There are many varieties of grapes, but muscat varieties form a special category. They emit a rich aroma and have a unique taste. A representative of such grape varieties is Tason, which today is successfully grown not only in the southern regions. If you want to plant it in your garden plot, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for caring for the plant.
- Origin story
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Characteristics and description of appearance
- Bush
- Yield quantity and taste of berries
- Planting technology for the Tason variety
- Selection of seedlings
- Deadlines
- Planting pattern and depth
- Growing conditions
- Lighting
- Requirements for soil
- Watering
- Fertilizer and treatment
- Trimming
- Shelter for the winter
- Pollination and beginning of fruiting
- Harvesting and storage duration
- Diseases and pests. Measures to combat them
Origin story
Tason grapes belong to the category of artificially bred varieties. It owes its appearance to scientists at the Ya. I. Potapenko Research Center. When creating it, two varieties were used - Italy, Zorieva. Initially, the grape variety was grown in the Crimea and Ukraine, but nowadays it has a good survival rate in the conditions of the Moscow region and the Leningrad region.
Advantages and disadvantages
Tason was the result of the selection of two grape varieties, so it took only the best qualities from its parents. The advantages of garden culture include:
- high productivity;
- short ripening period;
- ability to withstand mechanical stress during transportation;
- resistance to putrefactive phenomena, the ability to preserve taste and external qualities for a long time;
- long-term retention of grape bunches on the branches;
- ability to withstand low temperatures, high humidity and excessive precipitation.
The main advantage of Tason grapes is the excellent taste of muscat berries, which were rated by experts as 8.2 points. The grape is recognized as one of the best representatives of southern varieties. At the same time, gardeners note only 2 disadvantages of the crop - insufficient resistance to fungal diseases, the need for shelter in winter.
Characteristics and description of appearance
Experts recognized the Tason grape as a prominent representative of muscat varieties, which is largely due to the excellent characteristics of the fruit. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is practically not used for making wine, as it is ideal for sales purposes.It is one of the first to ripen, has a unique taste, can easily withstand long-term transportation and has a long shelf life.
The plant is frost-resistant; its selection qualities allow it to withstand temperatures as low as -22 0C, but in the northern regions it is necessary to cover the shoots for the winter.
The grape bush is distinguished by its powerful growth. The leaf blades acquire a dark green color and are five-lobed in shape. The vine has good ripening throughout the shoot. It is permissible to propagate the crop by cuttings.
Yield quantity and taste of berries
The berries are collected in large clusters weighing from 500 to 800 g, some can reach a weight of 1,200 g. With a number of 30 to 40 shoots, 55% are fruit-bearing. The fruits are characterized by a light white-pink color; when exposed to sunlight, they may acquire a slight tan. Characteristics of grapes:
- length - 25 cm;
- width - 18 mm;
- weight - 7 g.
The berries of the Tason variety have dense skin and juicy pulp with a small content of small seeds. The taste is distinguished by sweetness with a pronounced nutmeg tint.
Planting technology for the Tason variety
Obtaining a good grape harvest requires compliance with agricultural cultivation techniques. The key to obtaining a good yield of berries is the correct choice of seedlings, compliance with planting requirements and care, taking into account the characteristics of the garden crop.
Selection of seedlings
It is recommended to purchase seedlings from a specialized nursery specializing in growing grape varieties. The optimal one is the one located in the same climatic zone. It is important to choose shoots with a well-developed root system, without damage, formations or signs of excessive dryness.During transportation, the roots are wrapped in film to maintain a sufficient level of moisture.
Planting is carried out at the end of March or early April. It is important that the shoots have time to take root well, which will allow them to quietly overwinter and withstand low temperatures.
Planting pattern and depth
The soil for planting is prepared in the fall by carefully digging it up. For planting, holes are formed with a depth of 80 cm and a width of 1 m. The distance between bushes should be at least 1 m, and 3 meters between rows should be left. Compost, rotted manure and a complex of mineral fertilizers are placed at the bottom of each hole. Immediately before planting, the roots are pruned, removing 15 cm of shoots. For disinfection use a solution:
- "Hexachloran" - 200 g;
- clay - 400 g;
- water - 10 l.
