Vegetable crops of Siberian selection have long found their fans among Russian gardeners. New products are given expressive names that give an idea of the merits of the variety. An example is the Sibiryak f1 tomato, a unique hybrid with large, dessert-tasting fruits. A record weight of 2.8 kg was recorded for the Sibiryak. Agree, such tomatoes are rare even when grown in ideal conditions for cultivation in the south of Russia.
The varieties and hybrids that the Siberian collection offers deserve attention due to the exceptional qualities and reliability of the seed material.Among the large offer you can find varieties with different growing seasons, from dwarf to two-meter vines, with fruits of bizarre shapes, colors and sizes. The main positive characteristic of zoned varieties is their ability to produce a guaranteed yield in difficult climatic conditions.
Variety "Sibiryak"
This hybrid immediately attracts attention with its large and tasty fruits. The advantages include the plant’s non-susceptibility to certain diseases.
This is what the main characteristics of the Sibiryak tomato look like:
- late-ripening tomato with a growing season of 130-140 days;
- plant of unlimited growth, indeterminate, well leafy;
- the first brush is placed above the 11-12 sheet;
- fruits are flat-round in shape with slight ribbing near the stalk, red in color;
- the pulp is dense, juicy, sugary, with a good dessert taste;
- Up to 4.5 kg of fruits are collected from a bush, with a single fruit weighing from 400 to 600 g.
Tall tomatoes are grown in greenhouses and require tying the stem to a support. You will have to spend extra effort to form the plant.
Features of caring for the variety
Caring for determinate, late-ripening varieties has some differences.
- Continued growth will require earlier planting of seeds for seedlings at the end of February, early March.
- At the initial stage of growth, seedlings are given extra light, trying to prevent them from being pulled out.
- Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse in late April at the age of 50-55 days. Planting pattern 40 x 60 cm.
- The plant is brought out into one stem, removing all side shoots and leaves from the ground part. The growth point is pinched after the formation of 5-7 brushes.
- It is mandatory to tie the plant to a reliable support or trellis.
- Watering, weeding, loosening the soil and hilling the stem are carried out in a timely manner. Feed according to standard rules once every 2-3 weeks.
By creating comfortable conditions for the plant, you can get tomatoes with a unique weight. After all, someone managed to grow a huge specimen weighing almost three kilograms.
Tomato variety "Mama's Sibiryak"
Another new variety of Siberian breeders received this original name. “Mother’s Sibiryak” is truly remarkable for its unusual, elongated fruit shape and high yield.
Here is a short description of the variety:
- mid-season plant with a growth duration of 111-115 days;
- bush of determinant type, reaches a height of 120-150 cm;
- the first inflorescence is formed above the 7-8 leaf;
- fruits are cylindrical, red, shiny, slightly thickened at the bottom;
- tomatoes have excellent taste characteristics and are ideal for whole-fruit canning, stuffing, and preparing winter and summer salads;
- on one brush there are 5-7 fruits of various sizes with a weight of 60-150 g;
- the variety demonstrates excellent productivity up to 20 kg/sq.m. m.
The variety has excellent commercial and consumer characteristics. It can be grown in indoor and outdoor conditions.
Agricultural technology and care
Varieties with limited growth are easy to care for; the Mamin Siberian tomato is no exception. To care for it you will not need to perform any unusual techniques.
- Seeds for seedlings are planted 60-65 days before transplanting to a permanent place. Seed germination temperature is 23-25 degrees.
- Seedlings are planted in separate containers in the phase of appearance of 1 true leaf, and the first feeding is carried out.
- They are planted in a permanent place according to a 40 x 50 cm pattern. The variety tolerates very dense plantings up to 5-9 bushes per 1 square meter.m.
- Further care is quite traditional, consisting of watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, and weeding.
With minimal labor costs, you can get a wonderful harvest of beautiful and very tasty tomatoes that grow in any climate zone.
Variety "Sibiryachok"
The early-ripening, productive Siberian tomato is distinguished by its extreme ease of care and excellent consumer qualities of the fruit. It grows well in protected and open ground.
Main characteristics and description of the variety:
- early ripening tomato with a growing season of 103-108 days;
- a determinate type plant that stops growing on its own after the formation of 4-5 clusters;
- the bush is low, compact, does not require gartering the trunk and removing stepsons;
- the first brush is formed over the 5-7th leaf;
- the fruits are round, smooth, with a strong, bright red skin, weighing 90-100 g;
- the pulp is very dense, quite juicy, with an excellent tomato taste;
- Tomatoes have a long shelf life and are suitable for whole fruit harvesting, preparing salads, purees, and juices.
The appearance of the fruits and their ability to be stored for a long time have earned excellent reviews. Early ripening is very important in short summer conditions. But some agricultural techniques allow you to get the harvest even faster.
Rules of care
“Sibiryachok” is unpretentious and is suitable for growing in seedlings and planting seeds immediately in a permanent place.
- It is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings in the last ten days of March.
- At the stage of 1-2 permanent leaves, seedlings are planted in separate pots.
- Plants are planted in a permanent place at the age of 55-60 days. The planting pattern is quite dense, 50 x 40 cm.
- By this time, the bushes should have 6-7 permanent leaves and at least 1 flower cluster.
- Care involves watering, weeding, and loosening the soil.
- With minimal labor costs, the first tomatoes should ripen already in July.
Such ease of care for heat-loving crops is possible due to the genetic characteristics of hybrids and varieties of Siberian selection.