Dichondra is a genus of herbaceous evergreen perennial plants that belong to the Bindweed family. The name of the culture itself comes from two Greek words and is translated as “two grains.” This is due to the fact that the fruits of the plant resemble a two-chamber capsule. The genus includes 10 species that grow in humid places in New Zealand, East Asia, Australia, and America. Dichondra began to be used in floriculture relatively recently.
What kind of plant is this
This flower is an evergreen creeping plant that forms a dense carpet on the ground surface. Dichondra is characterized by a superficial root system. In this case, the shoots do not exceed 15 centimeters in height, while their length can be 1-1.5 meters.
The plant is characterized by creeping branched stems, which quickly take root through superficial roots formed in the internodes. During the flowering period, inconspicuous buds of purple, green or yellow color appear on the bushes. Their diameter is 2-3 millimeters. The flowering period is May-August. Small insects take part in the pollination of dichondra. The plant is characterized by round leaves that resemble coins. Their diameter is 0.5-2.5 centimeters. They cover the stems very thickly.
Ampel dichondra is often used as decoration. In regions with harsh climates, it is cultivated as an annual plant. In areas with warm winters, this crop is grown as a perennial. The domestic dichondra winters indoors, and in the summer it is taken out onto the terrace or balcony.
Popular varieties
In European countries, several varieties of crops have long been used to decorate lawns and terraces. These include Micrantha, which is a ground cover crop, and Brachypoda, which is characterized by strongly curved leaves. Also, European flower growers often choose varieties such as Carolinensis, Microcalyx, Occidentalis.
At the same time, Russian gardeners give preference to annual varieties of dichondra. These include Silver Falls and Emerald Falls. These crops are considered the best. They are ideal for hanging decorations. These plants differ in foliage color and stem length.In addition, they have different requirements for growing conditions.
Emerald Falls
This variety of dichondra is a crop that has small rounded leaves of a bright green color. It is also characterized by a branched stem. This plant is most often grown in pots. It grows well in partial shade. The crop can be planted as lawn grass or used to fill gaps between garden trees.
Silver Falls
This plant is a vine with long shoots and silvery leaves. It grows well in sunny places and does not need constant watering. The Silver Waterfall variety quickly recovers after the soil in the pot dries out. If there is a lack of lighting, the crop does not look very attractive. It does not grow in shade or partial shade.
Landing instructions
Planting work should be carried out taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. It is permissible to plant the crop after warm summer weather sets in. It is important that the temperature is at least +20 degrees.
To carry out planting work in open ground, it is recommended to choose a clear sunny day without precipitation. In regions with a temperate climate, it is recommended to plant dichondra in June. In the southern regions this can be done in mid-May.
How to choose a place
To place the dichondra, it is recommended to choose a place that is not blown. The Silver Falls variety is recommended to be planted in well-lit areas. The emerald variety also develops well in partial shade.
There are no specific requirements for the substrate. It is important to ensure that the soil is well drained. The culture develops well in loamy soil with pH parameters at the level of 6.6-8.
Step-by-step instruction
Liana is characterized by rather slow development. This feature is recommended to be taken into account when growing the crop as a ground cover plant. When planting a plant, it is recommended to do the following:
- Dig holes. The size of the holes should be such that a root with a lump of soil can easily fit into them. When planting several crops, the interval between them should be at least 15 centimeters.
- Place the seedlings in the holes. It is recommended to do this by transshipment.
- Sprinkle the seedlings with soil and compact the soil.
- Water the soil.
In order for the dichondra to develop normally, it needs to be properly cared for. Only in this case will the culture retain its decorative value for 5-6 years. The flower needs systematic watering, fertilizing, weeding and pruning.
Despite the fact that dichondra is considered a drought-resistant crop, it requires systematic watering. However, it is important to avoid stagnation of liquid in the soil. To avoid burns on the surface of the leaves, this flower needs to be moistened in the evening. This is especially true in hot weather.
In order for dichondra to look as decorative as possible, it needs to be systematically fed throughout the growing season. It is recommended to do this at intervals of 15 days. To do this, it is worth using mineral complex preparations that contain large amounts of potassium and nitrogen.
