Description of the Northern Beauty tomato variety, its cultivation and care

When selecting tomato varieties for canning, gardeners should pay attention to the Northern Beauty tomato. Among the abundance of ordinary and hybrid species, tomatoes of this type stand out for their high yield and excellent taste. What else is remarkable about the variety?

Description of the variety

Northern beauty is a mid-season indeterminate variety. The height of the bush is 140–150 cm. From the moment of seed germination to the ripening of the fruit, 118–120 days pass. The plants are covered with medium-sized leaves of the appropriate shape for tomatoes. The color of the stem and leaves is green.

Fruit characteristics:

  • Unripe tomatoes are light green, the area around the stalk is dark green.
  • Upon reaching technical maturity, the fruit turns deep pink.
  • Inside the tomatoes, covered with smooth thin skin, there are 5-6 seed chambers.
  • The pulp is dense and juicy.
  • The taste is distinctly sweet.
  • The shape of the fruit is elongated cream with a cone-shaped pointed tip.
  • 5–6 tomatoes are formed from the inflorescence.

The weight of a tomato ranges from 60 to 120 g. Thanks to the fleshy core, the fruit is perfect for preparing canned whole fruits and eating fresh. Subject to the correct watering and fertilizing scheme, as well as normal weather conditions, the plant yield is 4.1 kg per 1 sq. m. beds.

northern beauty

The Northern Beauty tomato variety is resistant to dangerous diseases such as fusarium and TMV. The bushes tolerate long droughts and cold snaps well.

In view of these features, tomatoes grow well throughout Russia, including the northern regions. Tomatoes of this variety are suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground.

tomato beauty

Features of cultivation and care

In order for all the characteristics to manifest itself in practice, planting and subsequent manipulations must be carried out according to the established plan. To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in seedling boxes 50–55 days before planting in the garden. To speed up seed germination, cover the container with plastic film or glass.

Until the sprouts appear, the cover is periodically removed. If you keep the crops covered, growing delicious tomatoes will be a disaster: the soil will become moldy and the seeds will not germinate.

Seeds are sown in furrows to a depth of 1 cm. After germination, excess plants are removed or planted in separate cups after the formation of 2-3 true leaves.Young plants are planted in a permanent place after the formation of 5–6 true leaves. Plant seedlings in cloudy weather or in the evening.

characteristics appeared

According to the description of the variety, the height of the bushes is about 1.5 meters. Plants of such large growth are usually tied to supports. Being in an upright position, the plant gets sick less often, since the fruits do not come into contact with the soil, and the bushes are well lit and ventilated. In addition, thanks to the correct distribution of nutrients, formed bushes bear fruit better than their creeping, unkempt counterparts.

Caring for tomatoes completely coincides with the generally accepted care for all types of vegetable crops. The bushes are regularly watered and fed with organic fertilizers.


Have you grown a Northern Beauty tomato? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this variety? Your opinion will help those who still have doubts make their choice, because reviews based on life experience are much more important than stereotyped characteristics.

the pulp is dense
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