15 best types of kandyk variety Pagoda and their description, planting and care in open ground

Kandyk variety Pagoda is a plant that blooms in March with amazing inflorescences. Many gardeners choose it to decorate their garden. The bushes are undemanding to care and soil, and they take root well in different climatic conditions. To successfully grow a crop, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all its features.

What is a kandyk?

The amazing kandyk plant is an original, spring bulbous crop. Dogtooth belongs to the Liliaceae family. The Greek name is “Erythronium”, meaning “red”, this color was the first flowers found by plant growers. There are 25 varieties of culture.

Description of inflorescences

The buds are similar to lilies or cyclomena; there are 1-2 flowers on 1 peduncle. The corolla contains 6 elongated stems, gracefully bent petals 15-20 mm long. They are colored yellowish, crimson, pinkish and white.

Appearance of bushes

The bushes grow up to 50 cm in height, the leaves are decorative. Leaves of an oblong shape, green in color with brown spots, extend from the base of the shoot. Depending on weather conditions, pollen falls in late April or early May. The fruit includes a seed box.

Places of growth

Under natural conditions, the kandyk “lives” in the mountains of Western Europe. The flower prefers cool, open, bright areas in the temperate or subtropical zone. Many people like the culture due to its unpretentiousness and high resistance to frosts down to -50. Erythronium harmonizes with other bulbous plants.

Kandyk Siberian

Popular flower varieties

There are 11 popular types of erythronium, widely cultivated in the gardens of gardeners from the CIS. They differ from each other in the color of the pollen and the height of the plants.


A variety of kandyk, originally from America, is distinguished by its small size up to 18 cm. The leaves have speckled, brown-green patterns and six-petaled bright yellow inflorescences.The center is brown, only one flower blooms on the peduncle.


The inflorescences are snow-white, with a yellowish center. The plant has 2 basal leaves, oval-elongated, green in color with brown spots. The buds are single, with bent petals. The height of the bushes is about 10-25 cm.


An unusual type of kandyk is bright purple at the edges of the petal, turning white towards the middle and almost black at the base. Large orange stamens stand out against a rich dark background. The bushes reach 20 cm in height.

Kandyk Henderson


Mountain Kandyk grows in the alpine meadows of northwestern America. The bulb is not wide, elongated, the stem reaches 45 cm in height. The leaves are oblong-ovate, emerald in color. On the arrow there are 1-3 white or pinkish inflorescences with an orange base of leaves.

Lemon yellow

A North American species of Kandyk with oblong-oval, patterned leaves and cream-colored inflorescences. The petals are bent back and have bright yellow centers. The flower changes color over time; towards the end of pollen, the petals turn pink.

Oregonum or averted

The kandyka variety Oregonum is found in natural conditions on the shores of the USA and Canada. The bushes grow up to 20-40 cm in height, primrose with large leaves. They are covered with a pattern of light green and emerald specks and small powder-colored flowers. The plant is capricious about its conditions.


Kandyk is distinguished by a narrow bulb up to 3 cm long. The stem will grow up to 20 cm. The leaves are gray, with a marble pattern. The inflorescence is long, up to 4 cm in diameter, white or pale yellow in color.

Kandyk Caucasian


In Russia, the area where Japanese kandyk grows is the Far Eastern region, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands.Bushes 15-20 cm tall, with 2 narrow spotted leaves, single flowers. The petals are elongated, bent upward, pinkish or purple in color. At the base there is a pattern of dark dots, stripes or specks.


The kandyk hybrid combines all varieties formed through the symbiosis of different variants of erythronium. The most popular subspecies include the following specimens.

White Tsar The flowers are snow-white, with a lemon center, a reddish border and rich green leaves.



A variety with bright purple inflorescences, a white ring of crimson dots, a yellowish center, brown leaves with green dots
White Fang


Kandyk with whitish buds 6 cm in diameter, a yellowish center and green leaves



Flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, petals are pinkish at the ends, whitish at the base, leaves are rich green
Olga A variety with lavender-pinkish buds with dark purple dots and white edging at the ends. The leaves are leathery, small, brownish-green in color.

The method of growing hybrid kandyks is no different from other varieties of the crop.

