Buddleia Davida Black Knight is a breeding variety of the crop that belongs to the Norichnikov family. This plant is native to China and South Africa. Through hybridization, breeders managed to obtain more than a hundred ornamental varieties of crops. They differ in color, shape, and height of the bush. The Black Knight variety is considered the darkest representative of the variety. It is often used in landscape design.
Historical reference
A new variety of ornamental shrub was noticed by the monk David, who was a traveling missionary and naturalist.The culture grew in China and was not described until that time in any of the botany reference books. The monk sent biologist Rene Franchet to England a herbarium version of the new culture. The researcher described the plant in detail and named it in honor of Adam Buddle, who was one of the most famous botanists of the eighth century.
Today the culture bears a double name - part of the discoverer and part of the famous scientist. Subsequently, researchers carried out a lot of breeding work. Based on wild crops, they created new species that adapted to the climatic conditions of European countries, and subsequently Russia. The Black Knight variety is considered one of the most frost-resistant, which is why it is actively cultivated in different regions.
Description of the plant
This plant has pronounced decorative properties and is characterized by a long flowering period. The wide shrub grows up to 1.5 meters in height and reaches 1.2 meters in width. The flowering of the culture begins in the third year of development. The plant of this variety is characterized by the following features:
- Medium size shrub. It has straight shoots of medium thickness and drooping upper parts. The formation of shoots is considered very intensive. The stems are characterized by a rigid yet flexible structure. Perennial shoots are light green in color with a grayish tint. Young branches are characterized by a beige tint.
- Superficial root system. It is growing well. In this case, the central root deepens by about 1 meter.
- A large number of oval-lanceolate leaves, which are distinguished by an opposite arrangement. They are pointed and reach a length of 20-25 centimeters. The leaves are characterized by a smooth surface with small sparse fluff.In addition, they are distinguished by their light green color with bluish notes.
- The flowers reach a diameter of 1.2 centimeters. They are distinguished by a lilac or dark purple color and have an orange center. The flowers form spike-shaped plumes, the length of which is 35-40 centimeters. Erect inflorescences are formed on the upper parts of the branches.
A distinctive feature of Buddleia Davida Black Knight is its rapid development. In 1 year, the crop can grow 40 centimeters. The perennial blooms in one place for more than 10 years. In terms of visual characteristics, it is in many ways similar to lilac. Moreover, the culture blooms from August to October.
The variety is considered an excellent honey plant and attracts many insects. Butterflies and bees are often found on the bushes. According to reviews from gardeners, the variety can be grown in different regions of Russia that have a temperate and warm climate. This plant is actively used in design in the Caucasus and in the center of the Russian Federation. However, the crop is not suitable for growing in cold climates.
How to propagate it
Buddleia is easy to propagate. The culture takes root well and develops well from cuttings - cut stems. They can be cut from different fragments of the culture. These include:
- semi-lignified shoots - it is recommended to cut them at the end of summer;
- lignified fragments - they are harvested in early spring or autumn.
The cuttings need to be placed in water or moistened soil for the root system to begin to develop. It is recommended to cover the box with shoots with film. At the same time, it needs to be ventilated from time to time. In most cases, the plant takes root. When the seedlings begin to grow, they can be planted in a permanent plot.
You can buy plant seeds in stores.Their germination parameters are 40%. They need enough light and stratification to germinate. This process takes a long time. It takes up to 4 months for sprouts to appear. In addition, it is worth considering that seeds germinate unevenly. Therefore, it is recommended to propagate the crop by cuttings.
Regardless of the propagation method, young plants should spend their first winter in a cool room. A dark room is suitable for this. However, the temperature in it should not be more than +2-3 degrees. At higher parameters, the plant receives an impulse to grow. You can plant the plant in the ground if there is no risk of return frosts.
About landing
Buddleia of this variety is recommended to be planted in the warmest place in the garden. It should be well lit and private. The best option would be areas protected from the wind. In this case, the soil must be fertile and well-drained. The alkaline or neutral reaction of the soil is of no small importance.
You should not plant buddleia in places that are occasionally flooded with water. The fact is that the root system of the crop is susceptible to air deficiency and suffers from fungal infections.
