Cold-resistant grape varieties are not so common, because they are a heat-loving crop. However, varieties have been developed that can be grown in cold climates. Let's consider the description and characteristics of the Amur Breakthrough grape, the history of its creation, advantages and disadvantages, technology for growing and caring for the plant, features of protection from diseases and pests, and how to properly form grape bushes.
History of the variety
Amur breakthrough is a cultivated type of wild Amur grape that grows naturally in the Far East and northern China. It was bred by breeder A.P. Potapenko. In terms of cold resistance (withstands frosts of -35...-40 °C) and unpretentiousness, it is not inferior to its wild ancestor, but other valuable characteristics have been improved.
A universal-purpose grape with large, dense clusters, it is classified as a table variety. It has been in the State Register of the Russian Federation since 2018, suitable for cultivation in all Russian regions.
Description and characteristics of Amur breakthrough grapes
The bush is powerful, grows quickly, the leaves are large, light green in summer, red in autumn. Flowering is female; for better fertilization, the presence of bisexual grapes is necessary near the bushes of the variety. Annual shoots ripen well.
The clusters are larger than average in size, dense, cylindrical-conical in shape. Each weight is 250-400 g. The berries are large, one-size, dark blue, round. Each weight is 4-5 g.
The fruits are fleshy, juicy, with an original, memorable taste. The juice is wine red. The skin is strong, with a coating. The fruits contain 1 medium-sized seed. They can withstand transportation, but are not stored for long. The Amur breakthrough variety is an early ripening variety. Productivity – 2 kg per square meter. m.
Advantages and disadvantages
Subtleties of growing crops
Considering the origin of the Amur Breakthrough grape and its characteristics, you need to take a responsible approach to its planting and cultivation. The variety requires the correct meta location and planting.
When to plant
You can plant seedlings in spring or autumn; grapes tolerate autumn planting well and do not freeze in the first winter. The time for spring planting is when it warms up, when the ground dries out a little after the melted snow. In autumn, you need to plant 1 month before the onset of cold weather.
Selecting a location
Amur breakthrough loves loose, well-fertilized, moist and acidic soils. It grows poorly on dry soils, so in such cases constant artificial watering is necessary. Grows in sunny areas or partial shade.
Planting process
Planting pattern: 1.5 m in a row and 2 m between rows. 1-2 year old bushes are planted. The dimensions of the planting holes are 0.8 m wide and 0.6 m deep. The bottom is covered with a layer of drainage, 1 bucket of humus and 1 kg of ash are filled in, and mixed with the excavated soil. A seedling is planted in the middle. It is buried down to the root collar. After filling with soil, water the grapes and cover the soil with vegetable mulch.
Features of care
Amur grapes, like varieties descended from the European species, need care. It needs to be watered, fertilized, pruned. Only in this case can you obtain the level of yield that the variety is capable of producing.
Watering and fertilizing
The Amur breakthrough needs a lot of moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to water not only the bushes after planting, but also those that have long taken root and bear fruit. In the summer heat, grapes are watered from the moment the berries set until harvest.
The variety is distinguished by its vigorous growth; without pruning, the bushes thicken and the shoots grow greatly in length. In addition to formative pruning, every year, in spring or autumn, it is necessary to cut out excess, dry and frozen shoots. And also damaged by diseases and pests.
Plant diseases and pests
Amur breakthrough is much better resistant to diseases and pests than European varieties. But many gardeners prevent mildew infection by spraying the bushes with copper-containing preparations.
Formation of grape bushes
Scheme of grapevine formation:
- In the 1st year, 2 strong shoots are left.
- In the 2nd year, 2-3 buds are left on each, and the top is cut off.
- On the 3rd of them, 2 large shoots are selected and shortened to 0.5 m. During the summer, 2-3 shoots grow on each.
- On the 4th, the top branch will bear fruit; it is pruned into 10-15 buds. The lower branch is a replacement shoot, consisting of 3 buds.
In the following seasons, the pruning pattern is repeated, the shoot that will produce berries in the current season is formed from 15 buds, and the replacement shoot is formed from 3 buds. There should be enough 1-year-old shoots left on the bush so that the total number of fruiting buds is 6-10 dozen.
Amur grape bushes are grown on a trellis, in a horizontal position. The main branches occupy 2 lower tiers of wire, young ones are tied vertically to the upper ones. Green excess vines are pruned in the summer, without waiting for autumn. The bushes do not need shelter for the winter.
The new cold-resistant variety Amursky Breakthrough is intended primarily for cold regions of Russia and is considered promising for cultivation in climatic conditions unfavorable for the crop. The variety is productive and is considered a table variety, but the berries can also be used for processing, including for the production of red juice, the yield of which is at the level of 70-75% of the weight of the berries.