Hogweed is a dangerous poisonous plant that is often found in summer cottages. It poses a real threat to people and causes severe burns. That’s why gardeners are trying to breed this crop. However, it is important to take into account the beneficial properties of the plant, which has a healing effect on the body. That is why it is so important to study the description of hogweed and what it looks like, as well as why it is dangerous.
Description of the plant
This plant poses some health risks.Therefore, every summer resident should become familiar with its visual signs and varieties. At the same time, hogweed also has a number of useful properties. In addition, it has a very attractive appearance.
Hogweed is a two- or three-year-old plant. It is characterized by a fairly powerful appearance. The height of the bush can reach 6 meters. Another feature of the culture is a strong root that does not contain branches. In appearance, it resembles a carrot and is white in color with a slight yellow tint. The length of the hogweed root can reach 1 meter.
The plant is distinguished by a thick stem with a ribbed surface. Inside it is hollow and covered with hard hairs. The stem branches upward. The leaves are divided and contain segments of different shapes.
The basal leaves reach 0.8-1 meters in length and 40-80 centimeters in width. The petiole is long and has a groove. The bush has several leaves that form a rosette near the root. The upper ones are sessile and fit tightly to the stem.
Hogweed is characterized by small flowers that can be pink, yellow-green or white. They form an umbrella with a diameter of 50-60 centimeters. Up to 80 flowers can appear on one bush. They bring a lot of nectar, which attracts bees. The flowering period occurs in September-October.
After this, fruits appear on the bushes, which are presented in the form of a large brown flat achene. Its size is 7-8 millimeters. Seed ripening occurs from late June to October. They retain their viability for 2-3 years.
In total, there are more than 70 varieties of hogweed. They are divided into a number of categories - weeds, poisonous, decorative.The most famous varieties include the following:
- Sosnovsky - this culture has red veins on the cuttings and trunk.
- Mantegation is the largest variety. It reaches 6 meters in height. The length of the leaves is 3 meters.
- Steven - used as a flavoring agent. This culture is listed in the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory.
- Ordinary - is a perennial crop that reaches a height of 2-2.5 meters. At the same time, the lobed leaves have 3-5 lobes and have a rich green tint.
- Siberian - reaches a height of 2 meters. It is characterized by yellow-green flowers. This plant is used for medicinal purposes.
- Shaggy - there are clearly defined furrows on its shoots. The height of the plant reaches 1.5 meters. At the same time, flower umbrellas have a diameter of up to 20 centimeters.
- Dissected - used in decorative floriculture. The height of the plant reaches 2 meters.
Less common varieties include hard, sweet, and Western Asian. There are also large-flowered, rough-edged and other varieties.
Distribution in Russia
The most famous and widespread is Heracleum Sosnovskyi Manden. Currently, it is considered a dangerous plant, which can be quite difficult to control. In the forties of the last century, the weed, which had a limited distribution area, began to be grown in central Russia for use as livestock feed. This crop brought a huge amount of greenery - up to 2,500 centners per hectare.
But later people noticed that cow's milk began to taste bitter. In addition, it was not possible to ferment it, since hogweed has antiseptic properties. Another negative effect of such food was the emergence of problems with reproduction. The fact is that the culture has estrogenic activity, which often led to miscarriages in cows.
As a result, Sosnovsky's hogweed was no longer planted and grown. However, the process of its spread has already begun. Every year, weeds began to colonize more and more new territories and cause a lot of trouble for people and animals.
In most cases, hogweed is found in central Russia, as it was grown as feed for livestock. It can be seen somewhat less frequently in Siberia, Altai, the Caucasus and the Urals.
Unpleasant properties of the plant
The biggest danger of the plant is its poisonous sap. This substance causes painful burns. Most often, hogweed poison harms children who play in its thickets.
The plant also emits a special odor, which causes many other problems. The aroma of culture spreads for about a kilometer. Therefore, removing poisonous plants is not enough - more serious measures must be taken. Otherwise, allergy sufferers will have to take antihistamines for a long time.
The biggest threat is hogweed burns. Quite often they do not appear immediately, but after a certain period of time.Such damage does not heal for a long time and may even reappear if the damaged areas of the skin are exposed to sunlight. Also, substances that are secreted by the leaves of the plant can lead to damage to the mucous membranes.
The larger the burn, the higher the risk of death. Even after the damage is completely eliminated, you will not be able to forget about it. When an excess amount of poison accumulates in the body, there is a risk of developing a dermatological disease - vitiligo.
How to treat burns from hogweed
You will not be able to eliminate hogweed burns on your own. After providing first aid, you need to consult a doctor. However, first you need to do the following:
- Blot the area of skin on which the juice has come in contact with a soft cloth. However, it should not be rubbed or smeared.
