Denise is an excellent crop that is distinguished by its attractive appearance and ease of cultivation. The plant is considered the standard of beauty among rosebud crops. At the same time, novice flower growers are interested in the description of the pelargonium variety Denise, its cultivation and care. In order for the plant to grow and develop normally, it needs to be properly cared for.
Description of the flower
This plant is characterized by the following features:
- Compact sizes.The plant is a miniature bush.
- Dark green leaves. There is a dark border along their edges.
- Terry buds of light pink color. At the same time, the delicate petals have a brighter edging.
- Fluffy inflorescences. They appear on long stalks and are evenly distributed throughout the bush.
- Spectacular color scheme. The buds are characterized by a lighter center and rich color of the lower petals.
- The fruit is in the form of a seed capsule filled with small seeds.
Origin story
This plant is native to southern Africa. It came to Europe at the end of the seventeenth century, when trade routes had already been developed. Since the eighteenth century, the plant began to be actively cultivated.
Flower varieties
Denise has several types. All of them are considered zonal rosebud pelargoniums. To understand the differences between them, you should read the description of each:
- Denise Sutarve is a compact plant that forms a bush. It is characterized by abundant flowering with roses, the petals of which do not fully open. The half-buds are distinguished by a delicate pink-salmon color and have a wide border along the edges.
- Denise is a Belgian selection - during the flowering period, the crop is decorated with small roses that do not open completely. In fully open flowers, the stamens can be seen in the central part.
Today, the varieties of pelargonium in question are considered the most popular. To purchase a quality plant, you should contact nurseries with a good reputation.
How to grow a plant correctly
In order for a culture to grow and develop normally, it needs to be properly cared for. It is important to comply with a number of important conditions.
Illumination and temperature conditions
The plant needs sufficient light.Therefore, at home, it is recommended to keep the flower in well-lit places. It is best to do this on the windowsill. In summer, it is recommended to take the plant out onto the terrace or balcony. It is important to shade the crop from direct sunlight. This will help avoid burns to the stems and leaves. When placing a flower outside in the summer, it needs to be shaded.
With a lack of light, there is a risk of various problems. In this case, poor flowering, yellowing and falling leaves may occur.
When growing crops, it is important to maintain moderate temperatures. In summer the required temperature is +20-25 degrees, in winter – +12-15. Too low indicators negatively affect the health of the crop.
The plant needs regular, but not very abundant watering. If there is excess moisture, there is a risk of rapid rotting of the root system. Therefore, it is necessary to moisten the soil only when its top layer dries. There is no need to spray the flower, as this can cause fungal infections and rot.
Top dressing
In order for pelargonium to grow and develop normally, it requires regular feeding. To do this, it is worth adding mineral complex substances. When using fertilizers, it is important to take into account the seasonal factor. To form lush greenery, it is recommended to use nitrogen. To get lush flowering, it is worth adding potassium and phosphorus.
Choosing a container for pelargonium
Many flower growers are confident that representatives of the Geranium family need to fill the entire volume of the pot with the root system in order to form buds and abundant flowering. However, the roots of flowers transplanted into open ground grow in different directions and are not limited by anything. At the same time, they bloom much better than at home.
Therefore, it is recommended to plant pelargonium in a spacious pot with drainage holes. With adequate care, the culture will grow in such a container much better than in cramped conditions.
When and how does the plant bloom?
When growing pelargonium in central Russia, it has 2 flowering phases, which differ in duration. From March to November, the crop grows its root system and forms green mass - stems, buds, foliage. The culture then forms fruit capsules in which the seeds ripen and slows down internal processes.
In December, Denise's pelargonium enters a dormant period. At this time, its root system should rest from the constant absorption and movement of moisture and beneficial elements to the stems, foliage and flowers. That’s why it’s so important to change the temperature and lighting conditions in a timely manner.
How to propagate it
Pelargonium can be propagated in different ways - by seed or cuttings. In order to grow a flower from seeds, special conditions must be created. To do this, prepare common containers in the form of a greenhouse and soil with neutral acidity or separate pots.
It is recommended to plant seeds in compacted soil and sprinkle with a thin layer of sand. It is also permissible to use well-crushed earth for this. To maintain optimal humidity parameters, you need to use a spray bottle with small holes. With a large amount of moisture, the seeds will move to greater depths in the soil.
Pelargonium can be planted at any time of the year, but in short-day conditions, for the full development of seedlings, you will need to use artificial lighting.
Rooting cuttings of representatives of the Geraniaceae family can be carried out at different times of the year - spring, summer or autumn. Cuttings that are cut from plants in the spring - at the initial stage of the growing season - take root best.
If the procedure is carried out in the summer, there is a risk of the shoot rotting. Therefore, during this period it is important not to over-moisten the soil. When carrying out the procedure in the autumn, it is necessary not only to create a warm microclimate, but also to ensure sufficient daylight hours.
Pest and disease control
Pelargonium Denise is a picky plant that is resistant to diseases and pests. However, sometimes culture faces such problems:
- Gray rot is a common pathology that rosebud pelargoniums often encounter. In this case, the foliage becomes covered with a gray fluffy coating. Most often, the problem occurs with excessive watering and low air temperatures. To deal with the problem, it is important to remove the affected foliage from the plant. After which it is necessary to use a systemic fungicide.
- Rust - this problem is also very widespread. In this case, the foliage becomes covered with brown or brown spots. In such a situation, it is also removed, and the flower itself is sprayed with a fungicide.
- Whitefly is considered the most dangerous pest for pelargonium. It is important to consider that when buying a flower, parasite larvae may be present on it. To avoid such problems, you need to carefully inspect the crop.The fact is that getting rid of whiteflies can be very problematic.
- Mealybug - in this case, white accumulations resembling cotton wool appear in the axils of the leaves. To get rid of parasites, it is important to apply insecticides in a timely manner. The sooner the treatment is carried out, the better. If this is not done, pests can lead to the death of the crop.
- Lack of flowering - the main cause of problems may be high temperatures in winter. It is important to maintain the parameters at +12-15 degrees.
Pelargonium Denise is a popular plant that has excellent decorative properties. In order for the cultivation of the crop to produce results, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and provide the flower with complete and thorough care. It includes maintaining optimal temperature and humidity parameters, timely watering, and fertilizing. It is also important to protect the crop from diseases and parasites.