Description and characteristics of Venus grape variety, planting and cultivation

Seedless grapes are bred by breeders all over the world. The group of varieties is valued for the absence of seeds in the fruits. Let's consider the description and most important characteristics of Venus grapes, the advantages and disadvantages of the variety. How to prepare and plant a seedling, care for it and an adult bush, how to protect against diseases, carry out their prevention. When and how to harvest and store it.

Origin story

The variety was developed in the USA, at the University of Arkansas.Parent forms – Alden x NY-46000. As a result of crossing, a seedless hybrid was obtained, which was named Venus.

Description and characteristics of Venus grapes

The variety is early ripening. The bushes are vigorous, the vines ripen well, the flowers are bisexual. The variety pollinates well on its own, so it is not necessary to have other varieties nearby. Venus has cylindroconical clusters, medium density or loose. Weight – 200-500 g. The fruits are round, 2-3 g, dark blue in color. In warm climates they ripen in the 1st half of August. The pulp is juicy, slightly slimy, sweet, with a currant flavor. The skin is thin, there are no seeds. The transportability of the fruit is low.

The variety is resistant to cold, the bush can withstand temperatures down to -26 °C, and can be grown uncovered on trellises and arbors.

Rules for growing a bush

In order for Venus grapes to grow and develop well, and then produce an excellent harvest, it is necessary to choose a suitable place for it and plant the seedling correctly.

Selecting a location

Venus grapes prefer sunny areas, but protected from strong winds. It can be planted next to buildings or fences, but at some distance from them. The selected area needs to be prepared: dig up, level the ground, dig holes for seedlings.

Preparing for landing

It is preferable to plant one- or two-year-old seedlings. These are the ones sold in stores. At a young age they take root better. Before planting, you need to carry out simple preparation: cut off the tips of the roots that have dried out, and dip the roots in a solution of a root formation stimulator. Leave for 0.5-1 day. Stimulation allows the seedling to take root faster.

Planting scheme

If you need to plant not one bush, but several, then they are placed at a distance of 2.5-3 m. This area is necessary so that the plants are provided with adequate nutrition and moisture.

How to plant: dig holes 0.5-0.7 m wide and deep. Pour drainage into the bottom, add a layer of humus and ash on top, mix with plain soil. The soil is necessary so that the roots of the bushes do not come into contact with fertilizer, which can burn them. Lower the root system into the hole, deepen it up to the neck, and cover it with soil. Compact it a little and water the plant. When the water settles, mulch the circle with vegetable mulch.

Mulch will help retain soil moisture longer and reduce the amount of watering, loosening and weeding. Weeds do not grow under a dense layer, the soil is not compacted and remains moist.

Recommendations for plant care

Caring for Venus grapes is not difficult for either experienced gardeners or beginners. All work is standard: watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, pruning, shelter for wintering.

Watering the variety

Like any plant, Venus grapes need to be watered. While the seedlings are taking root, they are watered frequently - at least 2 times a week. After the roots have formed, you can water once a month. Mature bushes can already obtain water themselves, but in extreme heat they also need additional watering. 3-5 buckets of water are poured onto each plant. In dry autumn it is necessary to carry out moisture-recharging irrigation.


Venus grapes are fertilized 3 times a year. The bushes are fed in the spring, as soon as the growing season begins, before flowering and after fruit set. Both organic and synthetic fertilizers are used. Under each bush add 1-2 buckets of humus and 1-2 kg of ash.In the 2nd and 3rd feedings, the content of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is increased.

Preparing the plant for winter

Despite their frost resistance, grape roots need to be insulated for the winter. To do this, cover the soil under the bushes with a thick layer of mulch. You can use straw, hay and fallen leaves. Underneath them, the roots breathe and receive oxygen. The shoots do not need to be covered; they ripen well and are not affected by frost.

Protection from diseases and pests

The Venus variety has high disease resistance. It is not affected by mildew, gray rot and oidium. But for prevention, plants should be sprayed with fungicide solutions before signs of disease appear. When a fungal infection appears, you need to treat it again, but take the drugs in a therapeutic dose. In the period after setting berries, it is necessary to use biological products that are less toxic than chemical ones, since the fruits ripen early and toxic substances may remain in the plant at the time of harvest.

Harvest and storage

Venus grapes are early, the bunches can be collected already in early August. At this time, the fruits gain sweetness and become juicy. The berries are suitable fresh for consumption, sale, and processing. You can use them to prepare canned foods, preparations, make juice and dry sultanas. As a raw material for sultanas, this grape variety is recognized as one of the best.

Like many early varieties, Venus does not last long, so it needs to be either processed or sold. You can leave ripe and undamaged brushes for storage. Store in boxes in the basement or in a cool, dry place. To extend the shelf life, the bunches need to be covered with a layer of paper.

Venus is a seedless variety of American origin, but is well adapted to the Russian climate. It does not need to be covered for the winter.The fruits ripen early and are ready for consumption in August. For this, the variety is valued by gardeners who grow grapes for sale.
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