Planting and caring for Ixia in open ground, growing features

Gardeners want to create the most comfortable and beautiful environment in their own garden plot. To do this, they use a variety of varieties and types of plants, planting them in an original way and turning an unprepossessing flowerbed into a real work of art. Plants familiar to the area are already boring, since they are found in almost every area, so it is worth giving preference to unusual new flowers. Ixia is an excellent alternative for those who strive for originality; by studying the correct planting and care of the crop, you can achieve excellent results.

Ixia - botanical description of a garden plant

Ixia is a herbaceous perennial that belongs to the Iris family. The name of the plant is translated from Greek as “glue”, and all because the culture secretes sticky juice. Previously, it was used to catch birds, and the flower itself needs it to attract insects that carry pollen. The natural habitat is the south of the African continent, but now you can find a large number of hybrids, cultivated in many regions since the 19th century.

This bulbous plant can reach a height of 15 to 70 cm, depending on the variety. The stems are long and quite thin, the narrow leaves are shaped like swords. Ixia itself looks very elegant and sophisticated. The diameter of the strongly open flowers is from 2.5 to 5 cm, each of them consists of 6 large petals of various bright shades, ranging from white to red.

The color becomes more saturated closer to the core. One inflorescence contains about 10 flowers. Ixia begins to delight with its flowering and subtle unobtrusive smell at the end of spring or in the first ten days of June; this lasts from 20 to 30 days.At night and in bad cloudy weather, the buds close.

Advantages of use in landscape design

Exotic Ixias are considered the most interesting and in demand for landscape design. In the garden, it is recommended to plant Ixias in one group in rock gardens, rock gardens or flowerpots. They look great in a flowerbed near the border in the foreground. Ixias are used to create lawns, creating an atmosphere of natural charm. Can be grown in greenhouses for cutting and making bouquets.

exotic ixias

Ixia is a good partner for group plantings. A combination of bright contrasting colors, such as yellow and purple, looks advantageous. To create attractive compositions, lupine and delphinium are suitable as neighbors for Ixia. A combination of vegetation that does not bloom, but has the same height as Ixia, also looks good. In addition to visual appeal, this will help the thin stem of the exotic Ixia survive adverse weather.

Varieties and varieties

In nature, there are more than 20 species of Ixia and countless bred varieties and a wide variety of hybrids.

The most popular varieties include the following.

popular hybrids

Monadelpha Ixia monadelpha

Ixia of this species is distinguished by the presence of star-shaped flowers, often of a lilac or blue hue, collected in dense spike-shaped inflorescences. The stem is thin and branched, less often simple, and can reach a height of 15 to 40 cm. Leaves can reach 28 cm, lanceolate or spiral in shape.

Longituba Ixia longituba

Ixia has an unusual flower structure, the petals are located on a long tube, thanks to this feature the variety gets its name. The colors of the petals are very diverse. Varieties can also be either miniature or tall.

Spotted Ixia maculata

Ixia flowers of various shades, 40 mm in diameter with a dark core, are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. The height of the stem is no more than 40 cm, and the rounded bulb is about 30 mm in diameter. The leaves in the root zone are collected in a rosette and have a lanceolate shape.

spotted Ixia maculata

Green-flowered Ixia viridiflora

This variety of Ixia is very rare and it is quite difficult to find planting material. The small, flat flowers, collected in inflorescences, are green in color, have a dark purple center, thin weak stems and neat leaves.

Cream Cream Ixia

An unusual variety of Ixia, which got its name due to the delicate creamy shade of the bud petals and the dark purple center. The flowers, collected in massive, dense inflorescences, gradually bloom from bottom to top and may not fall off for a long time. It has a thin stem and narrow leaves.


The star-shaped bud has a pink tint that becomes darker towards the end of the petal and towards the beginning of the core, which has the most burgundy color. Ixia buds are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences located on long thin stems framed by bright, durable leaves.

pink bud

Red Ixia Red

Ixia variety with large inflorescences collected from bright red flowers. The stem is up to 45 cm high, the leaves are lanceolate, dark in color.


A dwarf variety of Ixia that reaches a maximum length of 20 cm. Characterized by abundant flowering and bright orange petals with a dark center. The peduncle itself is low, the leaves are lanceolate, not attracting attention.


The lush inflorescences of Ixia consist of buds of various colors. Flowering lasts for 20 days. Ixia reaches a height of more than 50 cm.

different inflorescence

What conditions does the flower require?

