should be used for spraying bushes during the growing season.

tomato diseases

The effect of the drug "Strobi" will be obvious even if you spray only one side of the leaf. You can see the product on sale in the form of granules that dissolve in large amounts of water.

The Ob Domes tomato may suffer from a disease such as powdery mildew. In most cases, pathology can be noted in a greenhouse made of glass.

Factors that favorably influence the development of bacterial spores:

  • high temperature inside the greenhouse;
  • insufficient watering of plants;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals, weak plant immunity.

Externally, the disease does not manifest itself in any way. There are no changes in leaf shape or deviations in fruit development. Destruction of spores is possible. To do this, it is recommended to use sodium humate, which is diluted in a proportion of 1 gram per liter of water.
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