The roots are kept in the solution for 5 minutes, after which they are dipped into a “mixture” of clay and manure. If desired, I add a growth stimulator - “Fumar”, sodium humate.
Growing conditions
The key to successful cultivation is knowledge of the characteristics of the variety and compliance with basic recommendations. It is important to choose the right planting site and promptly prune and fertilize the plant.
Grapes are heat-loving plants, so sunny, well-lit places are chosen for planting. The color of the berries will depend on the sufficiency of lighting. If there is a deficiency of it, they will be pale pink, and if normal, they will acquire a pleasant tan.
Requirements for soil
Grapes need light soil that has good ability to pass moisture and air. Heavy soils require work to improve permeability; for this, broken bricks, a mixture of small stones or coarse sand are used. Tason is demanding of sufficient nutrients in the soil.
Tason loves abundant regular watering with warm water. Moisten the soil in the early morning hours or at sunset, when the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight. Liquid stagnation should not be allowed, as waterlogging negatively affects the health of the shoots.
Fertilizer and treatment
When fertilizing plants, experts advise alternating fertilizing with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Gardeners often use manure, compost, and bird droppings for these purposes. The choice of chemicals depends on the personal preferences of the gardener. Depending on the growing season, the plant’s nutritional needs differ. You should adhere to the following recommendations:
- nitrogen fertilizers - promote the growth of green mass, so they are applied in the spring using urea or saltpeter, and in the autumn such fertilizing will harm the plant;
- phosphorus - is necessary for grapes during the flowering period, so the addition of superphosphate will contribute to better formation and ripening of berries;
- potassium chloride - applied in the fall for accelerating the ripening of grape bunches and preparing the plant for winter;
- copper - accelerates plant growth;
- zinc - increases yield.
For feeding grapes, you can choose single- or multi-component preparations. Popular means of complex action include “Florovit”, “Aquarin”, “Kemira”. Fertilizer application rates are calculated based on the recommendations in the instructions for the product.
Pruning helps to increase yields, improve the taste of berries and increase their size. The procedure will help the fruits ripen faster and reduce labor costs for caring for the plant.Tason loves the sun, so the bushes are shaped so that each bunch receives enough sun. One bush should contain from 30 to 40 eyes and their number should not exceed 8 on one branch.
Shelter for the winter
Shelter for grape shoots is necessary when planting in a region with a cold climate. For these purposes, use any of the available materials - wood panels, slate, roofing felt, linoleum. Protection for the plant is formed in the form of a triangle with a sharp top.
Pollination and beginning of fruiting
The plant produces flowers of both sexes, so there is no need to plant other varieties on the site. Tason grapes are a representative of early ripening varieties; the ripening period is 100-110 days. The first harvest in the southern regions begins to be harvested in the second half of July. In cool growing conditions, harvest time shifts upward, but yield indicators do not suffer from this.
Harvesting and storage duration
The first bunches of grapes are harvested in the second decade of July. If the harvest is abundant, they can be left on the shoots until mid-September. For fresh consumption, berries are stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 30 days. When organizing special places in a cool room, the period can be extended to 3 months. Tason is consumed not only fresh. Raisins are made from grapes, wine, juice, and compote are prepared.
Diseases and pests. Measures to combat them
For grapes, the most dangerous disease is powdery mildew, in which the plant becomes covered with a whitish coating. To combat it, they use “Karbofos”, “Folpet” and other drugs that contain copper sulfate.
Of the pests, the most dangerous is aphids.The insect feeds on the sap of the plant, which over time leads to a lack of nutrients. An invasion of pests is indicated by the appearance of curling leaves, blisters and swellings. To combat aphid infestations, targeted drugs are used.