Description of the Julian grape variety and yield characteristics, cultivation features

Since ancient times, grapes have been revered by many peoples; they were considered the berry of the Gods. Intoxicating drinks, medicinal infusions, and seed oil were made from it. Due to the high content of various types of sugars (glucose, fructose), organic acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, it has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. The grapes were primarily grown in the southern regions, but the miracles of modern breeding allow the northern regions to enjoy the taste of the divine berries of grape varieties such as Julian.

History of selection

The Julian variety was experimentally bred by the national breeder Vasily Ulyanovich Kapelyushny. On a farm in the Rostov region by crossing the Kesha and Rizamat varieties. From the Rizamat grape variety, Julian took beautiful large clusters, which, when ripe, change color from green-yellow-pink to dark pink. Also high yield and early ripening and sweetness of the berries. From the Kesha variety, Julian's grape clusters adopted unpretentiousness to growing conditions, frost resistance, unsurpassed taste and disease resistance.

Description of Julian grapes

Julian grapes are a hybrid variety, bred 16 years ago, characterized by:

Characteristic Description
Ripening period Early, brushes mature in 90-105 days
Adaptation and rooting Quickly adapts and takes root
Soil selection and care Unpretentious
Diseases Resistant to many diseases, especially fungal ones
Harvest Abundant, starting from 3-4 years
Commercial qualities Long-term storage, almost does not wrinkle during transportation
Vine growth Fast
Frost resistance -23…-25 °C

In 2011, he received the “Golden Bunch” award for his quality characteristics. The following is a description of the Julian grape variety.

Julian grapes

Clusters of grapes grow in weight from 0.9 kg to 2 kg, the shape of the berries is finger-shaped, elongated-oval. One berry weighs up to 20 g, has a light musky aroma and a sweet-muscat taste. The skin is thin, crispy when cut, the flesh is dense, with 3-5 seeds. The bunch is cylindrical or shapeless, slightly loose, up to 40 cm in length. The vines grow up to 4 m in height in central Russia. Julian is a table grape variety, has a long stalk and bisexual flowers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all varieties, Julian has its pros and cons, although there are more advantages than disadvantages.


  1. Choosing a landing site. During the ripening period, the choice of a sunny place, without drafts and nearby groundwater, is of great importance.
  2. Sudden changes in weather from plus to minus can damage young vines, although this variety is considered frost-resistant.

Julian grapes


  1. Long-term storage of brushes that do not deteriorate externally.
  2. Resistant to mildew and other fungal diseases.
  3. Delicious, large, sweet berries, without bitterness.
  4. Grows quickly and adapts to new conditions.
  5. Not attacked by wasps.
  6. Fruiting of signal clusters begins in the 2nd year of the seedling’s life.
  7. Tolerates hot, dry summers well.
  8. The harvest is early and abundant.

Julian is one of the best varieties suitable for consumption in fresh and processed form: jam, juice, wine, raisins, compote, jam, marmalade.

Characteristics of the variety

Julian took the best qualities of the parent plants and can be called a new generation variety:

  1. Sugar accumulation up to 28%.
  2. Unpretentious in choosing neighboring plants.
  3. Compatible with most varieties and rootstocks.
  4. Requires constant pruning due to the abundant harvest and heavy bunches.
  5. Self-fertile variety, flowers bisexual.
  6. Depending on the size and age of the bush, 4-10 kg of crop is harvested.
  7. The shelf life of bunches without loss of appearance is up to 20 days.

Julian grapes

Thanks to its qualities, bushes can be grown not only by professionals, but also by amateurs.

Ripening time

The extra-early variety Julian begins to bloom in mid-May, the inflorescences bloom for 7-14 days, and by mid-August you can get mature clusters. From the moment of flowering to ripe berries, 90-105 days pass.

Planting and care

Seedlings or cuttings should be planted in the southern regions in the fall (September to the beginning of November), in the spring (April-May); in the northern regions, plantings are most successful in the spring from the beginning of May to the first half of June:

  1. Plot. Sunny (south, southeast), with strong supports, windless.
  2. The soil. Preferably sandy loam, with deep groundwater or well drained.
  3. Trimming. It is carried out in the fall, unripe green vines are cut off. Spring is carried out with the aim of removing frozen shoots and forming fruitful branches.

planting grapes

Planting is carried out in several stages:

  1. Pit preparation, width and height should be 1.5-2 times larger than the root system.
  2. Place a layer of drainage on the bottom, then add a mixture of soil and organic fertilizers on top.
  3. Water the hole generously, but so that there is no stagnation of water.
  4. Plant a seedling, sprinkle with soil mixture, press down a little.

A small depression should be left around the bush and a groove should be made to drain excess water. Cuttings are planted in the same way as seedlings, but at an angle of 40-50 degrees.

In spring and autumn, for better adaptation and wintering, plants should be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, and during the period of cluster formation, fertilized with phosphorus-potassium complexes.

It is important to prune the shoots and extra clusters in the summer so that the grapes fill faster and the vine does not break due to the weight of the bunches.

grape pruning

Diseases and pests

The variety has strong immunity to most diseases, but you should not skip preventive spraying. The first spraying is carried out in the spring when buds appear, and also in the fall, after harvesting.Just like other grape varieties, if agricultural practices are not followed, they can be attacked by: anthracnose, alternaria, gray rot, oidium, mildew.

Basic grape pests - birds and wasps, but if a repellent net is stretched over the plant and the berry is not cracked, then it will not attract their attention. Also a dangerous pest: phylloxera, grape mite, marble Khrushchev These pests must be dealt with quickly and effectively, as their spread can lead to the death of the entire vineyard.

Best Growing Regions

The Julian variety is quite young and is still being tested in the northern regions. Without shelter for the winter, it grows in the Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov, Astrakhan regions, the Republics of Kalmykia and Adygea. According to reviews from gardening enthusiasts, it is successfully grown in Moscow, the Moscow region, Southern and Central Siberia, but young seedlings require shelter for the winter.

For any grape variety, agrotechnical growing conditions must be observed, then it will be possible to obtain a bountiful harvest and safely overcome the winter cold.
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