Viura is a grape variety considered one of the best for making quality wine. Grown mainly in southern France and northern Spain. Winemakers note the high taste and technical characteristics of the Viura or Macabeo grape variety, as it is sometimes called.
Description and characteristics of Viura grapes
The Viura or Macabeo variety is used only for wine production. It demonstrates fairly high yields. Sparkling wine, dry, still or sweet, produces a refined, tart and sweetish aftertaste.
At the same time, the production technology and the choice of type of drink depend on the time at which the grapes were harvested. For example, if grapes are harvested in bunches:
- early, you get a fresh, very aromatic and floral-smelling drink;
- late, then the resulting wines have a taste of honey, nuts, are quite dense in texture, rich in aroma, and strong.
In this case, the grapes can be aged in stainless vats or oak barrels. The difference is significant - this changes the aroma and smell of the noble drink.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Despite the fact that the Viura grape variety is tasty and optimally suited for creating interesting taste characteristics of a wine drink, it can be grown on poor soils. The advantages of the variety include:
- possibility of growing on low-yield soils;
- harvesting at different stages (this changes the taste characteristics);
- minimal maintenance requirements;
- good frost and heat resistance.
But the main advantage of the Viura grape variety is that it can be used to produce drinks with interesting aroma and taste. For example, if you mix it with the popular malvasia, you get a white wine with a slight sunny tint, and a rather classic taste. If you add Viura to the famous Tempranillo, you get a very tasty, richly colored scarlet wine. It is also quite common practice for the Spanish sparkling wine Cava to be produced from Viura grapes. It is quite difficult to make, it requires grapes with special characteristics, and Viura fully satisfies the parameters.
The disadvantages of the variety include the inability to eat it.The berries are small (up to three grams in weight, but usually less), have thick skin, which gives an indescribable aroma. The variety is also susceptible to natural pests, so treatment is required. This is especially important for situations where grape varieties are grown by summer residents in Russia on their own.
Treatment should be carried out at least 4-5 times per season, but if problems are observed, then even more often.
Features of cultivation
Rioja winemakers love to grow Macabeo grapes. The point is the unpretentiousness and versatility of the variety - Viura is added not only to classic white wines and Spanish Cava, but also to red and rose ones.
Viura is an unpretentious variety to grow. The seedlings chosen are large; their roots should not be chipped or damaged. Planting occurs in late autumn or early spring. Any soil will do. But at the beginning of life, mineral supplements should be applied. The vineyard must be covered for the winter - although the variety is frost-resistant, it may not survive a harsh winter.
Care Tips
The vines of the Virua variety grow rapidly. But their length is by no means good, since the grapes do not hold well on them and the size of the bunch decreases. It is important to trim the vine, and it is advisable to do this after 3-4 years of life.
Damaged parts of the plant must be removed, but this is done in late autumn before preparing for wintering.
The holes in which grapes grow are often loosened. It is important for the roots to be saturated with air - this way the harvest will be better. Watering occurs frequently in dry weather. But as soon as the first color appears, it is limited, and during the ripening period it is not carried out at all.
Disease and pest control
The Viura grape variety is susceptible to pests and diseases.Treatment with insecticides is carried out at the beginning of the formation of the ovary. After this, it is done three weeks later. Additional processing will be required 2-3 weeks before harvest. To strengthen the grapevine and give it freshness, treatment against diseases and immunity is carried out after harvesting (at least 4-5 days later, so that the plant has time to rest).
It is worth understanding that the composition of the product may remain on the grapes. Therefore, when preparing homemade wine, it must be washed thoroughly. Even if it rains, this should be done.
Collection, storage and use of crops
Harvesting occurs in September, but depending on climatic conditions, the time varies. It can be stored for a long time, it is better to use stainless steel vats or barrels.
Viura is used to make wine. The drink is made either purely from this variety or complemented with others.