To form a lush crown of an ampelous dichondra, it needs to be trimmed and pinched. The plant also requires pruning at the stage of preparation for winter. To enhance the tillering of the crop, it is recommended to pinch the tips of the shoots. When the branches become too long, they need to be trimmed.
When dichondra is grown, its lashes can reach 2 meters in length.In warm climates they often increase to 6 meters. Landscape designers use the flower to imitate a running stream. This composition looks incredibly attractive. In addition, the cascading stems that reach the surface of the ground take root easily. Thanks to this, the hanging crop becomes a ground cover.
Each gardener decides for himself what to do. He can trim the flower's vines or leave them to grow. However, it is still necessary to pinch the tips of the shoots for stronger bushiness.
Preparing for winter
In regions with a temperate climate, dichondra is recommended to be grown as an annual. If you want to preserve the crop until spring, it is recommended to do the following:
- Before the cold weather arrives, cut off the above-ground part.
- Dig up the rhizome of the crop. After this, you need to shake off the clod of earth. Moreover, this must be done extremely carefully.
- Move the rhizome to the basement. It is important that the temperature there is at least +10 degrees.
- Cover the rhizome with damp peat or sprinkle with a good layer of wet sand. This must be done so that the roots do not dry out.
After such a wintering, new stems with roots will appear on the rhizome. They need to be cut with a sharp knife and transferred to individual containers. With the arrival of warm weather, you need to move the dichondra to open soil. At the same time, it is necessary to apply fertilizing. It is also permissible to immediately wait for the right temperature and transplant the crop directly into the soil.
In the southern regions, the flower can overwinter in the garden. In this case, it needs to be sprinkled with soil, covered with film, and fallen leaves or pine needles placed on top.If the ampelous dichondra grows in pots in the garden, with the arrival of cold weather it needs to be moved indoors - to a closed veranda or glazed loggia.
Pest Control
This flower is resistant to diseases and pests. To avoid damage to the crop, it is important to practice prevention. To do this you need to do the following:
- Remove weeds in a timely manner and do not mulch the soil around the bush.
- Don't use too much fertilizer. It is also important to monitor nitrogen levels so they are not too high.
- If the crown grows strongly, reduce the number of waterings. This will help prevent the appearance of mold and the development of fungal microorganisms. It is important to consider that excessive soil moisture is much more harmful to dichondra than overdrying the soil clod.
As for pests, the plant suffers from nematodes, flea beetles, whiteflies and aphids. It is important to consider that nematodes can cause plant death. They become active when humidity parameters increase. Dealing with parasites can be difficult. In this case, the plant must be destroyed and the soil must be treated with chemicals. Other parasites less commonly infect dichondra. To cope with them, you can use insecticides.
About the reproduction of dichondra
The plant is recommended to be propagated in the following ways:
- By cuttings - in this case it is recommended to use shoots that remain after autumn pruning. They should be placed in a damp substrate, deepened by 3 centimeters. After which the crop needs to be watered with a growth stimulator. Then the planting material should be covered with a plastic bottle or glass jar and placed in a warm and well-lit place. When the first buds appear, the shelter must be removed.In spring or early summer, the plant needs to be moved to a permanent location. This is done when suitable weather arrives.
- Seed method - in a temperate climate, vines should be grown using seedlings. In the southern regions, seeds can be sown directly into the ground. It is recommended to plant dichondra seedlings in winter. Flower sprouts develop very slowly and may not have time to gain strength by the time they are planted in open soil.
- Layering is the simplest and most reliable method. To do this, you need to take layering and press it to moist soil in the areas where the internodes are located. In these places, new roots will begin to form. They appear after approximately 7-14 days. After a month, they need to be separated from the bush and moved to a new place. Dichondra layerings take root well.
Dichondra can be used in landscape design for hanging decoration. To do this, the flower is planted in hanging pots, which are placed under the eaves of the roof. The crop can also be grown as a ground cover plant.
This flower is well suited for decorating garden plots, gazebos, and lawns. It can be used to create compositions near a pool or pond. Designers place the crop in patios, replacing lawn grass with it. The flower goes well with petunia, begonia, fuchsia and other plants.
Dichondra is a spectacular crop that is often used in landscape design. In order for the plant to grow normally and maintain its decorative properties, it needs to be provided with high-quality care.