The GS-12 tomato, which has powerful roots, is grown in seedlings in Ukraine, Moldova, and southern Russia. The seeds of this hybrid are produced by the Swiss company Syngenta and sell quickly, despite their decent cost. You don’t have to wait long for the first tomatoes; they ripen 55 days after planting in open ground.
What is it valued for?
The hybrid tolerates heat well, the ovary does not fall off even at air temperatures above +30 degrees. The roots of tomato GS-12 f1 also find nutrients in infertile podzolic soil. The plant is not afraid of viruses:
- bronzeness;
- yellow leaf curl;
- tobacco mosaic.
The variety is rarely susceptible to fusarium rot, powdery mildew, and is resistant to gray and brown spot, and verticillium wilt. Summer residents who have started planting this hybrid in their garden beds write positive reviews about the tomato, noting that they like the taste of tomatoes and the ability to seal them in jars without cutting them into pieces.
Determinate variety of tomatoes has a height of no more than a meter, has green leaves with sharp ends, under the eighth of which the first flower appears. The bushes grow quickly, and in each bosom, not one fruit is tied, but several. Ripe tomatoes are different:
- dense texture;
- attractive shape;
- bright red color;
- excellent taste.
A tomato weighs from 120 to 140 g. From 1 square meter, about 4 kg of fruits are collected, which are well stored and transported over long distances. The bush looks unusual, covered with delicious tomatoes.
Land preparation
The GS-12 f1 hybrid is grown in almost any soil; the variety does not welcome only heavy, wet soil, but the fruits ripen even in it if the bushes are planted on a ridge. The soil for tomatoes is dug up in the fall. You need to choose an area where potatoes or eggplants did not grow, since these crops are affected by the same diseases.
With the seedless method of cultivation, which is possible only in the southern regions, the soil is leveled so that there is the same depth when sowing. To conserve moisture in the spring, soil tillage is minimized.
Before planting tomatoes, the soil is fertilized with minerals - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. During the growing season, fertilizing is also necessary.
Seeds germinate when the temperature rises to 15 degrees.In the south of Russia and Ukraine, seedlings are moved into open ground starting in the third ten days of April, in the middle zone - from May 10 to May 25. 7 hybrid bushes are planted on 1 square meter. When growing in seedlings:
- The harvest is harvested early.
- Tomatoes do not die from frost.
- Fewer fertilizers and fungicides are used.
- The density of the leaves is regulated.
The disadvantage of this method is that the root system develops worse than when sowing directly into open ground. Bushes take longer to adapt to new conditions.
Features of care
The maximum harvest is harvested if the night temperature is about 18 degrees. The tomato needs to be freed from stepsons and excess ovaries. Crop care includes:
- fertilizing the soil;
- ties up bushes;
- mulching;
- hydration.
You need to water the tomatoes at the root, making sure that water does not get on the leaves and inflorescences. Drip irrigation is best. Mineral and organic fertilizers must be added to the soil regularly.
If you follow the rules of agricultural technology and timely hydration, the tomatoes will be rewarded with dense and tasty tomatoes.