Californian White Beauty

The North American variation of White Kandyk grows in the dry forests and mountains of Northern California. The bulb is large, with two leaves creating a basal rosette, crimson-green peduncles with 2-3 large buds. The leaves have a bright green color, with waves along the edges. The petals are white, cream, with a deep yellow center. Pollen falls in early April and lasts until May.

Californian White Beauty

Tuolumnia Pagoda

The pagoda variety is cultivated in the Netherlands and is famous for its high growth for its species - up to 40 cm. The petals are lanceolate, 4 cm long, golden yellow or lemon, with a light green base.A widely available variety with spotted foliage and deep yellow flowers.

How to grow kandyk in the garden

To grow kandyk in the garden, you need to adhere to deadlines, choose the right place, carry out proper planting work, and organize care. Even an inexperienced gardener can cope with the cultivation of erythronium.

Timing of planting work

It is recommended to plant kandyk in August, but not in spring, otherwise the plant will get sick and die. You can plant the plant in the fall, at the beginning of September. It is important that when landing the air temperature is at least +10-15 degrees.

Where to plant kandyk

Choose a dark place, under bushes of trees, or plant bushes on the north side of buildings. The soil should be acidic, light, with good drainage.

Soil preparation

2 weeks before planting, add to the ground leaf humus, sand with large grains. When open ground is too acidic, you can use peat and ground chalk. Before planting, bone meal, humus, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate are added to the ground per 1 square meter.

soil for a flower

Sowing in the ground

Before sowing kandyk seeds, grooves are made in the ground 30 mm deep, with a distance of 100 mm between them. The ripened seeds are placed in prepared holes at a distance of 50 mm. The seed is covered with soil and watered abundantly. The first seedlings will emerge in the spring; in the last days of April their height is about 40 mm. If the seedlings are low, this indicates a lack of nutrients and water. The first bushes bloom 4-5 years after the sprouts appear.

Germination of seedlings

When growing seedlings from bulbs, they are immersed 10-15 cm deep. Afterwards, the seedlings are mulched and watered.

Organizing proper care

Caring for kandyk is not difficult; it only requires regular watering, fertilizing, pruning, and replanting. Plants should also be treated with insecticides and fungicides against diseases and beetles.


Kandyk should be irrigated in May if there is no rain in the spring. During the growing season, 2-3 waterings are carried out with settled water. After each irrigation, the soil is loosened to remove weeds.

Kandyk (Erythronium)

Fertilizer application

In the 1st year after planting, the kandyk does not need feeding. It needs enough nutrients added to the holes before sowing. In the following seasons, the circle is covered with mulch from leaf humus or peat. You can also add mineral compounds for ornamental plants.

Formation of bushes

Kandyk does not need to trim the bush. With the motive of maintaining decorativeness, you can remove dried leaves during the growing season. The next pruning is carried out after the ground part of the flower dies.


Kandyk bushes should be replanted after 4-5 years, since in one place they turn into nests. When transplanting, the culture is propagated by dividing the bulbs. The manipulation is carried out in July or August, when erythronium has a dormant period. The leaves should turn yellow, the bulbs should have time to accumulate the energy spent on pollen. The children are transplanted into the prepared grooves. Fracture areas are pinched with coal powder.

Kandyk or erythronium

Diseases and harmful insects: prevention and treatment

Kandyk has strong immunity to diseases and harmful insects. If moisture stagnates, fungal attack is possible. To avoid the development of pathology, the beds are treated with a fungicide like Fitosporin.


In southern regions with warm winters, the kandyk does not need to be covered. Residents of the middle and northern regions should cover the bushes with a thick layer of dried foliage and pine needles.The insulating carpet is removed at the end of March, when there is no frost.

How does a flower reproduce?

Kandyk is bred with seeds or babies. In the first case, all American varieties can be propagated, except for the multi-stemmed erythronium. Seed collection begins in June, but only after the capsules are fully formed. Their contents should be on the surface of the plot.

According to experienced gardeners, slightly unripe specimens are cut off and then placed for ripening in a ventilated place with low humidity. Sow seeds or bulbs in the last days of summer.

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