Description of the Richelieu grape variety, planting and care rules

Richelieu grapes are popular with many farmers. This is a promising crop characterized by an early ripening period. Grapes are characterized by high yield parameters. It is characterized by excellent taste and good commercial qualities. To achieve success in growing a crop, it is recommended to water it, feed it, and prune it on time. Preparation for winter and protection from pests are of no small importance.

Description and characteristics of Richelieu grapes

This is a hybrid crop characterized by a mid-early ripening period. The berries are distinguished by dense pulp, which is why they tolerate transportation well and have a long shelf life.

A key feature is considered to be the high survival rate of cuttings. The plant is characterized by active development and excellent productivity. The culture is resistant to frost and can tolerate temperatures down to -23 degrees.

Bushes of this variety are considered medium-sized. They are characterized by large clusters weighing 1 kilogram. They are distinguished by their cone-shaped shape and medium-loose structure. The fruits are not characterized by a tendency to peas.

Richelieu variety

Large rounded leaves have a rich green hue. They are characterized by a red stalk. The vine is light brown in color and grows up to 3 meters in height. Its thickness is 5 centimeters.

The fruits are large in size and round in shape. Each berry weighs 10 grams. The peel is dark blue in color. Inside there is juicy fleshy pulp.

The grapes have a sweet taste.

fruit dessert

The main pros and cons of the variety

The main advantages of grapes include the following:

  • large sizes of bunches and fruits;
  • sweet taste;
  • universal application;
  • high productivity;
  • active development of cuttings;
  • good resistance to drought;
  • lack of tendency to peas;
  • high resistance to diseases.

At the same time, culture also has certain disadvantages:

  • dependence of yield on proper care;
  • the need for shelter for the winter;
  • risk of insect attacks.

bunch sizes

How to grow crops correctly

To successfully grow a crop, it is important to carry out planting work correctly.

When is the best time to plant

It is recommended to plant grapes of this variety in August. This should be done before the cold weather arrives.

Where to plant on the site

This variety loves well-warmed soil. It is best to place bushes on the southwestern side of the site. Do not plant the plant in places with high groundwater levels. A young bush needs light and breathable soil. It should have low or neutral acidity.

plant on the site

Landing in the ground

To carry out planting work, you should perform the following steps:

  • prepare a recess for planting - its dimensions should be 20x20x20 centimeters;
  • pour sand and sawdust - the thickness of this layer should be 1 centimeter;
  • cut the bottom of a plastic bottle;
  • tear off the leaves from the cuttings, cut it on both sides;
  • place the bush in a hole, lightly sprinkle with soil and water well;
  • cover the seedling with the prepared bottle and completely cover it with soil;
  • remove the lid to allow air access.

Recommendations for caring for grapes

To achieve abundant fruiting and normal development of the bush, it is worth providing the bush with comprehensive care.

make a solution

Watering and fertilizing

This variety does not tolerate excess moisture well. Therefore, it is recommended to water the bush as the soil dries out. Excess or lack of water causes harm to the vine.

In the first year, it is recommended to water the vineyard up to 4 times. It is worth pouring 4 buckets of water under the bush. Before flowering and during blooming, it is prohibited to moisten the soil. This will cause the flowers to fall off.

Do not moisten the soil under the plant 2 weeks before harvesting.Wet soil will cause fruits to crack and their sugar content to decrease. With systematic overwatering, rotting of the root system and damage to branches by gray rot is observed.

Richelieu grapes require systematic fertilization. Every 3 years it is worth using preparations based on phosphorus and potassium. Apply 50-60 grams of product per 1 square meter. In spring, it is recommended to apply nitrogen agents - 3-4 grams per 1 square meter.

watering by root

Soil care

After each watering, to maintain soil moisture and better access of air and nutrients to the roots, it is worth loosening the top layer of soil. Manipulation helps prevent new grass from developing.

In addition to loosening, the soil must be mulched. To do this, you should use humus. The layer thickness should be 10 centimeters. Mulch helps keep the soil warm and moist.


To achieve rapid fruit ripening, it is recommended to place the clusters low enough. Wooden supports will help avoid damage to the shoots. The plant will be able to receive the maximum amount of sunlight and ventilate the bushes.

support in the garden

Tying up shoots

It is recommended to tie up the shoots. Thanks to this, it will be possible to protect them from damage by the wind. In addition, the procedure helps to uniformly place and secure the branches in the desired position. As they develop, the shoots are tied to a vertical trellis. The vine should reach 40-50 centimeters.


It is recommended to form a bush systematically. This ensures thickening of the vine and increases the activity of fruit development and ripening. They become larger and juicier. When pruning, it is recommended to leave a maximum of 40 eyes on 1 bush. In this case, 8-10 are cut off.

Cold protection

The bush is characterized by average resistance to frost. The plant can withstand temperatures dropping to -22-23 degrees. Therefore, bushes should definitely be covered for the winter.

cold protection

Plant diseases and pests

Grapes of this variety are characterized by average resistance to fungal infections. Most often it suffers from gray rot. In this case, foliage and wood are susceptible to the disease. The provoking factors of pathology are prolonged rains and excessive watering.

It is also worth preventing other pathologies - powdery mildew, mildew, anthracnose, bacteriosis, necrosis.

To prevent dangerous diseases, grapes are sprayed twice - before flowering and at the time of berry development.

plant with spots

Harvesting and storing varieties

Richelieu fruits ripen 115-120 days from the start of the growing season. At the same time, you should not focus on the dark shade of the fruit. Full ripeness occurs closer to the beginning of autumn. To collect ripe fruits, it is recommended to focus on taste rather than color.

The fruits of this variety are versatile in use. They can be consumed fresh or used for preparations - jam, jelly, marmalade. If the berries are fully ripe, they will make a delicious wine.

harvest in hands

The fruits are characterized by dense pulp, which is why they easily tolerate transportation and are stored for a long time. In a cool place, the bunches can last for 2-3 months.

The Richelieu grape variety is characterized by high productivity and produces tasty fruits. The berries of this variety are characterized by their universal purpose. To reap a bountiful harvest, it is worth providing the bush with careful care.
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