When considering plants to decorate a private plot, it is recommended to pay attention to weigela, since even novice gardeners can cope with planting and care in the open ground. The culture is characterized by long and abundant flowering. There are 10 varieties of weigela suitable for growing in private areas. And each plant variety can grow in different climatic conditions.
- Description and characteristics
- Types and varieties
- Blooming
- Variegata, or Nana Variegata
- Hybrid
- Bristol ruby
- Alexandra
- Nana purpurea
- Variegated
- Middendorf
- Early
- Sadovaya
- Korean
- Red Prince
- Coins
- Minor Black
- Magical Rainbow
- Eva Rathke
- Victoria
- Carnival
- Rosea
- Brighella
- Candida
- Naomi Campbell
- Lucifer
- Sunny princesses
- All Samme ed
- Red-leaved
- Landing
- Selecting a location
- How to prepare the soil?
- How to plant?
- Deadlines
- Reproduction
- Cuttings
- Seeds
- Layerings
- Rules of care
- Watering
- Top dressing
- Preparing for winter
- Trimming
- Mulching
- Transfer to another location
- Diseases and pests
- Common Mistakes
- Use in landscape design
- Hedges
- Tapeworm
- Alpine coaster
- Against the background of coniferous trees
- Mixborders
- Reviews
Description and characteristics
This ornamental shrub from the Honeysuckle family, with white, red, pink and other flowers, was originally cultivated for cultivation in the Far East. But at the same time it is able to grow in regions with other climatic conditions.
The culture has the following characteristics:
- maximum height - up to 4 meters;
- flower size - up to 5 centimeters;
- flower shape - funnel, bell;
- good frost resistance (depending on the variety).
Weigela does not tolerate dry periods and strong winds. Therefore, the plant is planted in areas protected from drafts and watered abundantly.
Subject to proper care, the shrub blooms twice per season. Moreover, as the buds open, they gradually change color.
Types and varieties
Breeders have managed to develop quite a few species of weigela, each of which has its own characteristics.
The bush reaches three meters in height. The first deep pink flowers appear in early June and fade until July. Weigela Blooming does not tolerate frost, so the plant must be covered for the winter.
Variegata, or Nana Variegata
A dwarf variety of weigela, characterized by slow development of shoots and flowers, which are collected in inflorescences of 3-4 pieces, with pale pink or crimson petals. Variegata requires planting on the sunny side.
1.5-meter bush with a spreading crown. The color of the funnel-shaped flowers varies depending on the variety of hybrid weigela.
Bristol ruby
A shrub with a spreading crown, grows up to four meters in height. Because of this feature, as well as its long flowering period from June to July, the Bristol ruby variety attracts the attention of gardeners.
It is characterized by slow growth (up to 10 centimeters per year). Alexandra's leaves are dark green or almost black, and the flowers are deep pink. Despite its frost resistance, this variety requires shelter for the winter.
Nana purpurea
A purple variety of weigela, reaching a height of one meter. The culture blooms profusely from May to June. The leaves of Nana purpurea are dark green in color.
This variety of weigela stands out due to its variegated leaves. At the beginning of summer, tubular flowers form on the shrub, the color of which varies from pale pink to dark.
The 1.5-meter shrub produces large (up to 5 centimeters) yellow flowers with bright orange spots. The rich green leaves are oval in shape and fall off after the end of the growing season.
The Early variety grows up to two meters and has a spreading crown with pink inflorescences that cascade downwards with the stamens. This feature is natural for weigela. The first flowers appear in May.
The Garden variety reaches no more than a meter in height.Pink-carmine inflorescences are formed on the bush, which take on the shape of a bell. The first flowers appear in mid-May and fall off with the onset of summer.
The 1.5-meter shrub produces large leaves and pale pink inflorescences, the diameter of which reaches 3.5 centimeters. The plant requires shelter for the winter. If this is not done, flowering will begin closer to autumn.
Red Prince
A dwarf variety of the crop, reaching a height of 50 cm. The crown of Red Prince is spreading, with bright red inflorescences.
Another dwarf variety of weigela, with pink bell-shaped flowers and pale-edged foliage that turns burgundy closer to spring. The shrub blooms from June to July.
Minor Black
Minor Black has a compact, but dense and lush crown. The height of the bush does not exceed one meter. The main feature of this variety is its pointed leaves, the color of which varies from red to dark purple. Minor Black blooms twice per season, producing compact, bell-shaped flowers in a bright pink hue.
Magical Rainbow
Magical Rainbow is distinguished by pointed leaves, the border of which changes color throughout the season - from yellow-green to red. Flowering begins in June, provided it grows on the sunny side.
Eva Rathke
Eva Rathke is a Polish variety of weigela that reaches three meters in height. The culture is distinguished by a compact crown and tubular, red-pink buds. Flowering begins in June and ends with the onset of August.
Victoria bushes, which reach a height of one meter, produce crimson-red buds and green leaves with a brown tint.
