Planting and caring for Lakonos in open ground, propagation methods and cultivation

This is an exotic plant that came from overseas. The flower feels great in unprotected soil. It does not require special growing conditions and adapts perfectly to the local climate. Lakonos differs from other crops in its planting and care features.

Description and characteristics of the Lakonos flower

The plant belongs to the Lakonosov family. The original name of the flower is phytolacca (Latin).Lakonos can look like a vine, tree or shrub. In the country's conditions, the most common is the American lacquer.

The leaves of the plant are ovoid in shape. They reach 6 cm in width and 20 cm in length. Drooping clusters are covered with round, smooth berries.

During the flowering period, the bush is covered with small flowers. They reach 5 mm in diameter. Flowering lasts 2 months - from July to August. Fruiting occurs in autumn. Brushes with berries look like chestnut candles.

Lakonos is known for the healing properties of its rhizome. It is a source of vitamins and elements that have a positive effect on the human body. The berries are not eaten as they are poisonous.

Poisonous berries

Varieties and varieties of plants

The following types of lacconaceous plant are suitable for cultivation:

  1. Drupe or berry. The main feature is the dark green leaves. In appearance they are very similar to blackberries.
  2. Grape. After flowering, the branches of the plant are covered with dark berries. They continue to remain on the branches until the end of October. Grapeweed is used to prepare medicines.
  3. Edible. The inflorescences are so large that they resemble ears of corn. Flowering occurs in mid-summer. Ripe fruits are glossy.
  4. Polycarpous. One of the existing varieties with compact dimensions.

Edible phytolacca is suitable for cooking.

Features of growing crops

Lakonos, like other plants, has its own growing characteristics.

White Lakonos

What should you consider before planting?

Before planting seeds in spring, they must undergo a stratification procedure. For this you can use any known method. Seeds are stratified within 3 weeks. After this, the seeds are placed on a damp cloth for 2-3 days.

There is no point in the disinfection procedure.The material can be treated with growth stimulants. This will make the seeds sprout even faster.

Location and soil

Lakonos is afraid of direct sunlight, but it needs a lot of light. The best place for planting is an area with slight shade, reliably protected from the cold wind. Phytolacca has a powerful root system and can reach 2 m in height. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant any plants nearby, as they will not survive.

Locust plant

Lakonos grows well in secluded places. It is planted near fruit trees and shrubs. Flowers tend to repel harmful insects.

Lakonos is unpretentious to the soil and is able to adapt to any place allocated for it. Prefers slightly acidic chernozems with a loose structure. Grows on loams, as well as areas with a high content of sand and peat. A prerequisite for the soil is good drainage and high humidity.


Seed material is sown in open soil in early spring or before winter. They are sprinkled with soil and watered regularly until young shoots appear on the surface of the soil. In beds with sprouts, weeds are removed so that the crop can develop quietly. After planting, 1.5 to 2 years pass, and the first flowers appear on the laced plant.

Lakonos care

Although the culture is not demanding, appearance, flowering, fruiting and other factors still depend on the person.

Lakonos care

Fertilizer and feeding

2 weeks after the emergence of seedlings, they begin to fertilize the plants. For this purpose, organic and mineral substances are used. Mullein is considered the most suitable fertilizer for milkweed.Thanks to him, a person receives the maximum decorative effect from the plant.

Mullein is applied no more than 3-4 times in the first growing season. If you refuse this fertilizer, the bush will grow slowly, and small leaves will bloom on the branches. The flowers will also not stand out as particularly beautiful.

During the flowering period, gardeners advise applying mineral fertilizers. As a rule, this falls in July. You can understand that an adult plant does not need feeding by its appearance. It looks beautiful, the green mass is juicy and has a rich color. The flowering is abundant, and the clusters of fruit look incredible.

Watering rules

Phytolacca is a moisture-loving plant. It needs constant watering at the root and does not tolerate dry periods well. At the same time, it is forbidden to water the plant very often, as there is a risk of overflow. In turn, this will lead to rotting of the root system.

Lakonos flowers

Such actions will cause the plant to disappear. Water the lacquer plant after the top layer of soil becomes dry.

Preparing for winter

Whether a culture can successfully survive the winter depends solely on a person’s approach to this issue. Replanting is permissible only in the spring, so that the young plant can take root in its new location by autumn. In the fall, the entire above-ground part of the Laconaceae is removed. Use any sharp object to cut off the stems and leaves.

The area where the lacquer plant grows is covered with a layer of mulch. To do this, take peat and scatter it on the surface of the earth. Dry leaves are sprinkled on top.

Such shelter allows the crop to safely survive the winter and bloom with renewed vigor in the next season. Mulch conserves heat, but at the same time provides air exchange so that the plant does not rot.In the spring, after the last frost disappears, the mulch layer is removed.

Diseases and pests of Lakonos

Phytolacca is a plant with bactericidal properties. The substances present in the tissues do not give bacteria and fungi a single chance to attack the culture. Phytolacca is avoided by diseases and pests.

Locust berries

Lakonos is able to protect not only itself, but also neighboring plants. Therefore, it is customary to plant it together with shrubs and trees, which often survive pest attacks. There are many such representatives in the garden, and the laccone will reduce the number of chemical treatments by half.

Reproduction methods

There are two options for propagating Laconia:

  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds.

In the spring, a young bush, no more than 5 years old, is dug up and divided into parts. There should be a lot of free space between the newly transplanted bushes. During growth, they should not interfere with each other. Otherwise, it will affect the appearance of the Lakonos.

Bushes that are more than 5 years old cannot reproduce vegetatively. The older the plant is, the harder it is to dig it out of the ground. It has a massive root, which during this time manages to go deep into the soil. In addition, there is a possibility that a large plant simply will not be able to take root in the soil.

It is also possible to propagate Lakonos by seeds. They can be bought at a specialty store or extracted from berries at home. It's not as difficult as many people think.

For some gardeners, planting seeds gives them great pleasure. From small seeds a huge and very beautiful plant grows.

Lakonos berries

Application in landscape design

Lakonos is a real decoration for flower beds, walls, fences and other places that require the “intervention” of beauty.Phytolacca looks impressive with other flowers planted nearby. The plant is combined with all kinds of flowers and herbaceous plants.

Lakonos can be successfully used for single plantings. Having the shape of a bush, it attracts admiring glances. It is often planted along the perimeter of the land plot. Grows near fences, high walls, and also surrounded by trees.

Lakonos is considered a hardy plant. But for good development it needs human help. Decorates the garden in summer and autumn, but looks most successful in the cold season.

With the onset of the first cold weather, the leaves turn purple, the bark darkens, and the green fruits turn dark purple. To enjoy such an unusual view, a person must make a minimum of effort. The actions performed must be correct.
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