Description and characteristics of the Helios grape variety, fruiting and care features

Grapes are considered one of the most ancient crops, which has a thousand-year history. The berries of this plant are high in calories, the juice from the fruit increases hemoglobin, and the aromatic natural wine helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, new varieties and hybrids appear almost every year, characterized by increased resistance to diseases and making it possible to grow vines even in regions with a cold climate. The Helios grape variety appeared on the market recently, but has already managed to win fans both among summer residents and among farmers involved in the industrial cultivation of berries.

History of the hybrid

Thanks to the work of breeder Krainov, a new hybrid called Helios appeared on the market. Another name for the Arcadia Pink variety. A hybrid was obtained by crossing Arcadia and the Nakhodka raisin variety.

Biological characteristics of grapes

The early ripening hybrid Helios belongs to the table grape species. The bushes of the variety grow strong and of medium height. The shoots are well developed. Helios has both male and female flowers, which promotes pollination despite weather conditions.

Description of external parameters

Cone-shaped clusters of Helios grapes reach a weight of 700-800 grams, and with good care and compliance with agrotechnical measures, they can weigh up to 1.5 kg. The hybrid berries are pink in color, and one weighs up to 15 grams. The taste of the grapes is sweet, with a persistent muscat aftertaste.

helios grapes

Frost resistance

The hybrid form is characterized by a high degree of frost resistance (up to – 25 degrees). With a more significant decrease in temperature, additional shelter is needed. This is especially true for young grape seedlings that have not yet gained strength.

Resistance to pests and diseases

Hybrid Helios has good immunity to the most common grapevine diseases and is rarely affected by mildew and oidium with proper care.The plant can be affected by phylloxera, so regular preventive treatments are required.

helios grapes


Since the hybrid has male and female flowers, it does not need additional pollinators. However, experienced gardeners recommend planting nearby varieties that bloom at the same time as Helios to increase productivity. It is also worth taking care to attract pollinating insects to the garden.

Beginning of fruiting and taste of berries

Since the Helios variety is an early ripening variety, the first fruits can be tasted already in early August. The yields of the hybrid are consistently high; when the berries are fully ripe, they must be immediately removed from the branches.

When cracked, their sweet smell attracts wasps, which spoil the presentation of the fruit.

As for transportability, all gardeners note that grapes do not lose their characteristics and aroma when transported over long distances. This point is very attractive to farmers who grow grapes for commercial purposes.

helios grapes

Pros and cons of Helios

When choosing a variety to plant on a plot, gardeners pay attention to the growing characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the variety they like. It is worth noting that the Helios hybrid has significantly more advantages than disadvantages.

The undeniable advantages of the variety include:

  1. Early ripening of berries, which is especially important for regions with a short summer period.
  2. Taste characteristics of grapes: sweetness, rough skin, small number of seeds (1-2).
  3. Immunity to diseases and high frost resistance of the hybrid.
  4. Rapid survival of seedlings.
  5. Rare damage to fruits by wasps during timely harvesting.
  6. Stable yield returns and almost complete absence of peas.
  7. The ability to maintain attractive product characteristics during long-term transportation.
  8. The versatility of using Helios berries.

helios grapes

But it is worth remembering that the hybrid is demanding in terms of soil composition and care. Only if all cultivation rules are followed are its benefits fully realized.

Stages of cultivation and care

When starting to grow the Helios hybrid, they first study all the stages of planting and care, and only after theory do they move on to practice. There is nothing complicated in this process; even a novice gardener can handle it.

Selection of seedlings

Experienced farmers call the choice of seedling one of the factors for successfully growing grapevines. The rate of survival and further development of the culture depend on its health.

Helios grapes

It is recommended to purchase planting material only from nurseries specializing in grape crops. In this case, there is a much greater chance of getting high-quality material that will take root and not die in the first winter.

Buy a seedling with a fully developed root system, without damage. The length of the shoot must be at least 20 cm, the color is green.

Helios grapes can be planted in prepared soil in both autumn and spring. For southern regions, autumn planting is considered preferable, and for northern, colder regions - spring planting. In any case, young bushes are insulated for the winter, which will allow the bushes to survive the cold period without problems.

Planting pattern and depth

Hybrid Helios does not like the proximity of other crops. The minimum distance to another plant should be at least 2.5-3 meters. Only in this case should you count on a bountiful grape harvest.

planting grapes

Before planting, grape roots are soaked in a growth stimulator for better rooting. Dig a hole, the size of which must be at least 80 * 80 * 80 cm.The lower soil layer is mixed with potassium salt and superphosphate, humus is added and put back into the hole. A seedling is placed on this nutrient cushion and covered with the remaining soil. Moisten generously with warm water and mulch with sawdust.

Regularity of watering

Subsequent yield depends on proper watering. The Helios variety does not tolerate excess moisture and reduces yields. The first moistening of the soil is carried out in early spring, but it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not fall below 0 degrees at night. Otherwise, freezing of the roots will lead to the death of the crop.

The second irrigation of the hybrid is done after spring pruning, the third during bud break. It is important to provide the plant with abundant watering at the time of fruiting. The grape bushes are watered for the last time before preparing for winter. Approximate water consumption per 1 sq. meter about 25-30 liters.

watering grapes


In the first year, the vine will have enough nutritional components placed in the hole when planting. In the future, mineral fertilizers are used once a year, and organic fertilizers once every 3 years.

In the spring, it would be appropriate to add ammonium nitrate to the soil; it promotes the growth of green mass. At the time of flowering, the recommended fertilizing is superphosphate. At the fruiting stage, fertilizers are not applied. Before wintering, humus is added.


Mulching is considered a mandatory step in caring for the Helios variety. This procedure will retain moisture in the soil during the dry period, reduce the development of weeds, and before wintering it helps to warm the root system. Sawdust, vegetable tops, straw and leaves are suitable as mulch. The minimum layer should be about 5 cm.

grape pruning

Trimming and pinching

Helios produces a bountiful harvest, the weight of which can cause the bush to break. In the spring, be sure to trim up to 7 eyes to reduce the load on the bush. The optimal number of eyes per 1 Helios bush is no more than 35.

Shelter for the winter

In the southern regions, grape bushes do not need to be covered with film, but only mulch is used. In colder climates, despite the frost resistance of the hybrid, the vine is additionally insulated. The lashes are removed from the supports, divided into 2 parts and placed on soil previously lined with agrofibre. Arcs are installed on top, onto which plastic film is stretched.

Important! The film should not touch the grape bushes, so as not to cause a burn to the plant.

grape shelter

Protection against insects and infections

Despite the immunity to fungal diseases of the vine, prevention is still necessary. To spray the hybrid, folk remedies, copper-containing preparations and fungicidal agents are used.

To protect against wasps and birds, a special net is stretched.

Variety propagation technology

The Helios variety receives positive reviews from gardeners for its ease of propagation. The most popular method is cuttings; this process gives good rooting and survival rate. It is also possible to propagate the hybrid using layering. Everyone chooses the most convenient method for their strength.
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