The shrub of the Carnival variety reaches three meters in height, and the crown grows by 3.5 meters. The buds have a variety of colors: both red and pink appear on one plant. The crop blooms twice per season.
Rosea is a hybrid variety with lilac-pink flowers and gently arching branches. The maximum height of the bush does not exceed 1.5 meters. During cold weather, it is recommended to cover the plant, although Rosea tolerates sub-zero temperatures well.
Brighella is a medium-sized variety of weigela with ruby bell-shaped flowers. The maximum height of the bush does not exceed 2.5 meters, and the width of the crown is 2 meters. The leaves are distinguished by the presence of a yellow border along the edges.
A hybrid variety of weigela, characterized by 2.5-meter bushes and a 3-meter crown. Candida's flowers are white, bell-shaped, up to four centimeters in size.
Naomi Campbell
The Naomi Campbell variety is distinguished by the slow development of the shrub, the height of which reaches 80 centimeters, the crown is 1.2 meters. The castings of this variety are the darkest among all weigels. Naomi Campbell's flowers are purple-red.
This 1.5-meter shrub blooms in early June with large, bright red bells. The buds bloom again with the onset of autumn.
Sunny princesses
The 1.5-meter weigela variety blooms twice - in late spring and summer. Large pale pink buds appear on the branches of the plant.
All Samme ed
A compact variety of crop with a bush whose height does not exceed 1.5 meters, the crown - 1.8 meters. The main feature of All Samme Red is its continuous flowering from May to September.
Red-leaved stands out due to the original color of the leaves.The height of the bush does not exceed 1.5 meters.
Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, when planting weigela it is necessary to follow a number of rules that will ensure the annual flowering of the shrub.
Selecting a location
For planting, weigels recommend choosing well-lit areas, protected from strong winds. Gardeners do not recommend growing the plant on the north side. In this case, the flowers will fall off early.
How to prepare the soil?
It is recommended to plant bushes in neutral or slightly alkaline soil rich in humus. If the soil does not meet the specified conditions, it is recommended to fertilize the soil:
- peat and sand (for clay soil);
- clay and sand (for peat);
- peat and clay (for sandy loam);
- lime (for highly acidic soil).
The prepared components must be scattered over the area and then dug up the ground.
How to plant?
Weigela planting is carried out according to the following algorithm:
- A hole 40 centimeters deep is dug in the prepared area.
- A 15-centimeter drainage layer consisting of sand or fragments of brick (gravel) is laid at the bottom of the pit.
- Along with the drainage, a mixture of 100 grams of nitrophoska and 1.5 buckets of compost is placed at the bottom.
- The seedling is covered with soil, the area is compacted and watered. The root collar is allowed to be buried by 20 millimeters.
Before planting, it is recommended to treat the root system with a growth stimulator. The minimum distance between holes is determined depending on the selected variety. It is recommended to plant dwarf shrubs at a distance of 0.8 meters, crops with a large crown - 2 meters.
It is recommended to plant weigela in the spring, in warm soil, but before the buds swell.During the summer period, the plant has time to take root sufficiently and gain the nutrients necessary for wintering. When planted in autumn, the plant dies after the onset of cold weather.
Weigela can be propagated in three ways: seeds, cuttings and layering. The first option is the most labor-intensive and is not suitable for all varieties of shrubs. Regardless of the chosen propagation option, the material must be transplanted into open ground after the onset of spring.
Propagation by cuttings is the optimal way to propagate a crop. To get a new shrub, you will need to perform the following steps:
- In May, cut off last year's branch 10-15 centimeters long and remove the lower leaves.
- Soak the cuttings for 5 minutes in Kornevin’s solution, and then plant them in a container with a mixture of sand and peat, deepening it 2 centimeters.
- Cover the cutting with a jar or bottle.
After the plant gives roots, the weigela needs to be transplanted to a permanent place.
Seeds must be collected in October-November, when the walls begin to crack. Then the planting material is placed in a dark room until spring. Seeds should be planted after the soil has warmed up.
This propagation method has two important drawbacks: planting material rarely sprouts, and the future shrub does not always inherit the properties of the “parent”.
To propagate by layering, it is enough to press the lower shoot to the ground, slightly cutting the bark, and wait until the branch takes root. After this, the plant can be cut off from the parent bush and transplanted to a new location.
Rules of care
It is necessary to care for weigela during the growing season, paying special attention to the shrub in the first year after planting.
The frequency and amount of watering depends on the weather.During dry periods, it is recommended to pour up to 10-15 liters of water under the plant. After the procedure, it is necessary to loosen the soil to prevent the formation of large lumps of soil that interfere with the supply of oxygen to the root system. You should also periodically spray the leaves, thereby removing dust and other traces of dirt.
Top dressing
In the first two years after planting, weigela is not fertilized. In subsequent seasons it is recommended to add:
- potash, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers (in spring);
- phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (during the formation of buds);
- wood ash, Fertik or Kemira (in early autumn).
In addition to regular fertilizing, it is necessary to remove small weeds around the bush.
