Instructions for use of Pekacid and fertilizer composition, dosage and analogues

“Pekatsid” is a new fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium. It is actively used in drip irrigation systems. The supplement was developed by Israeli specialists. The substance has a pronounced acidifying effect on water and at the same time is an effective source of potassium and phosphorus. Thanks to its unique characteristics, the composition cleans drip irrigation systems. In order for a substance to give the desired effect, it is important to use it correctly.

Composition and beneficial properties of fertilizer

The chemical is available in the form of powder or white granules.Pekacid contains 60% phosphorus. It comes in the form of phosphoric anhydride. The substance also includes 20% potassium, which is present there in the form of oxide. Moreover, the fertilizer does not contain chlorine or sodium.

"Pekatsid" is characterized by the following agrochemical properties:

  • high phosphorus content;
  • good solubility in water;
  • prevention of the appearance and elimination of formed limescale in irrigation systems;
  • acidifying characteristics - this is a very important property for hard water that contains bicarbonates, and for soils with pH parameters above 7.2;
  • improving the absorption of minerals by cultivated plants - this is due to the acidification of the soil solution;
  • absence of sodium, chlorine and other harmful components - the composition helps to increase yield parameters and improve the quality of fruits.

Operating principle

The unique properties of "Pekatsid" help create good conditions for growing various plants.


The use of the substance allows you to achieve the following results:

  • maintain normal acid-base balance of soil and water;
  • improve the absorption of micro- and macroelements from the soil by roots, making them more accessible to crops;
  • reduce nitrogen evaporation;
  • prevent clogging of drippers with limescale and neutralize bicarbonates.

"Pekatsid" helps to saturate crops with potassium and phosphorus and at the same time reduces labor costs for cleaning irrigation systems.

What plants are they used for?

The drug should be used when the water contains an excessive amount of bicarbonates - more than 1.5-2 millimoles per 1 liter. The composition is also used when the composition of the liquid is alkaline, the pH parameters of which exceed 7.2. In such a situation, “Pekatsid” is a non-alternative fertilizer that is used for the production of working fluids.The substance is considered to be most effective on carbonate soil types.


"Pekatsid" can be used in working fluids of drip irrigation systems and low-volume hydroponics. It can also be used when watering with a hose. The composition is suitable for potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and other vegetable crops. They can also be used to feed fruit trees, seedlings, flowers, and grapes.

Rules for the use of "Pekatsid"

When using Pekacid, it is important to strictly follow the instructions. Fertilizer is used not only for mineral deficiency, but also to prevent this condition. The main indications for use of the drug include the following:

  • change in the shade of the lower leaves to a yellow color;
  • blanching and shredding of leaves;
  • lack of buds and flowers;
  • slowing down the development and growth of new branches;
  • curvature of the bark of fruit trees after the spring temperature drop to negative parameters.


Fertilizing is required at different stages of crop development. In this case, the dosage must be strictly observed. On average, 3 kilograms of the drug per 1000 square meters are used to prepare the solution.

For the first time, the ready-made composition must be applied for watering at the time of planting seedlings in the beds or a week after spitting the seeds. The greatest effect from the use of fertilizing is manifested on alkaline soil types and when using water with acidity parameters greater than 7.2.

"Pekatsid" can be used for various vegetables and fruit plants. To avoid an overdose of the drug, it is important to strictly follow the instructions. There are several options for using fertilizing:

  1. For use on large areas, you need to take 2-3 kilograms of product per 1000 square meters.For small beds, 1 small spoon of the product is mixed with 1 liter of liquid.
  2. For irrigation 1-2 times a month, it is worth taking 0.5-1 kilogram of the drug per 1000 square meters.
  3. If no more than 3 waterings are planned during the summer, you need to take 2-3 kilograms of the drug per 1000 square meters.

On average, seasonal costs of the drug without taking into account the calcium and phosphorus content in the soil are 50-100 kilograms per 1 hectare.


Safety precautions

"Pekatsid" belongs to the third hazard class. When working with it, you must adhere to the following safety rules:

  • use gloves;
  • after completing the treatment, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • avoid penetration of the substance into the respiratory system or eyes;
  • If the drug enters the body, consult a doctor immediately;
  • Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.

Compatibility with other fertilizers

The product can be combined with many fertilizers. These include the following:

  • magnesium, potassium or ammonium sulfate;
  • potassium or ammonium nitrate;
  • urea;
  • microelements in the form of chelates;
  • calcium, magnesium or potassium nitrate.



There are no exact analogues of Pekatsid in composition. The closest substance is considered to be the Israeli-made Nutrivant Drip. It can be used with increased water hardness and for alkaline soil types.

The composition mixes well with water and improves the absorption of nutrients by plants. The drug can be used with a drip irrigation system. With its help, it is possible to improve the quality characteristics of the crop and clean fragments of the irrigation system.

"Pekatsid" is an effective product that helps saturate crop plants with potassium and phosphorus. It perfectly cleans irrigation systems of plaque.It is important to strictly follow the instructions.
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