Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Avizo

To grow a decent harvest of the Avizo F1 variety, you should know some features of agricultural technology. Perhaps the first experience will be unsuccessful. Usually tomatoes are very... It takes a lot of effort to get a decent harvest.

Characteristics of the variety

The Avizo F1 variety was bred for planting in open ground. It has increased productivity. The bushes do not require additional shaping. Description of the fruit: red color, dense inside. Tomatoes have an ellipsoid shape. One tomato can weigh about 80 g.

The first harvest can be carried out within 2 – 2.5 months. The bushes are resistant to tomato diseases (verticillium and late blight). The fruits have a good presentation. The variety is suitable for fresh consumption and for preparing preserves, sauces and juices.

Not all regions have time to ripen tomatoes. In areas where there is little sun even in summer, you should carefully read the description before buying seeds.

Disease Control

The main principle of combating Avizo tomato diseases is timely treatment and the use of preventive agents. You should know the timing of the possible appearance of diseases.

disease control

Late blight appears on plants starting from June 22. Treatment for such a disease should be carried out even before this moment. Phytophthora does not tolerate dry air.

Greenhouses should be regularly ventilated, and after watering, the soil in the greenhouse should be sprinkled with dry peat. If you don’t do this, you definitely need to loosen the soil and open the windows for ventilation.

Experienced vegetable growers advise spraying the bushes with iodine dissolved in milk and water every 10 days during the growing season (10 liters of water, 1 liter of milk and 2 drops of iodine). You can use the product “Ekosil”, which is made on the basis of fir bushes.


The tomato really needs feeding. To prevent the plants from weakening, they are fertilized with superphosphate every 1.5 weeks, as they require a high phosphorus content in the soil.

tomato instructions

Watering is carried out only with warm water. Make sure that water does not get on the stems or leaves. Optimal time for watering tomatoes - early morning. It is better to water the seedlings rarely, otherwise the plants will stretch out but be frail. Seedlings require sufficient lighting. If there is little sunlight, you can install additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

You need to know that early varieties are not stored for a long time and are suitable mainly for salads. They ripen starting in June.

Late varieties are good for preparing preserves. Such tomatoes, picked unripe, can remain in special conditions until spring.

Stepson rules

You should know that some varieties require pinching of stems. This process can greatly influence the final fruiting result.

tomatoes on a branch

Usually, for stepson varieties, it is necessary to leave 2 stems on the bushes. A flower brush is formed over the 7th or 9th leaf. In this place, a stepson is formed on the opposite side.

There is no need to cut off shoots that are more than 7 cm long - this can damage the plant. Around the beginning of August, the upper part of the main stems is cut off to stop the growth of the bush. After this procedure, the bush begins to direct force to the formation of fruits.


Mikhail, Rostov-on-Don: “I planted the Avizo F1 hybrid for the first time. When late blight appeared on plants, we were able to quickly cope with the problem. I liked the earlier ripening of tomatoes. Even without pinching there was a good yield.”
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