Currants are popular not only among housewives, but also among winemakers. They often make wine from black currants, the taste of which is almost in no way inferior to a grape drink. However, before you start preparing, you need to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of creating such wine.
- Nuances of preparation
- Ingredient Selection
- How to make blackcurrant wine at home
- Classic recipe
- Simple and quick recipe
- Option with grapes
- With apples
- With cherry
- With raspberries
- From frozen berries
- Champagne made from blackcurrant leaves
- From juice
- Fortified wine
- Conditions and rules for storing wine
- Conclusion
Nuances of preparation
For some winemakers, dry wine made from currant berries is considered the most delicious drink. However, to make it truly aromatic, you need to understand some of the nuances of preparation. These include the following:
- To create wine, it is recommended to select the right ingredients. Experienced winemakers advise using only fully ripe berries, as they are sweet and you can prepare the drink without sugar.
- If a recipe without water is used for preparation, the liquid will have to be replaced with vodka or diluted alcohol.
- Prepared wine must be stored correctly. The cellar is best suited for storage.
Ingredient Selection
The quality of a wine drink directly depends on the ingredients from which it was made. Therefore, it is recommended to approach the selection of berries responsibly.
Experts who have been creating such drinks for many years recommend carefully inspecting their surface when choosing berries. There should be no mechanical damage or signs of rotting on the skin. Also, you should not use rotten berries, as they have an unpleasant taste.
Having chosen the appropriate berries, proceed to the selection of sugar. To make wine drinks, it is better to use coarse granulated sugar, as it will help give the wine a richer taste.
How to make blackcurrant wine at home
There are ten simple recipes with which you can make a wine drink.
Classic recipe
Many novice winemakers use the classic recipe for making wine. In this case, it is prepared without yeast and without vodka. Instead, you will need the following ingredients:
- five kilos of sugar;
- fifteen liters of water;
- ten kilograms of berries.
First, the berries are crushed, after which the mixture is heated to forty degrees. Then the boiled mixture is transferred to a separate container and mixed with sugar syrup. Then it is infused until fermentation begins. When the composition begins to ferment, it is drained without sediment, mixed with sugar and closed with a water seal. After fermentation is complete, the wine is bottled and left to mature.
Simple and quick recipe
To quickly prepare the drink, it is recommended to use a simple recipe. To do this you will need the following products:
- fifteen liters of water;
- seven kilograms of sugar;
- ten liters of gruel made from black currants.
The currant pulp is covered with sugar and infused for a week and a half in a warm room. Then the wort is filtered using a colander. After filtering, it is poured into glove jars, mixed with sugar and left to ferment. After fermentation is complete, the mixture is poured into fermenters and transferred to the cellar. After two and a half months, the drink is removed from the sediment and bottled.
Option with grapes
This step-by-step recipe will help you prepare delicious wine with the addition of grapes. It is prepared from the following products:
- three kilograms of berries;
- 7-8 kilos of grapes;
- sugar 500-800 grams.
First, the currant fruits are crushed in a juicer. The freshly squeezed juice is then extracted from the grapes. It is heated to 35-45 degrees, after which it is mixed with granulated sugar and currant juice. The prepared liquid is poured into glass jars and left to ferment for two weeks.
When fermentation is complete, the wine drink is poured into bottles and sealed with lids.
With apples
Some winemakers prefer to make wine with the addition of apples. This drink is prepared from the following ingredients:
- kilogram of currant berries;
- one and a half liters of juice;
- 600-700 grams of granulated sugar.
The berries are crushed in advance, mixed with sugar and infused for 1-2 days at room temperature. Then the juice is squeezed out of the soaked berries and mixed with apple juice. The resulting mixture is mixed with sugar. You can also add alcohol if desired to make the drink stronger. The mixture must ferment for a month and a half and after that it is bottled.
With cherry
Sometimes wine production is accompanied by the addition of cherries, which makes it more aromatic. For this you will need:
- five kilograms of cherries;
- three kilos of black currants;
- 10-12 liters of water;
- one and a half kilos of sugar.
First, the cherries are pitted, after which they, along with the currant fruits, are covered with granulated sugar and left for two days. Then the prepared berry mixture is poured with sugar syrup, poured into jars, covered with a water seal and left to ferment. When the fermentation process is completed, the wine is poured into glass bottles and transferred to the cellar.
With raspberries
To prepare delicious homemade wine according to this recipe, you will need:
- three kilograms of currant fruits;
- two kilos of raspberries;
- 3-4 kilograms of granulated sugar;
- water to taste.
All berries are covered with sugar and infused under the sun for about 3-4 days. After this, they are poured with water and mixed thoroughly. The filled containers are closed with a water seal and placed in a warm place where the temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius.After two weeks, another 400-600 grams of sugar is added to the composition, after which the liquid should ferment for another month.
From frozen berries
To create wine from frozen berries with your own hands, you will need the following:
- two and a half kilograms of currants;
- one and a half liters of water;
- 700-800 grams of sugar;
- 150 grams of raisins.
All the raisins are poured with boiled water and left in it for twenty minutes. Then it is dried together with thawed currants. The currant fruits are crushed in a blender, after which the resulting pulp is mixed with sugar and heated to forty degrees.
The prepared mixture is poured into a jar and mixed with raisins.
Then everything is filled with water and left to ferment at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. After this, the fermented mixture is filtered with gauze and poured into bottles.
Champagne made from blackcurrant leaves
Some winemakers decide to make champagne rather than wine. For this you will need:
- three large lemons;
- 150-250 grams of currant leaves;
- one and a half kilos of sugar.
Fresh leaves are poured with cold water in advance and left for about three hours. While the leaves are soaking, the zest is cut from the lemons. Then they are cut into pieces and peeled and pitted. Sliced lemons are transferred to jars, covered with sugar and infused to release the juice. When the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, water and yeast are added to the jars after soaking the leaves. Containers with the mixture are transferred to a cold place for further fermentation, which lasts 3-4 weeks.
From juice
Some winemakers buy ready-made currant juice and immediately prepare wine from it.To do this, you need to maintain proportions and therefore you need to familiarize yourself with the list of necessary ingredients in advance:
- 3-4 liters of juice;
- one and a half kilos of sugar;
- 1-2 liters of water.
The juice is poured into a jar of water, covered with sugar and covered with a lid with a tube. The container is transferred to a warm room so that the mixture begins to ferment. The duration of fermentation depends on the room temperature. If the temperature is not lower than twenty degrees, the mixture will ferment in 25-35 days.
Fortified wine
To prepare delicious fortified wine, you need the following ingredients:
- two kilos of sugar;
- 2-3 kilograms of berries;
- 20-30 grams of citric acid;
- five liters of water;
- 200 grams of raisins;
- vodka.
Currant fruits are crushed using a blender and then mixed with sugar. Then the container with the mixture should be placed on a gas stove and boiled for about twenty minutes. After this, the mixture is transferred to a sterile container, mixed with raisins and left to ferment. After a month, the liquid without sediment is poured into other containers and mixed with vodka and citric acid. The liquid is corked and placed in the cellar.
Conditions and rules for storing wine
In order for delicious wine to last for a long time, it must be stored correctly. To store wine drinks, you need to use dark cellars, where the temperature will be at fifteen degrees Celsius. You should not keep finished wine in too warm rooms.
From ripe blackcurrant berries you can prepare a delicious wine drink. However, before this you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of its creation, as well as the basic recipes.