Planting work is recommended to be carried out at the end of April, when there is no risk of return frosts. In the southern regions, buddleia can be planted in the fall. It is important to choose the right seedling. It must have strong roots without damage. Planting material must be treated with a growth stimulator and a fungal agent.
Before planting, it is recommended to do the following:
- Dig a hole. Its width should be 25 centimeters and its depth 55.
- Place a drainage layer at the bottom of the hole.It may include expanded clay, pebbles or gravel.
- Place peat mixed with compost on the drainage.
- Place the seedling in fertile soil and cover it thoroughly with soil.
- Water the plant generously and cover the tree trunk with a layer of mulch.
When planting several crops, it is important to maintain an optimal interval between them. It must be at least 1 meter.
How to care for a plant
Buddleia is a crop that needs quality care. It is a large plant that is characterized by rapid growth. That is why the culture needs a sufficient amount of useful elements and moisture. Its foliage evaporates water quickly and requires a lot of minerals to carry out the process of photosynthesis.
The culture needs a lot of water. This is especially true for young seedlings. During drought or prolonged lack of rainfall, it is recommended to periodically moisten the soil.
Watering should be done in the evening or early in the morning. It is important to consider that the foliage of the shrub is sensitive to sunburn. Therefore, wet leaves should not be exposed to direct sunlight. If you break this rule, dark brown spots will appear on their surface. This will lead to loss of decorativeness of the bush.
The use of specialized fertilizers is of no small importance. The soil around the buddleia needs to be fed regularly. This should be done 3-4 times during the season, using complex minerals. The plant is considered to be especially demanding of fertilizers during the flowering period. It is at this time that the flower consumes a large amount of useful elements. It is important that the minerals in the soil are systematically replenished.However, starting from September, you should stop feeding. The application of fertilizers will negatively affect the preparation of the plant for wintering and will lead to a decrease in its frost resistance.
When growing buddleia in light soil with high permeability, it requires systematic watering. In such soil, in addition to the spring dose of fertilizing, it is important to apply fertilizers before flowering begins. To do this, it is worth using fertilizers for tomatoes. At the same time, it is better to refuse azofoska. It contains nitrogen, which will negatively affect the flowering of the crop. It is important to take into account that the fertilizers used should not provoke acidification of the soil. It is important that it has an alkaline reaction.
Pest Control
Buddleia Davida Black Knight is considered a strong variety with good immunity. This plant is highly resistant to fungal infections and bacteria. In addition, the crop is considered immune to pest attacks. At the same time, in hot weather and drought, bushes can suffer from aphids and whiteflies. This is observed in the absence of sprinkling.
When the soil is waterlogged, there is a risk of bushes rotting. In such cases, buddleia needs to be treated with antibacterial drugs. To get rid of aphids, it is recommended to use Actellik. To destroy whiteflies, it is worth using the drug “Keltan”. It is important to treat plants in sunny weather.
Preparing for cold weather
Young buddleia seedlings must be covered for the winter. To do this, you need to make a polyethylene cap and pull it over the arcs. You can also cover the plant with spruce branches or dry leaves. It is worth additionally insulating the bush with snow on top.
Both young and mature crops need mulching.After 2 years of growing season, the root of the plant needs to be hilled up, sprinkled with a layer of mulch measuring 15 centimeters and the trunk should be wrapped in fabric.
The main task is to preserve the roots of the plant. If the winter has been harsh and there has been little snow, there is a risk of the shoots freezing. In this case, with the arrival of spring, they need to be pruned. This variety quickly produces young shoots. At the same time, flowers can be expected to appear on new shoots.
Application of the plant
Buddleia of this variety looks great in single plantings and in compositions. It can be used in landscape design in this way:
- as an accent in the central part of flower beds;
- for forming a hedge;
- as a background in discounts;
- as a border for garden paths;
- for zoning the site.
This crop is often planted in parks, squares and recreation areas. It serves as a wonderful addition to the alleys. The variety looks good with low crops in rockeries. It can be combined with dwarf conifers. Other good additions for buddleia include sage, asters, lavender, and gillyflower. Dwarf plant varieties can be planted in large containers and placed along paths.
Buddleia Davida Black Knight is a wonderful variety that is often used for landscaping. This shrub is distinguished by long-term decorative flowering and is considered undemanding to care. At the same time, it is important to properly prepare it for winter, water and feed it.