Growing Ixia portends some difficulties, since it is not adapted to growing in our regions.

Illumination, humidity

It is recommended to choose a site for planting and further growth of Ixia away from tall trees. The culture requires direct sunlight. Fluid stagnation negatively affects the formation of ixia, so it is worth taking care of drainage.


Planting material will die when the temperature drops to -2 degrees. Ixia tubers will not survive wintering, so they need to be dug up and transplanted into a pot during unfavorable conditions, placing it in a warm room.

sprouted material

Suitable soil composition

The soil must be fertile with a neutral reaction and a sufficient amount of humus. Ixia will develop normally in a soil mixture containing sand, turf and peat fraction.

Neighborhood with other cultures

Ixia should not be placed next to tall trees with a massive crown and powerful root system. Can be planted next to annuals such as petunia, salvia, lobelia. The culture with queens and gladioli takes root best.

How to plant in open ground

Before you start planting, you need to learn a few important rules in advance.

flowers in the garden

Optimal timing

In the southern regions, bulbs are planted both in spring and autumn. But when planting in autumn, the holes should be 10 cm deeper than usual. In areas with a temperate climate, planting is carried out exclusively in May.

Bulb processing and germination before planting

For long flowering, it is worth choosing good planting material. The bulbs must be elastic and dense, at least 3 years old.Before planting, they are disinfected by soaking in a non-concentrated solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes, after which they are washed well with clean water. Then the prepared material must be laid for germination, placing the bulbs close to each other in containers with coarse sand or sawdust. Cover the top with film and place on a warm windowsill. Ventilate for 10 minutes every day, lifting the film.

After 2 weeks, the bulbs will sprout. If the material has not sprouted, then it is not suitable for planting and should be thrown away.

bulb processing

Landing technology

Dig holes 6-8 cm apart at a distance of approximately 10 cm if these are children, and 20 cm if they are adult bulbs. Place the tubers in the holes, sprinkle with a small amount of soil and a thin layer of mulch. Do not water, only moisten the soil after 2 weeks, when the first shoots begin to sprout.

How to care

Caring for the plant is simple, but the agricultural technology of this crop has its own characteristics. Important conditions for germination are optimal temperature, high humidity and bright lighting.

Feeding and watering

Ixia should not be watered before the first shoots form. Subsequently, moisten the soil regularly and abundantly, especially at the time of bud formation. To create increased humidity, it is recommended to spray daily in the evening.

After flowering, reduce watering to a minimum.

bud formation

The crop needs to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers, which alternate with organic substances. Special fertilizers made for this exotic plant can be purchased at a flower shop.


Caring for Ixia involves proper pruning of faded inflorescences so that new buds have time to form.

Ixia care

Diseases and pests: treatment and preventive treatments

Ixia is a resistant plant and does not have potentially dangerous diseases and pests that can be affected, since the crop has an enviable immunity. Health problems can appear solely due to wet soil. If the root system is in a state of chronic waterlogging, stagnation of moisture provokes rotting of the roots. Prevention means following a watering schedule.

How to store Ixia bulbs until spring

Storing bulbs in winter has its own characteristics that are worth paying attention to.

When to dig

After flowering at the end of July, carefully remove the bulb from the soil.

dig up an onion

How to dig and store

Dry the excavated material in a well-ventilated place, soak it in an antibacterial solution of potassium permanganate and send it back to dry. Next, put the bulbs prepared for wintering in a dry box, which is placed in a dry, cool place.

If you want to enjoy flowering in winter, plant the bulbs in indoor pots and place them on the windowsill.

Subsequent planting in the ground

The next planting depends on climate conditions and is no different from the above-mentioned planting dates.

preparation of materials


Ixia propagation is carried out in several ways: by children and by dividing the corms.


Small outgrowths called pups are formed around the mother corm. Carefully separate them, cover the attachment points with coal powder and place them in the holes. Flowering occurs in the second or third year.

the appearance of children

By dividing the bulb

It is considered the most optimal breeding option. To do this, cut one onion into pieces, but only so that each of them has buds, or at least one, as well as root buds.Sprinkle the planting material using wood ash at the cut site and plant it in the soil. A correctly divided bulb will form and bloom this year.

Exotic and unusual Ixia can be easily grown in your own garden, even despite the fact that the crop is not suitable for growing in our region. If all planting and care conditions are met, you can achieve the desired result, decorate your garden plot and simply lift your spirits.
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