Preparing for winter
Weigela tolerates cold well. If the shrub is planted in the southern regions of Russia, then before the start of winter it is enough to mulch the soil around the plant. When grown in northern latitudes, the lower branches must be bent to the ground. If there is little snow in winter, the crop needs to be provided with additional shelter.
Weigela pruning is carried out at different periods. To prevent diseases, it is necessary to remove damaged branches, as well as shoots that bend to the ground or grow inside the bush, at the beginning of the period of bud swelling and a month before the onset of cold weather.
Crown formation should begin in the second or third year after planting. In this case, you can trim any parts of the plant, depending on what type of shrub the gardener intends to give. To rejuvenate weigela, you need to remove branches older than three years.
Mulching is carried out twice in autumn and spring and once in summer. To do this, use peat or sawdust. With sufficient mulch application, there is no need for weeding and preparation for winter.
Transfer to another location
It is not recommended to replant the plant to a new location. But if this cannot be avoided, then the procedure should be carried out in the spring, before the beginning of the growing season. To replant a bush, you need to dig up the plant, focusing on the length of the crown, and move it along with the soil to a new place. Then you will need to add 30 grams of complex fertilizer to the prepared hole and bury the bush. At the end of the procedure, the root system must be sprinkled with soil, watered and mulched.
Diseases and pests
On weigel the following are more common:
- caterpillars;
- aphid;
- thrips;
- spider mites.
The last two types of insects settle on bushes after the onset of summer. To destroy pests, gardeners use pesticides or insecticidal solutions obtained by infusing garlic, wormwood or hot pepper in water. If the leaves turn yellow prematurely, this indicates damage to the root system by mole cricket or chafer. Solutions of Karbofos or Aktara, which must be applied at the root, help destroy pests.
Among the diseases, weigela is most often affected by spotting, rust and gray rot. Bordeaux mixture helps restore the plant, which must be used to treat the bush until the signs of infection completely disappear.
Common Mistakes
More often, gardeners, when growing ornamental shrubs, make the following mistakes:
- Planted in shaded areas. Due to lack of sunlight, the flowers fall off early.
- Planted in waterlogged soils. An abundance of moisture promotes root rot.
- Refuse to mulch. Without this procedure, the moisture evaporates faster, and the plant dies after the onset of cold weather.
- They refuse preventative treatment against pests.Insects can destroy the crop, so it is recommended to regularly spray the bush with insecticides.
It is necessary to cover the shrub for the winter if there is not enough snow falling during the cold season. When planting seedlings in containers, it is recommended to choose deep containers, since some varieties of weigela are characterized by active development. You also need to fertilize and trim the bush correctly and in a timely manner.
Use in landscape design
Due to its large size and bright, rich flowers that shower the branches, weigela can become a central shrub or divide a garden plot into several zones. This culture is often used for communication between tall and short plants. Weigela can be grown as a separate element of landscape design, or as a background frame for other plantings.
This option for planting a bush is considered the most popular. Weigela protects neighboring crops from strong winds, and thanks to its thick crown, it prevents dogs, cats and other animals from entering the area. Tall shrubs can be trimmed, thereby forming original shapes or a border that can replace a full-fledged fence. Using hedges, gardeners zone a plot or design the entrance to a house.
The plant is unpretentious. Therefore, weigela is often grown separately from other plantings, against the backdrop of a green lawn. The shrub lends itself to modeling, due to which you can give the crop an original shape and focus attention on a certain area of the local area. The bush looks especially bright during the flowering period. Because of this, gardeners often plant alleys of weigela.
Alpine coaster
To form an alpine crust, it is recommended to plant low-growing varieties (up to one meter in height). Such bushes fit well into the created ensemble of garden plantings. Dwarf shrubs are usually grown at the foot of an alpine hill. The bright flowers that characterize this culture go well with large gray stones.
Against the background of coniferous trees
Weigela, planted against a background of coniferous trees, will harmonize with perennial plants. This shrub will act as a kind of bright touch that will fill the voids created by monotonous green spaces.
A mixborder is a kind of border (or line) that is formed from green spaces. Through such planting, you can divide the site into several zones, highlight individual plants or alleys from certain crops. And this role can be played by perennial weigela, which harmoniously decorates the landscape design, giving a touch of solemnity.
Anatoly, Moscow region
“The shrub has been growing in a dacha in the Moscow region for more than 10 years. In the first years, flowers rarely appeared on the branches and quickly fell off, which is why the plant had to be replanted several times until the optimal place was found. Weigela is a culture that is demanding on where it grows. A bush grown in central Russia must be constantly fed, watered and mulched. Without these procedures in the spring, the branches bend and spots appear on the leaves. In this case, after the soil has warmed up, it is necessary to remove damaged shoots and apply organic fertilizers.”
Elena, Tula
“We planted weigela in the spring. Already in the summer it became noticeable that the cuttings had taken root well in the new place.The next year the bush did not bloom, but at the same time it formed a lush and green crown. After a consultation at the store where the seedling was purchased, it became clear that without fertilizers the plant spends all its energy on producing leaves. And now the bush blooms every year.”