- Apply a clean gauze bandage to the damaged area.
- Wear a shirt or pants that covers the affected area.
Subsequent therapy is carried out in a closed room, in which there is no access to daylight. In this case, you need to do the following:
- Wash the affected area with soap and soda solution.
- Wipe the affected area with vodka or alcohol.
- Apply Panthenol or another similar drug to the burn site.
Over the next 5 days, you should use antihistamines. For this, it is permissible to use “Tavegil” or “Suprastin”. In case of severe pain, the doctor may prescribe analgesics - for example, Nimesil.
It is strictly prohibited to use the following to treat burns:
- Folk remedies - these include juices of medicinal plants, dog saliva, milk.
- Applying soil - other unhygienic substances are also prohibited.
Benefits of the plant
Young shoots of the crop contain a large amount of useful substances.These include iron, manganese, zinc, and potassium. Therefore, based on hogweed, you can make ointments that have healing and anti-inflammatory characteristics. In ancient times, the plant was used by healers to treat ulcers and inflammation.
The medicinal properties of hogweed allow it to be used in various fields. Almost all existing varieties of the crop can be used in medicine. Most often, extracts from the plant are used. However, it is quite acceptable to use other fragments of the crop - dried leaves, roots, seeds. Plant-based medicines can be used to successfully treat dermatological pathologies, wounds, burns, and rheumatism.
Traditional medicine also offers options for using hogweed, but these recipes should be used with great caution. Dried culture fragments retain their benefits for 2 years.
Some varieties of hogweed can be used in cooking. To do this, you need to collect young leaves and shoots in early spring. This is done before flowering begins. Before using the crop, you should make sure that the plant is completely safe and can be eaten. Otherwise, there is a risk of severe poisoning. Edible varieties of hogweed can be used to make salads, soups, pickles and marinades.
Culture can also be used in other industries:
- Beekeepers use the plant to collect honey. From 1 hectare of land sown with hogweed, you can get approximately 300 kilograms of useful nectar. However, this method is used very rarely, since it takes a lot of energy from the bees.
- The hollow stems are used to make musical instruments.
- Hogweed is used to make cardboard.This method is considered environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
- Hogweed extract is used to make an antifreeze liquid for car windows. It is highly efficient and completely environmentally friendly.
- Dry plants are tested for the possibility of producing various solutions that can be used for treatment against harmful microorganisms.
How to deal with hogweed
To get rid of a poisonous plant on a site, you can use different methods. It is worth starting to fight culture at the initial stage of its development. Young bushes are considered less dangerous than during the flowering period. Regardless of the method chosen, it is important to adhere to protective measures. Otherwise, there is a high probability of getting health problems.
So, the most effective ways to destroy hogweed include the following:
- Burning the plant. This method should be used extremely carefully. The plants need to be doused with a flammable mixture and set on fire. This method should not be used in dry weather, as there is a risk of fire. The situation may be aggravated due to the fact that the fruits of the plant contain essential oils.
- Flower trimming. This method is suitable for controlling hogweed in a small area. This must be done during budding. This method is considered very dangerous and expensive.
- Digging up roots. You can destroy weeds on the site by plowing. The first procedure is carried out in early spring. In this case, the roots need to be trimmed with flat cutters and the growing point removed. When the bush grows again, the procedure is repeated. This must be done before the leaves form a rosette. Plowing should be carried out systematically for 2-5 years.
- Covering with opaque film.To do this, it is worth using black material with a thickness of at least 100 micrometers. First, the area should be cleared of branches and stones. After the first shoots appear, you need to spread the material and press its edges tightly. First, the weeds grow under the film and then die. The shelter should be left for a year. This will help get rid of mature plants and young shoots.
- Use of herbicides. To combat hogweed, you can use glyphosate-based products. It is best to apply them before flowering begins. In this case, the amount of product indicated in the instructions must be increased by 2-3 times. However, such concentration does not always give the desired result. The most effective method is injection into the stems. However, this method is considered very labor-intensive.
You can also fight hogweed using folk methods. These include the following:
- injection of gasoline or solvent into the stem;
- treatment of the root system with boiling water;
- pouring vinegar essence into the hollow stem of a cut plant;
- grazing goats in fields with hogweed;
- growing spruce and pine trees on the site.
Precautionary measures
When fighting hogweed, you must adhere to safety measures. To prevent negative consequences, you must follow these recommendations:
- wear fully covered clothing;
- use rubber gloves;
- protect your eyes with glasses;
- use a respirator.
Hogweed is a rather dangerous plant that causes severe burns on the body. That is why it is so important to start the fight against this culture in a timely manner. It is worth considering that it also has a number of useful properties.